Random Character Tournament Vol. 3 (CONCLUDED)

Bracket: www.challonge.com/KIRNDMCHARTOUR_V3


Twitch channel: www.twitch.tv/stormsasuke180

DESCRIPTION: There’s 26 players, Each player gets a randomly assigned character to use for the entire event.

SIGNUP PAGE: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/n0QXVVGtyh
Anybody who signs up without letting me know about anything will be kicked out.
You must be guaranteed to be online.
If there’s an emergency you must go to, which is completely more important, please let me know and we’ll let your opponent through.

Standing character assignment:

~Kieran, Co-host/creator of the tournament


For now, I’m in!

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I will join this!

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I’ll join

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Also, @PVXenoraptor, since the first tournament was random with trade, second was one random character without trade, I would suggest this one to be:

-Each round, both players use random characters. The commentators roll a dice and assign the characters(so nobody cheats)

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No, It’s going to stay how it is.

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Please explain how that goes again, for the newcomers, such as myself, please. :slight_smile:

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You know I’ll be down for this again! I’m all in!!

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It’s on the OP.

I’ll throw my hat in to. I’ll sign up again.

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There is now a public signup page, but you must let me know before you sign up and guarantee me that you’ll be online on the day.

Just signed up. I should be able to play on the 24th since it’s a Saturday.


OMFG WHY?!:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

What happened to Kappa?

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)




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Random Character Tournaments happen every month on the last Saturday of the month.

The 24th is the last Saturday of the month, and has us have plenty of time for other people to sign up.

I should be free but college is a thing. So I can’t make any promises, although I really want to try to join.

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It’s the same thing with school for me. I’m not guaranteed to show up but I still have to host the tournament.

I’ll definitely sign up for this, hopefully this time I’ll make it! =D

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Let’s not jinx work now!:joy::joy::joy::joy:

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