Never tell anyone to quit


drinking, smoking and doing drugs. It’s not healthy for you. :heart:


The attitude that is required to play online on Killer Instinct summarised in one gif:-

Actually this could well be me as Maya after accidentally losing both daggers. :wink:


If I quit doing all that, then I have no reason to get up in the morning :smiling_imp:


Then find a reason, you scrub.


:smile: let’s be civil here, but i did find that funny sadly.


It was meant to be a joke :slight_smile: It was toned down from the first thing I wanted to text.

Thanks for the like


Honestly I think this thread needs MORE attention. The attitude that player displayed has more effect than most people realize. I’m not saying this just because I’m cynical and vindictive :stuck_out_tongue: I’m saying this because it’s an attitude that’s so much more prevalent than it has any right to be. Again, we need to be calling these people out. :slight_smile:

I don’t think any scene was made. You said something that’s on a lot of people’s minds TBH.

Actually calling people out is against forum guidelines. Calling out bad player tendencies is fine, but individuals no.

And besides that lynch mobs are never the answer to random instances of people with a deflated egos trying to puff themselves up. You run the risk of becoming the very thing you’re setting out to get rid of…that thing being a person that bullies others for not behaving they way you think they should.

I got you. I don’t mean calling them out in a forum, per se, but just to their faces. Like saying “Hey, bruh. Why are you being like this?”

I’m actually not trying to get rid of people who bully others because they don’t behave the way the bully thinks they should. These people are just behaving like children because they lost or they got salty at something, not because the winner was acting a different way and they take it out on the person they’re playing against. I actually don’t agree with lynch mobs. When I said “calling them out” I don’t mean to a crowd. Sometimes just saying to them “Hey, that’s not cool.” is all we can do and sometimes it’s enough.

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