Ranked Leagues Scoring Update

I get that you don’t want to give out exact combo information. I wouldn’t want to hand over a combo that took me 6 months to master either. I offer simple things. I told a new Arbiter player not to fire 3 shots at once, but to fire just one at a time but fire quick. This is not some super secret, and 5 min in training mode would have shown them that, but they were really great full because I was taking the time to help.

I’ve no issue with playing for fun or being helpful, not even in Ranked. I think that’s perfectly fine, and in my personal opinion can make the whole experience more fun for everyone involved.

But I don’t think that you should have an expectation for that either, not in Ranked.

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I think the format we have now is certainly an improvement. It’s not as easy to get into Killer, but from what I can see it takes more time than it did in season 2. Now there are more than likely numbers that I don’t get to see as a player that developers get to see. But I’ve always thought it was too easy to get into Killer for season 2 and now it’s still as easy, just takes a bit more time. An as top players get up to the Killer ranks the grind will be far easier for the players that aren’t at that skill level. Perhaps more time will tell because I could be completely wrong.

I still think that the Ranked format should be rather similar to that of League, Halo, or StarCraft 2. I think it should reset each month and you should have to qualify each month and fight for that Killer rank. The scoring is nice as is. An I also think that you should be able to get demoted.

I hate to compare this game to SFV, but I do like the league ranking in SFV. You can move up and down, an I feel like that is a better more accurate showing of where you stand in skill.

Trust me, plenty of people face roll into killer. And the points system is really kind of lame because I have the skill level to float around the 50s-30s but if I have a bad streak sometimes I get kicked all the way back to 100. It’s really stupid when playing ranked turns into a roulette of “okay should I stop playing now because I just got a bunch of wins?” I wish there was a better way to do it.

What might you be basing this statement on?

First it sounds like you want less points/more challenge, now it sounds like you want an easier point spread between wins and losses.

What are you getting at?

Top 32 doesn’t mean much. I saw guys grinding for the star that would be destroyed at tournaments for their gamestyles/plan and flow chart gameplay. You can easily tell when someone is a good player when you start fighting them. It’s so obvious when they really adjust and try to read you, when they are playing against you and not just playing their game.

You should be able to see if they also struggle with the match up.

You can tell when someone is also trying to get better and understand the game. And of course you can see when you are fighting an excellet / top player.
The star, however, looks cool. I started to grind once in ranked, but after seeing things I didn’t like (and had disconnections that cost me the points) I wasn’t enjoying it at all.

As a side note this is the second time I requalify, I got to Killer quite fast using characters I don’t use at all (playing them in a basic way). I was frustrated at times with the process but even though I don’t main them I got a better understanding of their tools. But in the promotion match back to Killer I would use a main, because I usually get a 10 star player lol. I won’t lie about that.

PS: oh, I forgot about the cheaters. Also when I get too laggy ranked matches I get very upset, specially in fighters. I understand it happens (and accept it with players that are far away from me, it’s totally normal and we should be aware of it) but when I have the lead and start lagging all of a sudden I just don’t want to play anymore, I don’t care about the points. Worthless matches.

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If you’re actually at the skill level to remain at those ranks then you wouldn’t have to ask yourself that question. If you stop playing because you want to avoid a loss streak then that means you’re not confident in your skill to maintain or return to those ranks. A few months back I went on like a 20 loss streak because it kept parring me with Guttermagic, I dropped like fifty ranks. But I never felt like I should stop playing because I knew I could easily make those back up with my usual win ratio.

interesting input. Granted I’ve always beleived Rank does not always=skill but I often look at the player’s character level to get an idea what they are capableof.

I feel your pain… There is nothing like getting Cstyles 4 times in a row, followed by CrazyLCD, followed by Guttermagic, followed by Paul B, followed by Maciaga… Its like fate doesn’t want me to EVER get ahead with this game. :smiley:

You can’t complain really about losing to KI gods, but darn it hurts. My ego never felt so deflated.

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I’m in gold and going bust my ■■■ to try to get killer because I can’t stand achievements you can’t get.


I know the feeling, but I think I need someone to help me point out my weak spots and train me up :sweat_smile: I’m not good at sitting in the training stage by myself (where is that online training mode @developers?) I always end up doin something else…

Just back from my vacation so going to sit down for ranked gold soon though.

Anyone available to give me general pointers and help with either Hisako, Aganos, Mira or Fulgore tomorrow? Taking a liking to Sadira recently too, but dont think I really know her well enough yet…


I Need Some Help With The Ranked League on the Xbox one I Try Be Best Game fighter on Killer instinct game I Try To Go Level 50 50 And Every time to win a match the ranked leagues give me a fighter is level 50 50 what I need to improve my Characters Skillk

I’m sick of losing on the game here a picture of ranked

That’s not actually a bad win/loss record for someone new to the game. When you get too frustrated it’s honestly sometime better to just take a break and do/play something else for a while. KI isn’t a new game, so lots of the folks still running around have been at this for a while.

Take a break, come back refreshed (and remembering what you enjoy about the title), and give it another go later. Best of luck to you :slight_smile:

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Ok Thank You

WELCOME Jago the KI ultimate fan greatest honor to play a level 50 in silver league. The greatest game on Xbox Live.

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