Random Character Tournament Vol. 6: Christmas Edition šŸŽ„ (CONCLUDED)


Whenā€™s Kev get Arby?

@TheNinjaOstrich Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll call as you and get you free!

Hi, this is the ninja ostrich. I actually remembered that I cannot make it today because I hate my job and I need a break. Notā€¦ not just from work, but from all of you. Sometimes, I just canā€™t do the small banter, ā€œhey birdman, howā€™s it going!ā€ itā€™s winter, Iā€™m from the Savannah, itā€™s cold what do you think? Also, I need to meet with my greatest idol, Tiger - itā€™d be a shame not to face him in the crucible of combat. Anyway, I have to flyā€¦ well not fly because Iā€™m the one of the few birds that canā€™t fly. So, Iā€™ll catch you laterā€¦ because I pretty fast. Oh crap! Now Iā€™m late because I talked too long. I have to go beat traffic now! ~click~


He changed volume 4 to a sunday for me and I couldnā€™t even end up competing, such a sweetieā€¦

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@PVXenoraptor Can I get jago this time around please? I think he is my worst characterā€¦ kappa.

I kind of just want all this stage talk to end TBH

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As do I, but the art is always appreciated. Rizza always makes remarkable digital art.

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I was just sharing it, jeezā€¦

Well you asked what I thought, and I gave a response lol

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ā€œWhat do you think?ā€

ā€œI donā€™t care! Go away already!ā€

Well thanks for your ā€œresponseā€ I guess.

Personally though I think it looks great! Really wish it would happen.

You are most welcome :kissing_heart:

Well, fine, it looks pretty good, but it honestly seems a bit simplistic for a KI stage.

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Nah, donā€™t take it like that. Just see it this way, this discussion about what stages could have happened has been argued so hard that it becomes an eyesore to most users. Doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s bad to explore it, just already a beat argument so anything resembling a basis for discussion isnā€™t welcomed, per say.

Though, the art itself is really beautiful. I normally hate sand stages or any type of art based on sand because of its monotone feel. But, the blend is done so well that the scenery isnā€™t bland or boring.

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*Sees 9 new replies
Oh, letā€™s take a look about what people are talking about the tournament
*All the replies are about stages from another different thread


Welcome to the KI Fourms :joy:



Darn it. Can we stop talking about stageā€¦ Back on topicā€¦

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Wait, who flagged @VladKravichā€™s post?




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You canā€™t just ask for a character, the whole point of the tournament is to get a RANDOM character.

That being said I would just laugh if you got Jago XD. But we canā€™t all get lucky and get the characters we want :frowning:

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Trying to figure out that hour GMT thing to check the tourney time for me. I know my country is GMT -03:00

Looks like itā€™s like 12 pm. Kind of early, but I think Iā€™m able to participate. Iā€™ll be hungry though =P

When will be able to know which character we have? Since I donā€™t main a lot of characters, Iā€™ll be a disaster XD

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