Please don't allow Ultras to cancel into Ultimates

I’ve never liked the whole winner or 1 person chooses/skips ahead kind of thing. I’d much rather it be mutually agreed upon by both players - it already does this on the character select screen, which is good (in that you can’t progress until both players have selected their characters or until the timer reaches 0, whichever comes 1st).

For stage select, I wish that it worked like in Injustice - both players get to choose the stage and then the game randomly chooses among those 2 stages; if you didn’t care which stage you wanted, you could either choose a random option that was available, or be courteous to your opponent and choose the same stage that they did. This would also have the mutual benefit of allowing you the time needed to also choose your music of choice.

I think a similar function should be instituted for the intro and victory screens - either both players have to pess start to skip, or only the person’s character who is shown can be skipped by that player. In the latter case, it works for both screens because during intros, it’s a bit of a compromise where you can skop yours to speed things up but not theirs, and during the victory screen, it’s winner’s choice because they’ve earned it.

As for asking people to allow time for choosing music, it’s an option that almost never works - a lot of the time they can’t hear you (like when in a party, for example) or choose to ignore you and/or aren’t listening. Furthermore, in the time it takes you to ask, they’ve most likely already skipped ahead.

As for why I’m willing to argue about wasting people’s time, I’m not. I just recognize that playing games is a casual, fun, and relaxing experience that should only be done when you’ve already got plenty of time to spare (I’d personally suggest at least an hour) - in other words, during your downtime. If you don’t have, or are short on, time because you have things to do or places to be, then I think you probably shouldn’t be playing games at that time, because to do so would be rather irresponsible to yourself and your responsibilities.

I also still maintain that most people don’t do it, or are respectful of others, so you don’t see it 24/7 like many of you seem too imply - and as such, your time is not truly being wasted (and if you want to really get technical, time is always wasted, because it’s always ongoing and never stops). Those who only BELIEVE they see ultras 24/7 are merely choosing to see what they want to see because they’re blinded by the salt in their own eyes, or because they’ree playing with the wrong kind of people (in the case of private exhibition or lobbies). If it truly bothers you that much, you always have the option to leave (and although it’s admittedly harder to do so in ranked, the choice is still technically there - that, and it’s only 2 matches at most where you’re “forced” to watch it).

You could also choose to not waste your own time while being hit by an ultra like I do. Send a text, go to the bathroom, read your social media, take a bite out of a previously prepared meal (like a sandwhich), read your XBL messages, etc. - there are numerous options. If the time is being wqsted, it’s solely because YOU CHOOSE to watch it, and let it get to you, and YOU CHOOSE to waste YOUR OWN time.

After all, it’s YOUR CHOICE to play this game - and YOU DON’T HAVE TO. However, if you do, you have to accept, and make time for, certain circumstances that might arise or occur on occasion, such as with ulras, ultimates, or delayed character select screens. It’s all part of the game, so you’ll just have to live with that for the time being.

There’s also the idea that YOU LOST. Don’t want to see it? Get better; don’t lose. If you lose, you’ll have to settle with the idea that you just might see it. Your opponent EARNED the opportunity, and time, to do it.

Feel free to voice your opinion and appeal to the devs for a change, but you won’t be changing my mind on this matter anytime soon - and you may not want to hear it, but time is on my side - I have plenty of it.

you know there are people who don’t play ranked and love double, triple ultras. I really hope that you can do double ultra cancel into ultimate.
Don’t need to be able in ranked, i understand.
But you also have to understand that people (like me) who don’t play ranked just play KI because we have fun in doing double and triple ultra’s. Thats the reason why we keep playing.
I think in ranked, double ultra’s cancel into ultimate almost never gonna happen except when you really piss of your opponent. There’s a lot of respect between good KI players.
So i say; make double ultra’s cancel into ultimates happen for the sake of the ‘noob SP’ gamers who just want to have fun.

Hope i not gonna have a lot of hate reactions now… :smile:


You are about a year late…


You are correct - but more often than not it results in exactly what you said - me choosing not to play the game. The more fun I have with a game the more likely I am to play it. I just played a few mins ago for 10mins while I was finishing dinner - I lost 4 - 0 to someone in exhibition - he cancelled all his ultras and we even exchanged gg messages. If I experienced that type of thing instead of Tbag/trolling ultras every time I played I would play every day - as it is, it just isn’t worth it.

Surprisingly those are rare for me. I’ve only had a like 1 out of every 10 people who t-bag and act like dicks.

in any case maybe you can just play with freinds more :>

This sounds to me like a “defeatist” attitude, and I don’t mean that just because you lost. The fact that you let the douchebags of the world define your actions is rather worrisome to me.

You say that, more often than not, it causes people to quit. I don’t believe this to be true, because in my experience I rarely run into those kinds of players - much like Jeffron said, it’s more like 1 in 10 matches where I’ll actually see someone be so disrespectful as to teabag. Granted, I don’t consider ultras disrespectful either, so that may change my perspective considerably when compared to yours.

It’s all about thinking positively. Don’t be all doom and gloom about everything. It’s not the end of the world if someone ultras you. They’re just playing the game, same as you. If you let it get to you, you create a domino effect of negativity that will only continue to spiral downwards - so, don’t let it.

One thing I do wonder about though, is how we’re defined by our experiences. It’s entirely plausible that you could be running into a lot of bad players. The enforcement and reputation system on Xbox Live is set up in such a way that if you’re not a nice player, you can very easily end up with other players who are also not so nice. This could be caused simply by calling people out over the slightest thing or cheating and racism at the worst (both of which are ban-worthy offenses, I might add). Either way, you may want to check yourself and play nice, just in case (and I’m not saying that you’re not nice, but you should be killing people with kindness just to be sure - it’s what I do). Even if someone is rude to you, teabags you, or does an ultra - send them that GG message anyways, because in doing so, you make them feel guilty if they are being rude - and there’s nothing worse than feeling that. If they continue their douchebag ways and send you a rude message in return, then you ignore the message and report it, so that player will be reprimanded if he does it again in the future. This way you slowly, but surely, make the service a better place for you and for everyone else.

Another thing you could try is the LFG feature that was recently added to XBL. You could set it up with tags such as (#noteabagging and #instantultrasonly) and you’ll probably find like-minded players that will, hopefully, become new friends. :wink:

Really though nothing is going to change, its not like you can do a triple ultra THEN an ultimate, the ultimate takes the place of one of them. So if anything it might shorten longer extended combos. :stuck_out_tongue:

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@GalacticGeek said basically everything I was thinking, and MORE!

Course I don’t send messages I actually talk, lol.

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Disagree with OP. I hope you can

Lol I am an incredibly positive person. I achieve that by avoiding people that are negative =) We have finite time on this earth - I will maximise spending as much of that time as I can having fun!

Thanks for the heads up about the LFG feature =)

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Interesting to see how the opinion has swayed back and forth on multiple ultras since the 2013 debut. For what it’s worth, my opinion is I like multiple ultras and canceling into ultimates as an option. KI in my view is meant to be flashy and over the top and something would be missing without it. Having said that, I think the real issue is the time it takes during online multiplayer, right? I could support something that addresses that issue but doesn’t go at the core of KI, as I see it.

I don’t really think too many people’s opinions have changed…maybe some…but different people chime in on different threads at different times with varying degrees of enthusiasm towards their opinion. I would say right now the timing of the new Ultimate enders tease is likely getting a lot of the pro-finisher camp hyped up, as well as those against finishers because they felt they were getting stale.
Personally I like styling at the end of a match. I feel like after going through an entire match where your combo attempts are being constantly broken it’s a great reward to be able to try for one big long massive combo if you can pull it off without being challenged while attempting it.
But do I double/triple ultra every single match? Of course not. In fact I’d say less than 10% of the time. Not only that, with me lately trying to get in practice for the RCT I’ve honestly Alt-F4’d more people doing a multi-ultra (Multra?) than I’d care to admit (PC master race FTW). But it doesn’t mean I think that people shouldn’t be able to do Multras if they so choose.

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I honestly don’t get too fumed much with Triples, unless my brother does it, but he does it to try and get my goat. I simply learned not to look at the tv when it happens and as a result it sucks the fun out of it for him. Lawl

Only advice guys is if this happens which I’m sure it will, just go do something while you wait.