Official KI Bug Reporting Thread Season 3

The bug isn’t isn’t the counter breaker, it’s that sadira’s web didn’t hit you until you tried a counter breaker. What happened is the web hit you out of your counter breaker stance so Sadira was free to combo break you.

Mira’s back+HP is only +2 on block as opposed to +5 like the frame data states. So either the frame data is wrong or the move is bugged and isn’t as plus as it’s supposed to be. (I’m hoping for the latter)

Here’s a video of the move getting blocked and the two characters holding up to jump after it’s blocked. As you can see only two frames pass before the second character is able to jump.!837&authkey=!AF3FEDfp6cRNidg&ithint=video%2Cmp4


I guess you didn’t realize this but you were locked out lmfao

ARIA’s level 1 grenade arc ender (launcher ender) whiffs against Mira when preceded by a linker or a medium kick manual.

Video for reference (These are alternating mk and lk shotgun knees, it is quite ambiguous)

— BH SeaDragon (@SeaDragonKI) May 4, 2016


— BH SeaDragon (@SeaDragonKI) May 4, 2016

Oh dear

— BH SeaDragon (@SeaDragonKI) May 4, 2016

Just wanna leave this here.
Non-auto correcting stage ultra fail…


Why? I do this all the time. Why did you have to reprot? Rip this.

another similar menu screen bug

  • No menu on pause screen. Happened when pausing vs CPU match.
  • Also, cannot exit the screen even if pressing “B” button. Reset is needed,

You couldn’t have broken that shadow even if it was perfect. 3 of the 5 hits were during a lockout. You could have only gotten 1 or 2.

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I’ve been hoping this would be fixed or changed or looked at for a long time, so this time I compiled a few scenarios of it. It all involves Glacius’ shadow shatter and its tracking properties.

If you jump it, it doesn’t follow you, it doesn’t chase airborne opponents who are moving it just wiffs in place and the match goes on. The issue is characters with grounded teleports and the like. You will clearly see 1-2 sometimes 3 or even 4 hits of the shatter miss, then track a second time to the new location and still hit them anyways. Hisako is the only instance where more than 2 miss. Spinal’s shadow teleport works because it hits before he is hit. Fulgore’s if his is done first, beats shadow shatter but on a reaction basis, Shadow teleport should beat shadow shatter or any other projectile move. Unless shadow shatters properties are, track location each hit, it shouldn’t follow teleports, but if it’s properties are track location on every hit why doesn’t it track airborne opponents? Or Sabrewulfs dash? Or Mira’s mist? Those are grounded mobility options. If anyone can shed some light on this. I am aware that you can shadow blade dash it now, but for the first 2 seasons of the game, that wasn’t possible. Shadow Shatter was a huge problem for Fulgore since it could be used in block/chip strings and there was nothing you could do about it if you couldn’t jump.

Edit: I did notice in rewatching that it slightly followed Shadow Jago’s dive kicks, but it doesn’t follow neutral jumps forward or backwards. But either way, I still think that at the end of the day, if I make the right reaction with a shadow teleport I should get my punish vs a ranged shadow like that.

Since season 3 rolled out I cant connect to shadow lab servers. I can play online with no problems, but when I choose shadow lab it stays on connecting to servers for ever and gives me cant connect message. I’m on xbone and never had problems with sh lab during all season 2. Pls help me, its the mode I like the most

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I am a tad curious how exactly the win lose ratio is supposed to work in shadow lab.

When I come into shadow lab and open my activity log for the offline encounters, its usually to have a retribution battle. Before the battle even starts I am already credited with a loss, and if I win the retribution battle I am not credited with a win.
Also when I take on the guy that beat me, he has a win loss ratio that doesn’t make sense. I’m fighting someone with a win count of 0 and a loss count of whatever, so it looks like he didn’t get credited with a win, not even for beating me.

Win/losses are recorded when your shadow wins or loses against a live player, not when you are actually playing.

It’s supposed to give you an idea of how effective your shadow fights!.

On my PC version, the option for “Display Fight Card” is not available in my Display Options in the game.

I was using Aganos fighting a Jago online at the beginning of the match we both jump. Jago in the air Hard Knockdowns Aganos. We stand neutral then Jago’s Wind Kick hits and he started comboing me ignoring Aganos’ 2 hits of armor.

I broke the game in a weird way today.

-In a lobby, about to start a match
-Accidentally press X to re-map controls.
-Mash B fast to try to leave the screen, but end up just setting every control to B
-At some point during this, the 5 second match countdown timer ends.
-I get a message saying “Are you sure you want to leave? Unsaved progress will be lost”
-I press A to leave.
-Lobby screen is stuck as if i am in the lobby, and in game at the same time. I cannot “spectate”, and there is no countdown timer.
-I press B and leave the lobby to fix the issue
-When i exit to main menu, there IS NO MAIN MENU just the movie playing in the back, and the news tab on the right.
-I have no control

I can try to make a video on it, but im not sure if i can re-create it.

Before 3.1, if Aganos did normal xx Natural Disaster xx HP manual, it would grant him a level 2 ender. Now, it’s still a level 1. This wasn’t listed in the patch notes.

Mira can be blocked mid-animation in mid-combo. The opponent can be locked out or breakable.
During if you use her Shadow Bats linker and use the 2 hit HP manual, the opponent can block the second hit of the attack.

This has happened several times and it makes me rather sad.
Edit: Not a bug, simply a matter of hitstun.
@TheKeits thx

This is not a bug, @Fwufikins . Each hit in a fighting game has its own hitstun duration, and the hitstun inflicted by the Shadow Seekers was not enough for the 2nd hit of your manual HP to connect. Thats just how (every) 2D fighting game works.

Really? It just seemed like a weird case for the hitstun to drop, since it’s in the middle of a multi-hitting attack.
Man… It’s certainly an annoying constraint, even of it’s not a bug.

Thanks for your time though, boss. Now I know (and knowing is half the battle!).

I think the thing is it wasn’t in the middle of a multi-hitting attack, the shadow bats actually looked like it ended, right in between the first and second hit of st hp. The last hit of shadow bats probably didn’t have enough hitstun to let the second hit of st hp to hit.

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