The accepted term is “running the clock.”
Why thank you… Time Gating does sound more dubious though…
There should be 6 or 7 tiers. Killer tier should have like 200-500 people. 99% of people should never reach killer tier ever.
If Killer was meant to ever mean something about skill, that is.
Well - to be fair and not to digress, but top 32 is populated with the players who play and win the most - not necessarily the top 32 most skilled players. There are some extremely skilled players in Qualifier rank because they stick to exhibition.
I guess I’m trying to say that the current points system doesn’t really look like one in which someone can faceroll their way into Killer, and that the player rank doesn’t necessarily equate to skill level.
I agree! You should always hard wire your consoles if possible. Wired speed is almost always faster than wireless.
I think the killer tier should only be the top 100. It shouldn’t be a fight for the top 32. It should be the fight for killer tier.
I am glad the reset happened. There were people in killer that should not have been there. I know because I was one of them.
People really do that? I have have not seen that done yet. I am impressed with how low people will sink for a win
Not arguing when I ask, I am asking simply out of curiosity - why do you feel that way?
To me the killer teir should be a status thing. The top 32 is just a grind for points. It is like he who plays the most wins. I know it is not exactly like that, but it is close. I feel that some people that belong in the top group are not there because they don’t play 4-6 hours a day.
I can relate to some of those feelings - but that’s generally going to be the case with any points-based system. If the points were re-stacked where it were harder to get into Killer, it would still be a situation where the 100(+/-) people who played the most would bear the Killer rank.
How would you suggest a re-tooling of the system so that rank was more indicative of skill and less indicative of # of games played?
I have very little time to play. I squeeze in at best 8-10 hours a week if I’m lucky. However during my gold rank there where a few times where I’d go on a streak of 9-1 or 10-0. If your doing that in gold you Imo deserve to be a killer. Now I’vebeen soooo close to top 32 and it’s tough but I believe ultimatly it is very fair.
I understand. Your paul B example doesn’t apply but I understand.
I don’t think the change is that bad, you lose a little more which is nice. The -200 was fine not sure it was necessary to make it -150.
I think ranked is fundamentally flawed if you’re looking at it from a competitive standpoint. And it’s more to do with the matchmaking algorithm. I’m one of the folks who plays ranked and levels up characters part of that is because I’m semi-successful at doing so given that I get matched up against lesser skill players fairly frequently. For me I kind of like it because I have fun leveling up characters and the que times are nice and fast because of how wide of a skill gap the algorithm searches. But from a competitive stand point it doesn’t really work. You can kind of see this if you watch any of the Pro players streams, ranked is a time filler it’s not really where they level up and practice since usually the skill gap is too wide and they stomp people. If they want to really practice they invite players they know are decent for a set.
I suspect even pro players like this though. Because they make up such a small portion of the population if they were to have a more narrow matchmaking algorithm their que times would be a bit longer and ranked would no longer be a convenient time filler. This is evident in Dota 2 Ranked MM, top players with like 7k MMR have really long que times vs. players like myself at 3.5k MMR (average) who can get ranked games in less than 10 minutes. But dota’s ranked matchmaking is a bit more competitive as a result.
The 32 should take points from each others when they win or loose. Another option would be they don’t get any points unless they fight another 32 player. Yes I know that people would just get to 32 and quit for the month. The answer to that is that the game takes away points if you don’t play X number of matches in a 24 hr period. Most of them hang on each others streams, so they could be matched, but I don’t think they want to. The top 32 should also be random character picks. They claim still then let’s see a match with someone you have not been using for 2 years.
The real problem is that most of them know each other and I feel that they don’t want to take stars from each other. They are like a little click.
And now that the hate from the fans will start, I might as well go all out.
Most of the big streamers are rude as helll, unless you are buying their friendship “donating money” or stroking their ego. The only time most don’t trash the other player is if is someone they know.
Let my bashing begin
By creating a Top 32 Tourney mode that uses a Swiss-System Tournament, and requires players to play each new round within a predetermined time period (ie. day).
Interesting. Do you think that would increase average time spent searching for opponents between matches?
Depends on how many rounds they want to have in the monthly tourney, but I imagine on a daily basis you would get a single special match at random while playing ranked. You’d be matched with a competitor with the same current score or as close as possible, and it would be similar to how you randomly get qualifier matches during ranked.
Edit: And if you miss a day(s) then as penalty you have to play each missed match against a higher scoring competitor to make it up.
Awesome job James! Looking forward to continuing my climb! So far I’m 26-3 (Not including Qualifiers) and midway through SILVER! I should be to GOLD in no time…then the real fun begins!!
I see how that would increase time, but it would be the same as it is now. Right now it takes me about 10-30 sec to get a match, but most matches are badly scaled. Either I beat them with no problem, or they destroy me. Those take about a 60 sec. After loading stage character select and those things. I get about 5 of those before I get a even match. So I can spend around 7 to 8 min looking for a good match. I would prefer if the system just looked for another 60 to 90 sec to find a better match.
I guess part of my problem is that I don’t know how the system matches people in the first place. Is it skill or first available?
Other than geographic considerations, I’m not sure either. All I know is that if you increase the number of parameters on which the system predicates a good match, the longer it will take to find said matches.