Random Character Tournament Vol. 3 (CONCLUDED)


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Respect man, being that good already, I know xenoraptor is young and isnt sonic in his teens aswell?

Maybe Iā€™m just too old to learn properly :scream:

By the way, never really felt any interest in Cinder, but tried him out today, he really is awesome (even though half the time I dont know what Iā€™m doing :sweat_smile:)

laughs in omen


Iā€™m sorryā€¦but WHAT are you doing IN Omenā€¦I have it Personally from Gargos himself, that Omen wasnt made for that nefarious purpose :nerd_face:

So get out and stop laughing :smiling_imp:


Omen is life. Omen is love.


I need that pic but with Arbiterā€™s face on itšŸ˜‚

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How does he know?


omen and gargos is love they are the best

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Cause Iā€™m f***king Sherlock :sunglasses:




He will not be missed.


Re-incarnation dude, its all the rage :wink:

I will need to be born in a test tube again.

If you havenā€™t seen Pokemon: The First Movie, you wonā€™t understand what Iā€™ve said

Edit: Weā€™re going off-topic here.

I have and it almost made me cry (how do you blurry something) dont like admitting things made me cry :scream:

Ash was lucky he survived. I wouldā€™ve left him there, stone cold, and dead.

You can blur stuff out by clicking that gear icon next to the smiley face while writing a post. That gear icon will give you the option to ā€œHide Detailsā€, ā€œBlur Spoilerā€ or ā€œBuild Pollā€.

Thanks, and back on track :sunglasses:

@Sasuke99I @SonicDolphin117 @DulXboxOne @Dayv0 @Draigh @KevBones10 @SlenderCashew50

So I recently just had my talk with my mum over the dinner table and I told her how important the RCT series was to me and that it was ridiculously popular. I told her that you guys simply loved the creative idea and that you asked for a fourth volume. I also apologised to her about the tone I was giving her as well.

My mum said to me she just wasnā€™t impressed that I had the same problem where I would go onto the console from 10am to 7pm onwards. She understood how important the series was to me and you guys, but she just doesnā€™t want me playing KI all day and night. She said at 18, if Iā€™m earning money from tournaments/career, and I have to do late night tournaments or training, she said itā€™s fine. But not at this age.

I completely understood everything she said, and that I apologise to everyone, to those who saw me in the stream chat, frustrated, and not calming down.

We eventually came to a conclusion that for any future RCTs, she says itā€™s best if I could just appear on-stream, commentating and competing in the tournament itself at 4pm onwards. She said itā€™s fine if I do that, but doing that and the Pre-Show is not good enough. But that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll stop doing the Pre-Shows, thatā€™ll be for people volunteering to do it for me.

I just thought Iā€™d tag the people above who gave me advice yesterday, and to people that Iā€™ve just met like @SlenderCashew50 and @SonicDolphin117, Iā€™m never like that. People that Iā€™ve known for quite a while like @lewisthewizard, @DulXboxOne, @Crainiak24 and @Marbledecker, they know Iā€™m not like that at all.

Now back on track, Volume 4 has moved to Sunday, October 30th, for those who donā€™t know.
Signup page: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/R66QGH6VdX

Edit: I also forgot to say, before we launched the tournament yesterday, my ā€œthank youā€ speech, I also forgot to say that all my friends, donā€™t like or care about KI, and this being my favourite game, the forums has pretty much given me a place where I can talk to loads more KI fans, and that having this tournament series be a thing.


bro im glad at least it kind of worked out man happy for you


Sounds like a very mature solution mate :+1:t2:

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Sunday? I canā€™t joinā€¦


See where a nice, calm chat gets you? Iā€™m happy for you man :slight_smile: