Please IG make also a Sexy glamour pack for girls

Spinal’s got that runway model figure!

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Just some damn hair and accessories packs PLEASE
I doubt anything close to the smart decision of backstory inspired costumes over a masked nurse outfit will happen.

@BigBadAndy @NitricZenith @CrazyLCD @MDMMORNING
Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, believes, values, etc. My argument has always been, and will always be, more options for character customization is always better. If you like the more classy look, go with that. If you like the more relieving look, have at it. How you customize your favorite character should always be about what you want. If you don’t want that hair or those boots, don’t use them. But someone else might want to use those options. More options = Always better for everyone.


It’s not about sensitivity. What makes you even think that? Has anyone once in this entire thread said anything along the lines of “I just can’t take women in butt floss, it hurts my eyes. I need to white knight for all the exploited digital women out there.” The answer to that would be no.

As for the free the nipple movement, let me explain it, without trying to be condescending, since I think you might be misunderstanding something. It’s not about women wanting the freedom to be exploited by men. It’s about not being told to cover up just because their chests are larger and occasionally full of milk. They’re looking for equal treatment from society.

Do you understand how this is different from them wanting the freedom to show more skin so they can be objectified by men? If you don’t see the difference, feel free to PM me and we can talk about it further.

No, and knock it off with the hyperbole, please. Thing is, little things like this add up. Stuff in other games, movies, magazines, etc. MS choosing not to want to contribute one more little, tiny, seemingly insignificant piece to that puzzle isn’t a bad thing.

Yes, it is okay, because it makes sense. It’s a bathing suit to go swimming in. Context, LCD. Context. Do you see women in the boardroom wearing bikinis? See a lot of women fighting in bathing suits? I’m fairly certain you can see the difference here. I mean, by that same notion, everyone in the game should be completely naked because hey, we don’t shower with our clothes on right? That’s not the best argument.

I know you don’t see it, but that’s okay, really. Tell you what. Have a daughter. Bring her up in a world that sexualizes her from a very (and I mean VERY) young age.

Then look around you and see where it comes from. Notice every single teeny tiny way in which society tells your daughter that she’s a pound a flesh, a collection of pleasure points. That they’re arm candy; objects meant to arouse men and please them. Your daughter, whom you’re raising to be a productive member of society, a person that you love and want to be anything she wants to be.

Do this while the world is telling her what she is with every movie she watches, every video game she plays, toys you buy her, every advertisement on TV, billboards, buses, etc. Do that and then look at why something so innocent as a women in a bikini in a video game that has no need for them. Do that and maybe understand why some people, who are not actually wringing their fists and crying salt tears over how offended they are, might just say “eh, nah… we don’t need that” and opt to go a different way instead.

See, you want authenticity from a historical perspective. I want authenticity from a game world perspective, so for me, the key here, again, is context. Yes, both women and men choose when they want to sexualize themselves and we all have every right to do that. But in this game world, where characters are fighting for their lives, is that the right context for beachwear and thongs and what not? I personally think it’s not.

Now, you might not care about that particular context and that’s your right. I personally do, as I’d much rather have outfits that enhance the character’s backstory and look realistic within the context of the world that’s being presented to me. If I want titillation, there are plenty of websites for that and hell, plenty of other games that have that as well. Do we really need to add KI to that list? I mean, do we?

This is an opinion obviously, but they’re not cool at all. They’re tired. They’re overdone. They’re old holdovers from a bygone, far more sexually exploitative era and they’re so clichéd, so not unique that they’re an utter waste of time and money when far more creative things can be done instead. Not to mention they’re a tad creepy and also might repel people that you might want in the community and playing the game and purchasing content, etc.

I’d rather see an outfit for Sadira that shows her as a fighter, before she was recruited in to the Red Eyes of Rylai. I think that could be pretty cool. I don’t need to see her in a swim suit because I know what women look like in swim suits. I guess I just don’t see the point of it beyond trying to arouse men and I don’t need that from a video game. I really don’t.

And see here’s where you’re trying to change your argument. Before, it was an appeal to evolving culture. Now it’s an appeal to history. “Preserving history” I believe you called it. We have that history in those games. They actually came with the first two seasons. Sorry if that’s not good enough for you.

Literally the one and only time in this thread you’ve brought up a male character. As many times as you’ve brought this up, your focus is at least 95% on Orchid. Why is that? If your argument is history and preservation, why do you talk so much about her and not about Thunder or Fulgore or other characters that got weaker retros?

Again, you demonstrate where your focus is; the women. Do you not notice this? Are you unaware that every time you bring this up, you’re laser focused on the women and how revealing their outfits should be? Why is that? It’s not history, otherwise you’d be just as focused on the male characters. So what’s the deal?

Well, there’s not wanting to be exploitative, not wanting to turn away any female gamers that might be put off, or the fact that her old outfits looked ridiculous, not just from a style standpoint, but from a contextual, in-game plot perspective. Can you give any reason why they should include the retros as they were originally that actually trumps all of these reasons not to have them that way?


Umm… No. I was on those forums and this is just a bold-faced lie. There were people, no question. But thousands? THOUSANDS. Really. If that number eclipsed a hundred on the DH boards, I’d be shocked. C’mon, man. You’re better than this.

Yeah I don’t think you’re attacking the developers in any way, shape or form. You’re a good guy and you’ve always been a great proponent of this game. I think it’s awesome that you’re passionate about this game. I just happen to disagree (strongly) with your opinion on this, but hey, you keep doing what you think is right. :slight_smile:


I think, in principle, that’s great. There are two problems in practice though.

First, when your choices show up on my screen then there needs to be some discussion over what is acceptable and what isn’t. I don’t want butt floss Orchid in the game because if I can’t play KI in front of my kids then it really limits my ability to play the game. And yes, I don’t want my kids to watch me play a game where the women dress in ridiculously sexualized outfits. Not because I fear it will damage them to see it, but because I don’t want them to think I ENDORSE that kind of objectification. And right now, for whatever reason, my kids think everything I do is awesome and they want to do it too. I don’t want my five year old girl thinking it’s cool to have your ■■■ cheeks hanging out. I recognize that this is completely selfish of me - and I don’t care. I’m going to lobby as much and as hard as I can to keep that stuff out of the game. If they want to put sex doll clothes in to make other people happy, then they need to give me the option to block it from my screen. That all sounds like more trouble than it’s worth.

Second, the KI team isn’t releasing 100 outfits or options each year. Right now, these are more precious than gold and if they waste time on tacky gratuitous sex clothes then that’s time they aren’t putting into good outfits. If we ever get to the point where there are dozens of outfits to choose from then I will maybe lean back toward “well if you want a little cheesecake in the context of this 5 course meal of outfits then I guess that’s okay.”

If all of that makes me a fascist, SJW, prude, ■■■■■■■ who is just forcing his views on others, then so be it. But I’m really opposed to wrecking this game with that stuff.


Yeah, that’s one thing I think a lot of the younger KI fans tend to gloss over…KI is a legacy franchise and the majority of fans of the originals are now in their mid 30s or older and have children & families & moral obligations that kids (yes I said kids) in their early 20s simply don’t have that limits our choices of how we get to spend our time. That’s one of the reasons why I haven’t played MKX yet despite playing every other iteration of MK (excluding Special Forces). And so far KI has done a good job of keeping that in mind & I honestly hope they continue to do so.

Because if I have to choose between Orchid wearing 2 thin strips of cloth and skin tone #375 and this:

I choose the kid in the Spinal costume doing his version of the Gungam style dance.


No, No, brotha. Perfectly reasonable argument.

Perhaps some kind of filter option in the game’s settings menu to ensure you are not matched up with someone who is using certain customization options for a character. This could even be certain accessory piece that the player selects for themselves. I had a shop chief that always got the hibbie-jibbies from the flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz. So someone like him could use this filter setting to make sure he never ends up in a match versus someone using those customization options for Gargos.


Since I have no kids(yet), the most close to this that I could do is put some pants in my dogs and say they are Sabrewulf…

BTW, your son is adorable XD


Thanks. He’s 4 now (was 2 in that gif) but he’s still a pretty big KI fan. Of course I’ve been playing it most of his life. He was humming Spinal’s theme before he could even say “dada”.

Here’s a more recent pic…I’ve been using him for my “I’m gonna lick it” memes.


I just figured that was a GIF you stole from the internet for illustration purposes. That’s awesome, he’s cute as a button.

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Kids are going to see people scantily dressed in bikinis on the beach or on TV, so I don’t see this as much of an argument. Parents should have a discussion with their kids about when wearing certain things is appropriate and when it’s not, as well as how many things on TV are not real - like the scantily-clad bikini-looking warrior that they might see as you play a FG.

Yes there are several tactics for how parents are supposedly supposed to handle kids being in…let’s say unsavory…situations, but as a parent myself I get kinda sick of having to give my kids a morality speech every time they turn around because society has become so polarized when it comes to stuff like this where everyone supposedly wants entertainment to either be Disney/Pixar or MurderDeathPornF***Kill 5:The Revenge: Stripper/Bikini edition.

When I play KI I don’t want to have to question whether or not I’m corrupting my kids while doing so. I don’t want to have to hide it from them like a 90’s teen hides his “adult” magazine collection. I just want to sit down & play the game. The standards that are currently set in KI is fine…it’s a good happy medium. I’d prefer to keep it that way.


Context! Are you paying attention?

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Play Dead or Alive, you thirsty teenagers


Go ahead and have a meaningful, enlightening conversation about sexuality and sexualization with a five year old that has an enduring impact on their perception relative to their parents passive endorsement otherwise.

It’s not always that easy, especially the younger they are. Good try though, non-parent w sound parenting advice. Did you at all think that one through, or is that response just pre-programmed as a middle-aged single gamer?

That’s kinda where I’m at too. I don’t have kids, but I also don’t need the game to have MKX levels of violence or depict women the way MK9 or SFV or DOA depicts them either just because “free speech” or whatever. I think KI’s got a nice balance where we have blood, we have violence, and we have some sexual themes and what not, but nothing is slapping you in the face with any of that stuff. It’s kinda nice, actually. A good balance.

I mean, the bottom line is that this is what KI is now. If you don’t like it, that’s fine. There are plenty of other games out there. That’s not me telling you to geeeet out, either. Far from it. I’d rather everyone played this game. I’m just saying that if you’re looking for more overt sexuality or more over the top violence, there are other games that can give you that fix.

Was KI more graphic on both counts back in the old days? Yes. Does that mean they have to adhere to this because of historical authenticity? No. Not at all. Saying they have the freedom to be restricted by the past doesn’t sound like freedom to me.

If they’d rather go in a new direction because that’s what they want to do, well, then that’s them exercising their freedom. They could’ve gone the hard M rating route, and would some have been ■■■■■■■ Too much T&A, too much dismemberment, etc. Sure. But they could’ve done it just as Capcom, Netherealm and Team Ninja have done it and they absolutely would’ve gotten away with it with minimal controversy. History continues to show this to be true.

So it stands to reason that the PC police weren’t a factor, even as much as some want to see it that way. They decided to go a different route. So how about we talk about what awesome outfits the characters could have to further flesh out their stories or backgrounds or whatever and leave the fetish stuff to DOA?


We need a Sexy Glamor pack for Gargos and Saberwulf. All the Creatures.

Speedo Gargos, Swimtime Fulgore, and Bikini Riptor sound good.

YO Beach Body Aganos, because he’s ROCK HARD. Complete with Towel around his neck and goggles.

@Dayv0 ^

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I want a Fulgore with a knight face…also add more poof to Shadow attacks sound wise.

Creatures would be awesome. Riptor in a thong…ROFL.

For all the humans:



All of the humans have that. Only the creatures get Bikini/Glamour Wear.

the hate we would get for such a thing :joy: