Please fix Ranked


Hey team, since May, Ranked has increasingly become a mess. I’m frequently having matches crash, where both people see the message, “The Opponent has left” and we both get wins.

I’m also seeing a general increase with random lag and while most of us are cool and wait it out, it really ruins the fun and energy in the match.

Lastly the amount of legit lag switching is also becoming an issue. This isn’t just random lag, but people lagging out a match to avoid a loss. I had an Orchid player who did nothing but taunt and teabag through out the entire match. He wasn’t that great, and just as I was about to take his life bar, the match lagged hard. My Ultra didn’t come out and the next thing I know, my character is several frames behind him. During this period of time, I kept getting “counter broken” even though I wasn’t pushing any buttons. When I watched the replay, I see the animations for my character start the Ultra and then it stops and my character simply stands there while his character is continuously hitting her, classic signs of a desync. I could wager that this was just web junk, but it happened in both fights and just when he was about to lose.

I had two different people do this. Both were not that great players, but were using lag to avoid damage.

If we can’t block these people, please work hard to create a system that further detects network manipulation.

Lastly and most frustratingly, I was dedossed. Me and this other player were having a good fight, but I was clearly the superior. During our third match, the other player stood on the other side of the screen and wasn’t fighting at all. Thinking there might be a controller issue going, I simply waited him out. Seconds later, I’m removed from the fight. I had to reset my router in order to get back online.

I’ve reported all of these people, but honestly folks, while you can’t stop all cheating, there needs to be more steps to prevent it.


are you playing on PC?

I ran into a Mira player 3 times in Ranked over the weekend. He did nothing but stand there and taunt… every now and then combo breaking. So strange because why would you do that in ranked?
He was bronze tier so im guessing when he got matched against Killers he just got pissed and stood there and let them beat him to a pulp becasue he felt he had no chance at winning? LOL… so annoying.

But yeah the match making has been weird, almost as if no one is online playing. Always the same people.

And on the leader boards whats with the people with high rankings but ZERO stats? no win loss, no best character, no last 10 streak. Just high points. How does that work?

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The same thing happens to me as well. I thought it was just my connection getting worse but a lot of people actually have had this happen.

If you’re just talking about over the last 3-4 days, Seraphs, i’d bet money EVO had a lot to do with your players matchmaking paired you with. As far as fighting games, all attention was turned there, as EVO kinda tends to do. :slight_smile:

The thing with no ranked data has been a thing for a LONG time, at least as far back as December 2016, but i’ve never found out why. I know of one player that has that going on with them and i’d vouch just for him that they’re not doing something shady. As for the others, i find them to be kinda few and far between. Enough that even if i know about it, i’m not heavily concerned about it.

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I need to write his GT down…see if its the same person. I mean he ad to have hit taunt 100x or more lol " you look drained, you look drained , you look dr…shut it!"

I’m just going to leave this here. I don’t think no one is playing, but if you are on during the middle of a weekday you aren’t going to run into a lot of people.

Nah this was the weekend. Prob has to do with EVO.

But for instance, yesterday and today…I reset my rank and qualified and landed in GOLD. 1st match I get UA Wheels, then today 1st match, UA Wheels. WTF?
Im still fighting more Star Killers even as I qualified.

Or last week after 5pm. I keep getting matched against the same guy, he is a jerk too. SO after a FT5, Im done. I get matched to him 7 in a row (exhibition) I hit new search all 7 times nd even waited a bit before hand. He massages me and calls me a pussssy LOL


The ranked players with zero games and stats has been an issue for over a year now. There are at least 2 in the top 32 every month. I posted on this months ago and there was no response.

This is exactly the key for easy beat sadira since shes really really sensitive to lags = no WB sometime no double jumps etc…

but yeah what you could do is when you feel the first lag , only stay on the ground then and punish, just stop jumping since it affect your gameplay.[quote=“SoSRaGnArOk, post:1, topic:21768”]
My Ultra didn’t come out and the next thing I know, my character is several frames behind him. During this period of time, I kept getting “counter broken” even though I wasn’t pushing any buttons. When I watched the replay, I see the animations for my character start the Ultra and then it stops and my character simply stands there while his character is continuously hitting her, classic signs of a desync.

my solution for avoid this when I recogine a player who like to lags alots I only use glacius since hes a land character and I have the feeling like he don’t care about lags.

I run into the same groups no matter when I play. Sure they are different groups depending on time of day and day of the week, but it is always a group of about 5 players. I always end up playing the same 5 players several times when I play ranked.


Granted, I don’t play a lot. But this hasn’t been my experience.

And it isn’t always mine. Today, for example, was a pretty good day with no crashes nor lag.

@G0tei13Izaragi dood lag has nothing to do with Sadira.

@SoSRaGnArOk i got paired vs. ITAMASTER411 about 8 times in a row. Lost about a good 950 Gold Ladder Points. And he was my promotion match. I know the running into the same dood over and over again feeling. It sucks balls but it happens.


read clearly what I said, I said ‘’ when you play sadira you have the most chance to get peoples using lags for broke your jumps attacks because sadira juggles are so easy to broke only with lags.that’s something only sadira players could understand what I mean. @SoSRaGnArOk right? @TEKkazamastar “” I could give you a easy tip to make her drop 85 % of all her juggles but its not gonna be nice for my sadira players if I told you, that’s something really simple. tho. if I tip it here many peoples are gonna abuse it on her. so I just :zipper_mouth_face: , a friend of me showed me that simple tech he use against most sadira

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You are right, lag does impact Sadira quite a bit, as most of the things you have to do with her, require solid execution and timing, especially with areal juggles and such.

In terms of picking a less areal character to combat lag… IF ONLY, I knew BEFORE the match, then yes, it would be beneficial to switch characters, but with the respect of a few people I know who have terrible connections, the lag generally occurs randomly within a round.

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EXACTLY what I mean.she’s really really very very sensitive to a little lags

what I do when it happen one time , I just take note from the Gt then when I see him again I only bring out the iceman, cause he don’t care from lags

You lost 950 points on the ladder from one match or from the eight encounters with itmaster?

The eight matches @GeneralScrebor. And you did imply lag has to do with beating sadira @G0tei13Izaragi because you said “This is exactly the key for easy beat Sadira”. Not sure if english is your first language (and I’m not cutting you for that, keep in mind), but that statement has lag is the way to beat Sadira online written on it.

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yeah that’s what I said, ’ lags is the way to easy beat sadira you are not wrong, @TEKkazamastar play her against someone whos laggin all way you will understand.