New "Mass Effect" Trailer

Maaaan… This is ridiculous. I’ve seen rumors and reports that the new Mass Effect won’t be hitting until 2029. That’s insane. EA needs to find a way to expand Bioware to the point where they can work on two large games at once and actually get them to market in a reasonable amount of time.

It’ll be 5 years ago this December that Dragon Age 4 was first announced. Five years and we still barely know anything about the game or when it’s coming out. New Mass Effect was announced 3 years ago at the Game Awards. I get that Dreadwolf comes first but it still really sucks that a game I’m really looking forward to gets announced, only to have what, an 8 year development cycle between back burner development and full on development post-Dreadwolf for Mass Effect?

That’s such a bummer.

Indeed, unfortunately. :frowning: