Post Your Favorite Modern Glacius Customizations!

Things are on hold until February! I am working on two Killer Instinct related commissions, and as I’m sure you know, professional work simply always takes priority over requests. I still am planning on finishing these-- @GalacticGeek’s is almost done in fact–but I am sorry for how slow progress has been! Soon. Soon, I promise. Thank you all for your patience. <3


Don’t worry, Hell will freeze over before I get upset about something like this. :wink:

I can’t wait for that Cinder piece. Just ordered a new set of GamerFinger buttons 5 mins ago to compliment Cinder and Glacius on the fightstick. Also just ordered Vermillion side panels and Green bezel for the TE2 as well.

I know this is a bit greedy of me to ask, but could you make mine a double character icon with Glacius and Cinder? After seeing what you did for @TexAceNS I can’t help but ask.

Texace commissioned me for the extra art of Cinder. If you are willing to do the same then I will happily do a Cinder to go with your Glacius!

Pardon my naivety, but what exactly does “commissioned” mean?

He paid me money for a service (the production of art of a character of his choosing). Lots of artists take commissions online to help them pay the bills and I am no exception, and I love drawing KI stuff so it’s a win-win.

I see. Well, I’ll think about it :slightly_smiling:

Speaking of Glacius and Cinder, here are the shirts I ordered for the World Cup.

and TE2 template pieced together by @KrizmKazm13


!! Oh man oh man! I’ve done a few fight stick commissions here and there but outside of the officially licensed Glacius shirt, this is the first time I’ve seen my designs displayed on physical objects like this… and ones that are so personal, no less! I am beyond flattered right now, I’m so happy you like what I’ve done enough to display it like this. uwu <3 I’M EXCITED TO SEE THE ACTUAL STICK I HOPE IT SERVES YOU WELL! GO FORTH AND CLAIM MUCH VICTORY MY FRIEND!!


Thank you too for these amazing pieces. The Cinder one is the one I will be wearing during the actual tournament and the Glacius one is what my wife will be wearing to represent me as well.
I actually have a copy of the TE2 template without the button holes as well and was thinking about getting one of those metal posters made to put up in my future man cave.
The artwork is on my fight Stick already too but am waiting for the finishing pieces to come in the mail before posting some pics of it.


Dang it…

But I didn’t even do anything. I’m just piecing together everything everyone else did to make this happen.


Ahhh it turned out great! I’ve done artwork for a couple of other pieces but this is my first time seeing a completed stick like this! You’re very welcome for the art, I really appreciate the support and the fact that you like it enough to deck your stuff out in it like this. ;w; Wishing you luck in the World Cup!!


This makes me just want to donate to @AnodyneGeno BECAUSE IT’S GODLIKE. Lol I wouldn’t need any art either.

Whufhufuffuhhhh that is so kind of you, seriously, even just saying that I am touched. <3 ;w; If you ever want to use my Paypal as a tip jar you are completely welcome to! Let me know if you need the corresponding email. (I warn you, though, I am unlikely to let such kindness go without returning at least a sketch!)

Hot digity damn well done dude

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Fire & Ice… Ohhh the Tag Team possibilities

Man, this wait is killing me :persevere: but it is necessary

I KNOW, I’m so sorry. The freelance train is riding fast right now. I promise I will update as soon as I have something to show!!