Official KI Bug Reporting Thread Season 3


Im having issues with Arbiter’s fighting challenges. I am noticing whenever I use Prophet’s bane to end a combo (any combo), it doesnt register in the fighting challenges. The only way to get it to work is to do the move on its own which obviously isnt how that move is meant to be used. I notices the same issue with General RAAM and his Dominance move. I game on PC Win10

  1. Start Combo
  2. End Combo with Prophet’s bane
  3. Repeat multiple times
  4. Check Progress and it hasnt moved. Currently stuck on 10.

Noticing the same issue with Kim Wu with Dragon Dance and possibly Rash as well with Big Boot and Wrecking Ball


MB: ASUS Maximus VII Hero
CPU: Intel i7-4790 @ 4.00 GHz 4 core

KI Win10 users, anyone have any ideas on how to pass a performance test?

If you’ve had to troubleshoot, what worked for you?

For literally years my laptop had no issues passing the performance test to play online, but for some reason for like the past month or so, my PC performance has been kinda slow/laggy/weird. (sorry folks i’ve played. i’ve been trying to figure this out!!)

Finally did a performance test and Something has changed on my Windows 10 PC to make KI not work correctly. I’ve turned off every graphic setting I can, and still get Fails at every resolution.

I normally use powerline ethernet adapters for a wired connection, but it seems the issue is how my computer runs KI vs my internet connection.

Here are my specs fwiw:
asus rog gl552vw
i7 6700HQ 16GB RAM
win 10 Home

Help is appreciated! Thanks.

Hi Guys,

The AU / NZ community has been crippled the past few days by what appears to be some server issues that is not allowing us to host lobbies, invite each other to games or just in general connect to each other. We either just can’t find each other or we’re getting this ‘Cannot start multipler game’ when trying to connect to each other. It’s been a week now and we’re in the dark still about what is going on or what we can do to resolve this. As an already small community we do not want to let our game die like this!

Has anyone figured out a solution to this or know whom we can contact? I’ve tried xbox support and they pointed me here so I’m hoping someone has an idea. Thanks!

Unlocking the achievement for finishing the season 1 mural appears to be (still be?) Bugged.

Yes. It unlocked for me, but a few days later randomly. This was in 2019.

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Hello. I think I’ve discovered an issue that is crashing the game in some special conditions.

Platform: XBOX One S (not SERIES S).
Language: Spanish

  • Playing Shadow Lords in Normal mode.
  • Combo assistant activated.
  • My team: Sabrewulf (lead), Thunder and Glacius
  • Picked Thunder + Glacius for a two-enemy combat (don’t remember if I had two or three slots for my team)
  • Played with Thunder against the first enemy. Finished the combat with an Ultimate.
  • When the Ultimate Banner animation finish, the game crashes.
  • After restarting the game, I’m on the same turn, but the combat is lost and Thunder and Glacius are dead. The corruption spreads on the zone.
  • Played another combat with Glacius alone. Finished the combat with an Ultimate (this one was vs Tusk on the Sabrewulf lab).
  • When the Ultimate Banner animation finish, the game crashes.
  • Same after restartting the game, the combat is lost and Glacius is dead. The corruption spreads.

I think it could be something related to the Ultimate animation and the presence of Glacius in the team on the Shadow Lords game mode. I’ve played a match vs the cpu on single player mode with Glacius, finished with an Ultimate and the game didn’t crash. I also have performed Ultimates on the Shadow lords mode with Sabrewulf and Thunder using them for single-player combats and the game didn’t crash.


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@PsyrahX Any of the above conditions match what you’re doing?

I know this is a super delayed response but this is accurate there was a delay.

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Every time I come across a shadow opponent in shadow lords it never is able to load the fight because of server causing me to have no choice but skip turn and having corruption increase.

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First image is when I try to start up the game. Second image is when I try to start up shadow lords.

Iron Galaxy Studios, Are you still supporting the game? it doesn’t seem to be like that. I wrote directly to your mail, which is indicated on your page, I did not even receive a standard notification from the mail bot.
On a new sovereign laptop, the Steam version of the game blocks any online game mode and throws it to the desktop without error.
details here:

and here

In the version of WindowsStore, playback of the dummy record does not work in training mode: when you select “play”, nothing happens at all - the dummy remains in the usual stand as it was. But the floor of the question of the production function works in the version of the game Steam.
Also, in the training mode in both versions (WindowsStore;Steam), the dummy counterstrike function does not work. Nothing happens. Although it is implied that the dummy should retaliate as in Injustice

Iron Galaxy is no longer supporting the game, as their contract ended. Support for Killer Instinct would be handled by Xbox Game Studios now.

i got the same issue here. The games runs smoothly offline, but as soon as i enter multiplayer for an online match, the game crashes with error 1000. A friend of mine, living close to me, got no problem at all with online, so it’s not geolocalization (we both have steam version of the game). Furthermore, i got a brand new gaming pc, so it can’t be someting related to the technical requirements from my pc. Could it be something related to some specific component’s drivers? i really don’t know, i’m a sort of digital troglodyte, but i really want to play the game vs some real players online and this error keeps preventing me from doing so. It’s so frustrating

their representative responds via chat: contact Iron Galaxy

Their rep is incorrect, and I suspect trying to “pass the buck.”

ok, so im not quite sure how to ask this, but lemme provide context. I play this on the windows 10 version, i’m on windows 11, everything runs very good, except for one major issues: the game crashes and shut down… Whenever it feels like, it doesnt matter if it Shadow lords, singleplayer, or multiplayer, if the game runs long enough, my session ends without warning. does anyone know how to fix this?

Guys, I’m tired of losing guardians, maybe you can answer why it happen. Yesterday I bought Gold Tiger Guardian & Common Lion Guardian, and today I do not have either of em. Am I doing something wrong? I shared a screenshot with my friend (just for flex :D), so I have proof.
Today I bought Gold Astral Tiki, so you can immediately tell which screenshot is new =)

Also, Tusk’s mission, but Tusk does not meet the Mission requirements. Wat.

I’m experiencing missing Season 2 characters in offline mode with the xbox series X set to the “home” device. All game assets and characters are downloaded to local according to the MS store. Reinstalled and no change. Same characters missing in offline mode.