Poll about the Survey: How good player are you?

Hahahaha I have a 69% win rate.


His matches=serious matches

Your matches=random tournament matches with characters you don’t main and still make it into top 3 easily WTF I’M DESTROYING MY REASONING

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It will be glorious.

Aganos vs Aganos

Battle of the ancient stone! Rock to rock, no stone left unturned in this battle, both opponents a rock in a hard place.

@Dayv0 vs @GalacticGeek

In a FT5.

Followed by secret nonsense tech with my TJ vs @TheNinjaOstrich


+70% of his matches? If you’re talking about ranked, yes that could be the case. Although I’ve seen some active competitive player when less than 70% but most of them are definitely some serious opponent.

The ruin into instinct cancel is something that I did try early on, though! That doesn’t count for anything!? I tried it (repeatedly), and it didn’t work, so I assumed (wrongfully, I admit) that it wasn’t possible. Doing the same thing over and over again with the same result is the definition of insanity, and I decided not to drive myself insane trying to figure something out that I was absolutely certain didn’t work in the 1st place. Besides, it didn’t help that nobody brought it up when I openly wished it was possible during multiple matches/sets - you’d think after months of saying it, somebody would’ve said something. I’m merely a victim of circumstance.

It’s not my knowledge that’s lacking. It’s my execution (and yes, I know that counts for a lot) and ability to remain calm and focused.

As for making Top 32, I KNOW I can do it - I made it to the #95 spot once, and I know I can do it again, and do better. At this point, I am simply choosing not too, because of time constraints (there are more important things in life), and the tedium of having to get there. IMO, it’s not really worth it. It’s enough for me to KNOW that I can do it. I don’t need to prove that to you, or to anyone else.

The only thing I felt was missing from #8 for me were the holes in my gameplay, and I personally don’t think they’re very big holes. Furthermore, I not only know what they actually are but also how to fix them, so it’s really only a matter of time.

If I’m not an 8 yet, I will be
 I will be.

Unfortunetly, Geek dislikes mirrors.
And I don’t blame him.

Aganos mirrors are the most different matches of any character compared with any other mirror. I mean, Jago still does “Jago stuff” during mirrors, so does the rest of the cast, except Aganos

But your ability to remain calm and focused is also one of the things that good players have. I mean, have you ever seen Daigo nervous? Remain calm and the ability to be focused is MANDATORY to be a good player.


This is absolutely true. Unlike other mirrors, the gameplay for this particular mirror completely changes from the norm. Chunks aren’t good for armor, so you have to use them for walls and projectiles more. Walls take damage and can be used by BOTH players. The spacing is weird too due to their massive size and screen space that they fill up.

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As free advice, IMO, the first Aganos to achieve being with less chunks than the other AND is still in neutral, has all the odds of taking the match

I consider this ability as both a talent and a skill. For some, I think it comes to them naturally,and more easily, much like a talent. Therefore, they do perform better earlier on as a result. However, like with skills, it is an ability that can be learned, but it’s also a very difficult skill to learn - this, I think, is the case with most people (and myself). So, unlike Daigo, where it comes naturally to him, I’m still in the process of learning it, since it doesn’t already come naturally to me. It’s a predetermined mindset - he has it, and I don’t - not yet, at any rate. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s better than me (and yes, I know for a fact that he is) - it just means that it comes more easily to him

I’m a firm believer that, given time and dedication, anyone can learn anything (and even become the best at anything).

Which is why I always start the match by unloading my 2 chunks (high and low - the safer option), or by putting up a wall behind them for intimidation/baiting purposes (if they attempt to grab it, I can get in a punish or if they do something like jump, I can put them through it - this is the less safer option, since they can potentially get the peacemaker though).

I found that playing characters without many options in the neutral helped my patience immensely. I tend to freak out often so using Kim for neutral help me value reads and punishes. TJ helped me value block, without a proper wakeup I had to just sit there and block until I made the right punish.

I’ve noticed this too while playing as Kim, TJ, Arbiter, Tusk, Gargos, and Raam.

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Oh my goodness RAAM. He’s so good given the right reads and capitalizations on whiffs or lockouts.

Crazy dude, haven’t played him in forever.

I pick 7 because i have a lot of holes but i believe i could go for a por star if i wanted.

Between Aganos, him, and Eyedol - I think they’re my 3 top right now.

I chose a number but i’m still undecided
i’ve beaten ppl i deem 10’s consistently but i lose to a lot of 7’s :laughing: . . .tbh I think I have all the quintessential tools. I play smart (more likely than not), i adapt, I make educated reads, i have hardly any execution errors. I believe the main crux in my self-ranking is that I don’t believe I know how i want to play this game. There are times where I want to play a zoning game and times where i want to rushdown hard.

I only attempted to get a pro star once and the highest placing I got (with a week to spare in the month that i didnt play) was 55. Maybe I just need to gain better match up knowledge and sit down and think about how I want to play my characters.

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You’re a solid 4 buddy! :grin:

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I’d say a 7. :smile:



That’s what I was thinking. . . .I desparately don’t want to be a 7 though


7.5 to me
EDIT: I mean that @itztymetodul deserves a 7.5, at least

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