New character revealed: Shin Hisako!

I know but sometimes words have different usage. Thanks anyway.

Yes, it was to make a point.



Not until someone explain what happened to Hisakoā€™s canon.

Funny story: I made a joke on Twitter that if the character was literally just Hisako with a sword, my girlfriend would finally have another character to play.
Low and behold, I tell my girlfriend that the character was Hisako with a sword and she made this face.


Iā€™m curious, how did you feel about Kilgore?

We need a vote to change Kim Boos face, it doesnā€™t look AESEIN ENOUGH!

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This is so me hands down. I love Hisako, but I was always given a challenge due to her tools and such. It couldnā€™t click with me as much as I REALLY wanted to play her. So now I can still play her, and enjoy her lore and such, while having a more straightforward approach to her. You really hit the nail on my head at leastā€¦

Super Excited :smile:


I mean, the solutions weā€™ve been giving you this far got Rukariā€™s approval, and Iā€™m fairly certain the people who work on the game have a decent idea of whatā€™s going on.

Like I said, you can wait until KI Cup next week for the devs to break down the lore for us if you really care that much. Until then, all we can do is theorize, and the theories Iā€™ve been seeing sound fine since itā€™s just a video game.


Whatever i hope they dont take this character canon. Perhaps it can ruin the plot for a sequel and they come to us and say hey guys we have to reboot KI again yadaā€¦ yada. Inconsistency is what concerns me. It needs to have a solid path for a sequel.

Tell that to MK: Arrmegeddon to MK9.

Time Travel hurts my head.

There is always a way. Donā€™t worry. If anything, it makes sure its more interesting for a sequel.

Friggin reboot pls dont let it happen to KI AGAIN. Move along like MKX.

It wasnā€™t saying that KI will do that, just saying that even the story looks like it canā€™t go on, there will be a way to make it continue, while improving everything.

Adding new characters might ruin the plot for a sequel which might not even happen and we donā€™t even know the plot of the new characters work so instead, we should just not add new characters with a story -_-

Yeah, yeah i got you.

I may not be remembering this right but I swear on the survey there wasnā€™t a single remix that described either kilgore or clone-sako.

I swear I was trying being positive about this game.

Or perhaps it can add more to a sequel, point is we donā€™t know much other than whatā€™s in the dossiers and what the devs have hinted so far. Best we can do now is theorize on the information we do have and try to be a little bit more optimistic. I mean by now Iā€™m sure IG deserves a little credit in their character designs and their ability to tie things in lore wise, lets not start screaming the sky is falling at the first sign of something we may not like.

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The guardian should find her a chiropractor, sheā€™s still got the posture of a folded beach towel.


@rukizzel will she have accessories?

Donā€™t see why Shin Hisako can potential put the plot at risk. From the looks of it, she has transcended thanks to the guardian she now wields. I almost see Hisako as the new Guardian of Wrath as Kim Wu is almost like the Guardian of Hope, as she is destined to defeat Gargos. In lore it fits to me, I think you are simply confusing preference with lore. I can already get the hint you simply donā€™t like her.