Please IG make also a Sexy glamour pack for girls

I don’t understand this kind of petitions. I don’t like that idea for a fighting game but well, to each it’s own.


Why only the girls?
Sexy outfits for the guys as well, please. <3

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I don’t know. If we have Speedo Tusk…lol


The one on the right looks way better.

I second that lol I’m out. woooohooooo! :comet:

Oh geez that would be like Arnold Schwarzenegger running for Mr Universe today, he’s all beardy and semi confident and sad looking. Lol

“Eons have tempered my blade” just got a whole new meaning. :fearful:


Sorry, but this kind of stuff hits a nerve with me, so I have to speak my peace…
First off, there is a wide variety of categories within the T/M ratings and so many varying ranges within to just lump everything together like that. Ratings are not supposed to be the be-all-end-all of parenting. They never were. Ratings are simply a tool for consumers to be able to at a glance be able to tell if further scrutiny is warranted or not, and to keep retailers from getting in hot water for selling COD 42 to a 5-year-old.
As far as KI goes, first off it actually is MS’s job to keep things out of the game, catering to KI’s demographic & such. And KI is in a unique position on this where there are a higher-than-usual amount of older players due to it being a revived 20-year-old franchise. That put legacy fans square in their mid 30’s if not older with families & such. And as I said earlier, :

When I play KI I don’t want to have to question whether or not I’m corrupting my kids while doing so. I don’t want to have to hide it from them like a 90’s teen hides his “adult” magazine collection. I just want to sit down & play the game.

And I think that it would be safe to assume most other legacy players feel the same way.

But adding thongs or language or gore, whatever maturity validation people want, in the end really does nothing more than limit the people that will buy the game. Now if that’s what devs are going for, such as with MK, that’s fine. They know well in advance what they’re aiming for. Right now KI is at a happy medium where virtually nobody gets left out, so why would MS want to change that? Hell, you look at Halo they’ve toned it down to hit a T rating, why would they even consider KI becoming more risqué?


I agree that the 1 thing I hate about sf5 it’s too much. If planned on getting it my mother and sister likes playing with me occasionally when I play sf2. What am I suppose to do act all like the girls don’t look like that. Video games aren’t meant to turn you on they are for fun and enjoyment.


Yeah, I don’t play SFV much, but when I do R.Mika is permanently set on Japanese because I’d prefer not having my 4-year-old hear her say “I’ll kick your ■■■!!” Every time she has an intro. He picks up enough as is already. And the thing is, I’m not that prudish. He loved playing SF4, even though all he does is button mash (Dudley, or as he calls him, Mario/Luigi, is his favorite). But something like R.Mika’s intro that’s just out there and gets repeated over & over & over, or constant butt/crotch shots that get flaunted in every intro/outtro/super…
Yeah, no.

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GOT mine :heart_eyes:


Man… this thread exploded since the last time I cam through… and we might need a mop.

So I’m just gonna reiterate: My issue with “sexy” costumes isn’t that they’re sexy. It’s that they’re generally sh*t.
It’s perfectly possible to have a costume that’s sexy while looking cool and in character. I generally have a rule that the outfit should look like it would actually stay on, but it can be a bit revealing if it’s actually well designed.
I’ve used the example of Orchid vs Cammy before. They’re both Spec Ops agents, both are conventionally attractive young women with quite a lot of skin showing revealing clothing, but only one of them looks like they came from that background, while the other looks like they’re practicing for a production of Commando on Ice.

Yet you know who’s been winning the waifu popularity contests? Hisako. Everywhere I go, when people talk about this game, ghost girl is the one they bring up. The corpse in the simple kimono is the one that wins all the love; more than Orchid, Mira, Kim-Wu, Maya or even Sadira. Clearly lewdness is not the only way to grab someone’s heart.

TL;DR- The costume needs to look GOOD as a priority. Something badass or wacky and preferably character related. Pretenses like sexiness are certainly allowed to interact in that mix, but should be bottom of the priority list.

Maybe I’m just weird because I think the sexiest thing someone can wear is a baggy shirt and sweatpants (I like comfort, and I think it’s romantic if someone is comfortable enough to lounge out in their pajamas with you. Fuck me, right?) rather than a bikini or thong, but most of the time “sexy” costumes are a lot less sexy than the stuff that’s designed to look cool.


Warning: Wall of text incoming. Buckle up fellas.[quote=“GalacticGeek, post:112, topic:16547, full:true”]
Kids are going to see people scantily dressed in bikinis on the beach or on TV, so I don’t see this as much of an argument. Parents should have a discussion with their kids about when wearing certain things is appropriate and when it’s not, as well as how many things on TV are not real - like the scantily-clad bikini-looking warrior that they might see as you play a FG.

Leave it to you to miss the point completely. It’s not about anatomy. My kids are comfortable with the human figure, but I still don’t take them to strip clubs. Would you tell me “What’s wrong with a strip club, it’s just a girl without clothes?” Or would you argue that it would be okay for me to let my kids watch a movie about a strip club and then explain to them that it’s not real? I don’t expect childless single dudes to understand parenting - that’s not a criticism or an attempt to diminish you in any way. But then don’t offer up advice on stuff you don’t know anything about.

Context matters. We aren’t at the beach and neither are the KI characters.

If mature themes - language, graphic violence or sexual content serve to make a game better then I am happy to manage my side of the equation. I don’t need help from every childless smarty pants on the internet on how to do that. We aren’t discussing “sex in games,” and I’m not asking anybody to take sex out of their game. If you want to go hit circle, circle, square to rock the boat and achieve digital orgasm in God of War go knock yourself out. None of that is being discussed here.

The question at hand is, what do gratuitous oversexed outfits add to KI as a game? Nothing. That’s what gratuitous means. It’s just titillation for guys who like to look at digital soft core. Fine. But right now KI is a game I can play with and in front of my kids and if they add this stuff then I won’t. And, despite the wisdom of Galactic Geek to the contrary, my personal opinion about being a parent isn’t that you just do whatever you feel like and then explain to your kids that it’s really okay, because it’s inconvenient for you to adjust your habits to conform to their age appropriate development. [quote=“CrazyLCD, post:138, topic:16547”]
I’m not a parent but hiding your kids from something they will be be exposed to in the real world is weird for me to understand.

This is missing the point. And please explain to me at what point in “the real world” my kids are going to be exposed to someone wearing Orchid’s KI 2 Arcade outfit?

LCD, reality is not flexible. I find it hard to believe you’re genuine when you LIE about stuff. KI is not rated T-M. KI is rated T. We aren’t talking about alternate costumes for the old games. We are talking about KI Season 3. Rated T.

As far as the parents job, again, you’re flipping this around. I own MKX. I don’t play that in front of my kids. EVER. It’s not appropriate. I’m not asking NRS to change MKX. I can and happily do control what they view. But as a result, I have put 1/1000th of the time into MKX that I have into KI. Of all the sacrifices I make on behalf of my kids, this one is nothing to me and I don’t regret it in the slightest. That’s not the subject of this discussion.

It’s not about begging MS to take anything out of KI. It’s you horn dogs who are asking them to put it IN. For no justifiable reason. So the scenario is, you want them to take their T rated game, make it an M rated game that I can no longer play in front of my kids. And you expect me to be “oh, okay cool.” I’m not asking them to change their game so I can play it in front of my kids - YOU are asking them to change it so that I CAN’T play it in front of my kids and then saying “well it’s your responsibility to raise your kids.” That’s not the issue. I’m not going to sit here and let a bunch of horny little dudes steal a game that I enjoy from me just so they can look at ■■■■. If you want ■■■■, DM me and I will send you some links. But don’t expect me to just sit idly by while you try to ruin something that I enjoy, and then give me chirpy parenting advice to justify what you are trying to do.

Maybe the reason you feel bad is because you know you’re wrong. For example, I don’t feel bad about it at all. And as a point of clarity, MS and IG have ALREADY made their decision. You are trying to talk them out of it. So you can’t just relinquish your responsibility by saying it’s “up to the devs” when you are lobbying furiously and repeatedly over the course of years for them to include it. Again, its dishonest.

And you know what fellas? I hate to break it to you, but MS knows that the 30-40 year old gamer dads are not only more numerous than the teen-20 girlfriendless mouth breathers, we also have MORE MONEY. You’ve already lost this battle.

Just so you know there’s no hard feelings, and I know you guys crave digital hotness, you can enjoy this hot Elsa pic (incidentally, sexy with lots of clothes on)

and LET IT GO.


In my opinion it’s dumb I don’t think any of the girls in ki would go flaunting them selves. It doesn’t fit any off their personalities.


…one wasn’t enough.


This is why I don’t like parents - they never listen to advice about how to raise their child and often consider it an insult (when every once in a while, they should probably listen). While you seem like a sound and perfectly reasonable parent, I have personally witnessed awful parents ruin their children’s lives and ignore advice from their child’s teacher, which could’ve improved that child’s life significantly. As a teacher, who worked for 2 years with underprivilged low-income families, it’s very disheartening. My advice was merely my perspective as a teacher and a suggestion - nothing more. Take it or don’t. Ultimately, that’s your choice.

Frankly, I think this whole discussion is kind of ridiculous anyways. Orchid, Sadira, Maya, and Mira are all very good looking (Riptor and Kim Wu don’t count), as far as the female form is concerned (some unrealistically so). If that’s not enough for some, well then that’s their problem now isn’t it?

At the end of the day, their voice has been heard, not everyone agrees, and IG will likely ignore the suggestion because they have more important things to deal with and have already dialed in the tone of this game. Much like how parents are set in their ways when it comes to raising their children - they know how to do it (for the most part) and they mostly ignore the suggestions from others that come their way. It’s just the way things are…

But hey, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, right?

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For people saying they’re offended or don’t want their kids seeing them or whatever I’m dying over here…the melodrama is real. Damn near every recent fighting game has sexy outfits as an option. You’re playing KILLER INSTINCT…and you want us to sympathize with sexy outfits being over the line…amazing.

If people really want them (which clearly they do) why shouldn’t IG should make them? Extra revenue through OPTIONAL DLC helps the game bottom line…don’t like it don’t buy it.
This is what 2 women wear to fight when they have the choice of clothing to wear. Is this revealing? Yes. Is it sexy? No, not really, or at least that’s not the point of the clothes or lack of them.

I don’t have kids nor am I a prude. But I want my fighting game characters to be somewhat dressed to fight or at least dressed according to their personalities. So I don’t mind the Mira corset as it fits her background, or Orchid’s short shorts as fatigues as she still has body armour, lots of pouches, etc. Since no female character in KI moonlights as a stripper or a ■■■■■, I don’t think it makes sense to give them intentionally sexy costumes.


Lol, thirsty leg humpers be like “softcore should be an option everywhere! If you don’t like excessive softcore, the problems w you! So dramatic!”

What about all the people that wanted to watch Ariel twerk on shore but had to draw and fap to fanart instead?

Disney was like ‘Hey buddy, that wad on your ear ain’t hair gel.’

Also, pretty sure MS is responsible for the Creative Dept. IG doesn’t make them because superficialities are not their problem either way.

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Here’s an idea: include the optional costumes/accessories for those who want them, and then institute a censoring option for others that allows them to “hide” said select outfits on their screens (by replacing them with the standard default) - that way, everybody wins by getting what they want! :slight_smile:

Kind of like a blood toggle option. :wink: