New Combo traits (what could be done?)

Well, I looked into it by going into the lab and looking up certain character’s combo traits. To my surprise, they’re no longer called “combo traits” and as far as I can tell, haven’t been since S1 and Double Helix. Now, if you go into any character’s command list, they’re actually called “character traits” and they’re all-encompassing by including virtually everything unique about the character (combo or otherwise) that’s not a command normal, special, opener, linker, shadow move, ender, or ultra.

Keith ur chatting bare **** lol. Come on now its a combo trait.

You dont have to be right technically. :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Lets not get technical its a trait that that character could have thats unique to them. Just like omens jagos spinals or hisako!

But instead of exta damage skulls or to gain instinct its meant to drain instinct.

No matter what who called what this is ALL what we mean its how we all see them.

This is what i think a combo trait is.

Its a trait within a combo lol

Kim .

Multiple everything triple fireballs lightning kicks splitting nunchuck instinct

How would you feel if they took a page from SF5 Chun Li, and had all special moves hit double during Instinct?

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Yessss less like Chun Li but much like her super linkers in KI2 tho

The sped up multiple hit firecracker
The multiball air fireball
The multi kick super spin kick

Next month will be my first time using Chun Li since they FINALLY gave her a better hairstyle and outfit

I cannot stand her brown stockings with blue dress with marshmallow puff hair and white boots get up

So this one right? The Iconic one?

I’m guessing the new costume you are referring to is the Limited Edition one?

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The new one is like a mixup of Orchid and Kim Wu!

That first one is atrocious

I didn’t preorder on PSN tho, I wanted bearded Ryu so Game Stop

If he’s an unplayable boss, I actually think this would be cool lol sounds pretty awesome

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unfortunately on the interview about season 3…he said that if they do a vapire character…it wont be anything like twilight…so I’m assuming a beast form yea…but that’s just what he said…he didn’t say we were actually getting a vampire for season 3

LOL I don’t think ANYONE wants the Sparkly Vampires. XD

So far some combo traits are;

All pure grapple

Combo traits that that can send an opponent flying around the room

Stance Switches


Projectile doubles

well the only differenc eis it just leaves white damage instead of doin actual damage, unfortunatley It is kinda close to Cinders and it also sounds a lot more cheap to.


I thought Kim would be amazing to have pink jeweled skin for instinct!
Sort of a pink dark phoenix

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Lol my queen in mind has nore in common with the ice queen or narnia than twilight i dont want no human style boring vamps

I want ice queen frozen heart pure power and attitude :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Or white queen emma frost diamond skin

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Somthing like that or note like seline of the he*ll fire club.

No popculture vampa more mega power ladies

I d like Kim to have the possibility to double the hits of auto doubles, like spinning nun chucks, keeping the button pressed down. Maybe it grows off combo breaker timing or it s use full punishing failed combo breaker attempts. I see her spinning nun chucks like Bruce Lee.

Or seline!!!


that sounds like an interesting instinct than a combo trait to me. actually really cool

I think that’s a little too advanced for KI designers!! Lol

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