Patch Notes 2.12

Thank you SOOOO much for fixing Riptor’s primal linkers after her manuals.

EDIT: Also, I noticed that Orchid can call her firecat in instinct during the recovery of a counter breaker. I ran into Charlieboy online and he used it to make his counter breakers safe. Maybe fix that too?


So Maya is still not given different auto animations for HK & MP?


I hope these nuances are changed as well.

I have to say that this is easily one of my favorite updates. Watching matches online is so much more enjoyable as you can easily tell what happened during breaking / lockout situations with the new Hud.

Also, Shago is so much fun to play and watch. Lots of energy and action and his effects are a pleasure to behold.


Is it just me or are some of the levels still over saturated and or the shadows and lighting is WAY off? I have fast internet so if I would need to reinstall that’s not an issue though I would prefer not to redownload 25+GB and still have levels with lighting and shadows that are still all out of wack. SaberWolfs is majorly messed up and has been since 2.11 cause I didn’t play much before 2.11 so that was when I noticed it.

The last update seemed to have permanately fixed the issues I was seeing on Sabrewulf’s stage before. It seems a lot brighter than it was in Season 1, but not foggy/hazy like it was over the past couple months. I think the brightness really brought out a lot of detail in the stage. I haven’t noticed any stage/lighting issues since the last patch.

Something about Thunder’s still seems pretty dark and monotone, but at this point, it’s been so long since I saw in its’ original state, I can’t remember how it used to look.

Hey Krizm whats up? Hmm Saabrewulfs stage on mine seems washed out compared to older. Only thing I have noticed with Thunders is the weather seems a little tamer. Nothing “game breaking” just something odd I noticed and couple others mentioned it on the 2.11 thread.

I remembered they mentioned Sabrewulf’s stage was washed out if chosen after fighting on Glacius’s stage. Have you noticed anything like that, or does it look washed out every single time time you’re on it?

It just always looks washed out since 2.11 so not sure if it was an odd patch or an actual glitch. I recorded a couple hours of KI yesterday and faught in his stage I can see if I can find it and shoot a time stamp and see if it appears in the stream.

EDIT: Hrm I guess the stream that had his stage went down cause I didn’t export it. I can hop on little later and see.

Ah yeah, looks like Adam Isgreen is aware the issue still exists…

The question that remains - is Adam really Green? :scream:



@Marbledecker you just made my day with that comment. Just ask rukizzel for a free season 3 code and tell him that I said that it’s okay.