Random Character Tournament Vol. 5: Rememberance Edition 🙏 (CONCLUDED)

 How’s Saturday for everyone?


It’s all a wash for me. I’m traveling for most of that week.


Connection and having to be told get off by someone who has more power over me isn’t my fault. I understand that I was the only one who could do the brackets in ease, but when I have to go, there’s literally no turning back for me. Plus, V4 was on a Sunday, if it was on a Saturday, like Vols 1, 2 and 3, it would’ve gone fine as I could’ve had more time.

I’m not having a go at you, I’m a little ticked off that some people didn’t really understand what I was talking about.

If you were in a position where you may not have been able to stay with the tournament for its duration, you should have planned ahead for that. Even if it’s not your fault that someone else tells you to get off, not having a plan in place for that event is.

It’s not okay to run a tournament in a situation where there may be nobody available with full control of the bracket.


I understand your point of view, I do also apologise if I had the times wrong also, I figured it out yesterday morning, clearly I hadn’t been right the whole time

Okay, community, forgive me but I think everyone needs a spoonful of perspective here

This is a tournament put together by a 14 year old volunteer. On his own time, and for the sake of the community. He has other volunteers helping him. The point of this thing is to have fun. If you want to compete in a well organized, professional tournament, frankly you need to look elsewhere. Believe me, I have my frustrations with the way it goes as well, but just jumping on here to berate the kid who organized it doesn’t help AT ALL. Also, I don’t see a ton of people volunteering to help. So, unless your criticism comes with an offer of help, frankly, I would encourage you to keep it to yourself.

@PVXenoraptor - this is your tournament. You got it started and you have been organizing them from the beginning. You are the “owner,” so you have the ultimate say in what happens for the next one. If people don’t like it they are free to not participate and/or go start their own tournament. Having said that, if you are happy with the way these are going then great. But I have lots of suggestions and I’m willing to help out a bit. I’m not sure why (I have real work to do) but a lot of the organizational issues are basically program management issues and spending a few hours kind of writing down a plan and sharing it with some other smart and well meaning people could help. I will volunteer to do this for you and share it through PM if you would like. If you don’t want this level of interference in your tournament then I will just back off. I would suggest though, that at a minimum you should answer for yourself a few basic questions.

  1. Is it a priority for every match to be on stream? This has huge implications for the time it will take.
  2. How long do you, personally, have to devote to the tournament?
  3. Estimate, realistically, how long the tournament will take. These are looking like 8 hour affairs. If that’s too long, how would you reduce the length of time?
  4. Are you willing to hand off certain responsibilities to other people?
  5. Are you willing to make some clear decisions about rules BEFORE the tournament and post them? The rules don’t have to be perfect or beloved, but it keeps you from having to make stressful decisions on the fly, while streaming and dealing with all the things that come up in the moment.
  6. Can you arrange to have the streamer(s) convene 30-60 minutes BEFORE the tournament to get the stream in operation. People can just run casual sets in the background while guys get the equipment problems worked out. It may be that the folks who are enthusiastic are not the best people to run the stream. You might want to have a test even the week before.
  7. Can you schedule commenters or teams to “work” the tournament for different times? If you are going to host an 8 hour tournament this is important. I would encourage you to also identify someone who ISN’T streaming or commentating just to handle logistics, such as managing the brackets and identifying who is up next etc.

If answering the above questions sounds like work, that’s because it is. The problem with fun stuff like tournaments is that, in order for everything to run smoothly it takes a lot of work. So, and I mean this in a completely non-critical way - if you want help in getting the work done so the tournament runs smoothly I’m sure there’s a lot of people (including me) who would be happy to help you. But if you don’t (and I totally understand that - I wasn’t doing any of this stuff at 14) then you need to just tell people that the tournament is going to be run in your spare time and they can expect that it will be subject to all the things that a 14-year old’s life are subject to (mom, homework, school nights etc.). I have zero tournament organizer (TO) experience. But this forum has lots of folks who do, including Keits and the guys who run the 8-bit Beatdown. If you ask for help, you might be amazed at what you get.


Calling it now: this is my favorite post of the week :thumbsup:


Yes please.

Look at the OP :wink: @KevBones10

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I am baaaaaacccckkk!


Oh dear

What’s wrong? :confused:

I’m not even going to answer that obviously loaded question because it’s only going to mean more trouble for me. If you’ve been following my posts at all lately, you’d know the answer already

Saturday the 26th is going to be very difficult for me. It’s the Saturday after Thanksgiving and I fly out that night for a two week trip. So I’m going to sit this one out as a player

However, since I’m around up until the event I am very willing to help in organizing it and or with the stream for the first couple of hours.

PS Happy Halloween everyone :jack_o_lantern:


Then why did you even start it with this?

Especially after this in another thread.

 But it’s doesn’t matter to me. I really don’t care if pro player join RCT, we always welcome them! I just want to have fun than worry about them.


In the hopes of just ending this - @KevBones10 what @GalacticGeek is trying to say/not say is that you are one of the players who are above his magical threshold for “too good” so you shouldn’t be involved in the tournament in his opinion. Your confusion illustrates maybe why this philosophy might be challenging to implement.

This will always come down to the definition of who is “too good” that they scare off new players. It’s sort of like the definition of who is wealthy and should pay more taxes. Everyone agrees that “wealthy” is “people who make more money than I do.”

On a more topical note, I see the discussion about holding the character assignments until the tournament starts. I really dislike that idea because it takes away something that I really like about this tournament : the excuse to spend a little time trying to develop a character that I don’t normally use.

I’m the actual tournament I went 0-2 with Kan Ra. That’s fine, I’m not here to win anything. But it wasn’t NEARLY as fun as preparing for the tournament. Reading the Kan Ra forums, asking for Kan Ra advice and getting friends to play a few sets against my baby Kan Ra. For me, THAT is the fun part. I got both of my random character draws to level 50 after the tournament (Kan Ra and Orchid). It’s just a great motivation for playing the game.


Is it just me does anyone else think sonicdolphin sounds like familyjules?

Wait a minute:

sonicdolphin sounds like familyjules
familyjules looks like a young adam isgreen
isgreen is the father of FJ
SD (who sounds like FJ) is the son of isgreen
That explains the RCTs being rigged! (ggeek was right!)

and dayvo and xeno are co-conspirators


lol just a dumb post guys, hope you smiled :grin:


Good idea.

Actually, my defintion would be 100k or more per year, which is actually lower than the generally accepted amount (which I think was a ludicrous 200-250k a year). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: