Post your mimic skins here!

Omens stuff I’m not excited for all that much because it’ll undoubtedly just be recolors of his existing 2 accessory sets. Shago however will have to be getting at least two sets of accessories that are brand new. I doubt either will get a third set as those are generally the “premium” sets.

Retro RAAM looks pretty badass. However, I think a quite a bit of the cast got screwed because they were either already green or their clothing doesn’t mesh will with it.

Rash’s mimic looks almost normal with added stink lines.

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I just Unlocked Kan-Ra also

Today was a productive day. Took some geological samples for a field trip, got burritos AND pizzas, and I got the skins for Cinder and Mira. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been working on Gargos with characters that have ludicrously high unlock requirements. Sabrewulf and Fulgore have both seen plenty of action, and I’m busting out Hisako too.

Lol. Mimic skins do make the characters look stinky. It works for some of them.

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@BeautyLongsack fact, but some characters that shoud look awesome in green doesnt, like Spinal!

Omen looks amazing. So far I only have ARIA, TJ and uh… someone else, can’t remember.

These dogs need a bath. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve finally gotten the ball rolling on unlocking Mimic Skins! I retroactively regret spending all of my KI Gold on packs during the Beta period. Still, it’s very nice to have a grind again to work towards!

The grinding has come to a halt today. I just can’t keep it up (that’s what she said ).

So far I’ve unlocked:
Kan rah
Kim wu

I’ve just been playing on normal, skipping every fight up to gargos. I body a fully buffed gargos with rash and the rest of the team gets a win or five. It gets tiring skipping through all the days/turns

i got Kan Ra and ARIA so far.

btw I have a fighting game club on Xbox One, it’s called FranBiz Fighting Club. feel free to join