Rash Dance Contest!

Hey everyone!

I thought that since Rash was the Free Rotating Character this week that we could do something fun and different than we normally do.

All you have to do is submit to us a video of you doing Rash’s Taunt on here for a chance to win prizes! We will have an EightySixed KI Origins Shirt & Season 3 Ultra Codes to give to the chosen winners! Have fun with it, be creative!

Entries will be accepted through Tues, 7/5 at 9pm EST.

You can post your version of the Dance right here in this thread, or if you prefer, you can post it on Twitter but make sure to use the Tag #RashDance.

Again, just make a video of yourself (a live video, of YOU) doing Rash’s Taunt (shown below), post it here, and you’re entered!

Good Luck everyone!!


You dont have to prove to us that you are a cool dude to be accepted into your new position…

But you ARE now a much cooler dude than before :smiley:

I trust YOU will be entering also?!?!?!


So real life right? Umm ok this is going to be fun.

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Yep. Real life video of YOU doing his taunt!


Ill be looking

Slow taunt,fast taunt? Or both? Now to find a time when family are not watching.

Damn, the deadline is before evo. Would have done it on the main stage after winning grand finals with rash.


I bet no one creates a video lol…Id be very surprised if anyone on here posts one.

Oh I will. Should be up tommorrow.

Let the hilarity ensue!



Where did this come from?

a mountain dew commercial

I’ve done this before, if i score a goal in school when playing football i do the Rash Dance, that’s what i’m known for

Where do I post the video? Lol I never shown my face but I’m not hiding it either.


Recorded this on holiday in my hotel coz KI is da bomb!
Apologies in advance for the disgusting lack of undercarriage support.



Props for being the first one, should get a price for that alone (even without support, lol)


They used to have an elastic support but it’s perished.

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That heavy eh… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: