PC Issues & Workarounds

Anybody else getting this issue? My PC is all up to date and I keep checking for updates but there are none to be had. Is there a workaround for this? (I got this exact problem for Gears of War as well)

It clearly says your windows is not updated. Restart your system and check for updates.

I read somewhere that the update needed is a little wonky, and that some people have to download it and force install it

Same issue I am having. If you log out of the Xbox App, and don’t log into it when prompted, the game will start. Problem is, anything you’ve paid for won’t appear as you are playing without your profile. So at the moment you can play as
 Jago only if you do this. I wanted to see what the game looked like, so I did this based on another person’s recommendation. After playing as Jago a little while, I shut the game down, logged into the Xbox App and tried again. Same failure you are seeing.

Windows 10 Pro Preview build 14295.

Its amazing
 My hype for season 3 completly got turned off, with all these problems and the stupidity of the Windows Store.

Thanks Microsoft

Why not try reading my comment before responding?

How do you force install?

Have the same half speed when running OBS or Xsplit to stream issue but was able to stream it using Shadowplay and Desktop Capture mode however can not capture in fullscreen at all. Also if I press the record button while in game I get “This game does not support this feature” in the top right of my screen which kinda sucks why would you not allow PC players to do the same thing Xbox One players can do :confused:

why? My PC fullfills all the requirements
Edit: Sorry is in spanish but everything is deactivated or to the minimum

Heres a guide for ya’ :slight_smile:

Try downloading the latest and greatest Nvidia drivers for your card and see if that gets you up and running.

Your nVidia 730 is WAY less powerful than the 480 thats the minimum.
Sorry dude

this is just in pure numbers mostly, but heres an example, so you can see the difference

I know what this is, I’ve blocked a lot of “features” on Windows in a very ham fisted way through my hosts file. So I’m asking, which sites are necessary for downloads on the windows store?

Much appreciated! Thank you.

Happy to help

thanks for the help

How do you even get OBS to find the game?

I assume by using screen capture and not window capture. That, combined with multiple monitors works well

I have been having issues with the game speed also. I made a video of the performance test to show people the issue, my specs are in there also if that helps!

I was looking forward to playing this all day, my first killer instinct experience

Welp, reinstalling didn’t help, and neither did that GPU disabling thing.