True, but I don’t have any issues with anybody else in the cast with this, except Rash, and it might be due to the some of his froggy parts.
@FallofSeraphs76 - What? You actually find Sadira a pain? Always remember, with the exception of while she’s in Instinct, she is almost always at risk when jumping in. A good Sadira will make you think that you can’t get a hit in, but once you start seeing her patterns, she really not that hard to train wreck.
Most of the people that I fight and beat respectively, almost ALWAYS gave me too much room to play with. You keep Sadira pressured (especially in a corner) and she virtually loses all options. It should always be your goal to corner her and then don’t let her breath.
@R1stormrider - I agree, but part of the problem for me is that Gargos has WAY too many options to keep Sadira out, with Sadira having very few options to get in on him. I’ve already requested that they nerf the push back of his jumping HP so that he can’t push you to the other side of the screen, but it has yet to be implemented.
I CAN beat a Gargos with Sadira and have even caused a few to RQ on me because of it, but its an uphill unfair fight from the get go. Kind of almost (almost mind you) reminds me of the Sadira versus Aganos fight in S2 BEFORE he got FLICK. He literally had no way of stopping Sadira other than jumping HP. Now, thanks to his buffs, he actually beats Sadira, ever so slightly.
I struggled a lot against Rash, until something “clicked” on me:
He is particularly weak to shadow counters.
Rash is still a character uncomfortable to face to me, but I’m ok with that. Once I noticed that most Rash are uncomfortable due the threat of a boot after Hk, or any attack after PPP, I started to use shadow counters by default after those moves. And it works like a charm
If the Rash player is intelligent, he will stop cancelling hk into boot, leaving him sightly negative, and “yolo” ppp approaches will be less frequent
If he is not, save meter for shadow counters and give him pain
You can’t shadow counter the tongue though. It’s a projectile so he doesn’t get frozen in place meaning he can block or hit you out of your shadow move in time. Also yoloing tongue in is pretty damn hard to shadow counter since the window to shadow counter tongue is incredibly tiny due to the small amount of block stun it creates. It feels more like a late parry of the tongue than a shadow counter of the follow up hit.
big kick, looks unsafe but isnt. if he does the light, he can frame trap with light. i learned that
shadow ram, looks unsafe but he can do a big kick or a grab mix up, learned that also. iirc his regular rams are also appear to be unsafe but arent. usually they go for a grab, but now they’re doing light big kicks into frame trap for another light variant, or just go for a grab again to corner you
his tongue can be used to keep you blocking ive noticed, or used for tick grabs. i just keep blocking this ■■■■, idk what to do unless im hisako and ill try to catch counter, or influence the incoming grab
wrecking ball spam back and forth non stop can start becoming a huge hassle for me. they dont always follow up with j.MK. sometimes he will do nothing, sometimes he will. it becomes more troublesome with spammage when they use it to just run away after getting the life lead and running the clock down. on occassion they’ll do a follow up tongue to keep you blocking for a mix up. i sometimes can knock them out of it if i am fast enough
juggles i dont really have problem breaking anymore, if its a mace, break medium, axe break fierce. some guys dont have that down yet ive seen.
in wall splat scenarios, hes gonna have good mix up options with small one chance breaks for constant wall splat into throw, or juggle opener mix ups added with tongues for tick grabs or maybe try to tag you into a combo
i know he has weaknesses, i know there are holes. ive accidentally gotten more damage off him by finding them in his game plan. however, this ■■■■■■ is really stressful to fight if the guy knows how to play him and i just think hes ■■■■■■ ridiculous. after i kick his ■■■ i find that i chugged down half a bottle of water cuz thats how over heated i get in dealing with his shenanigans. i also need to shadow counter him more and just be more patient
His wrecking ball is what should be nerfed because it’s pretty much a teleport. Add more recovery frames to it in order to make people think twice about using it or something. And why does it have armor?
so i just jab him then? cuz thats all i can think of. i try to anti air and its not always successful, he sometimes is able to slip past it and mash out a combo and since im pressing a button i get an early lock out. or, ill land it, and he’ll fly away too far, get back up and here comes more wrecking ball spam or some other ■■■■ like tongue
I feel you man. I dont know that much the data frame about rash however I find him a spam character (sorry if someone gets ofended, is not the point) , this weekend i fought several rash and f.u.c.k… i lost many matches where one would spam the tongue and the wrecking ball like crazy… I tried to antiair that shi.t. but it was so difficult to hit him… That character really gets into my nerves
So interesting story here, I haven’t played KI in about almost 4 months now, decided to go back a few days ago and boy was the salt real! Ran into some of the most disrespectful rash players, plenty of people who use all types of characters still taunt and tbag without remorse and apparently some characters (gargos, hisako, riptor… just to name a few) have borderline infinite combos. What happened to this game?
yes you can jab out of those moves and alway down HP while blocking the wrecking ball and it will tag him everytime. Dont wait to hit down hp, mash it out of your block stun and it will work.
Elaborate, because that sounds pretty off the charts[quote=“VladKravich, post:35, topic:20902”]
disrespectful rash players
How is someone disrespectful with Rash?[quote=“VladKravich, post:35, topic:20902”]
plenty of people who use all types of characters still taunt and tbag without remorse
Ahh, so it’s a taunt/teabag thing. Vlad, teabag and taunting is just pressing a button. It has the value you give to it. If it infuriates you, it’s your fault. It makes me laugh, actually. I share Ultradavid’s insight on that: your pad/stick only has some millions of times pressing a button before it brokes. So if someone teabags me, he is depleting the controller durability for someting that I don’t care, which I find really funny xD
Also, Rash’s taunt is a real wonder. I always laugh when I see it. When I play Rash I always use it. I suggest you to take the actions as what they are, not as what they pretend to be. A taunt and a teabag is only one button being pressed. Are you upset because someone pressed a button? You know how… ridiculous it sounds?
Long=/=infinite, and in any case, always breakable. Maybe they are hitting you with resets, which are avoidable [quote=“VladKravich, post:35, topic:20902”]
What happened to this game?
Well…[quote=“VladKravich, post:35, topic:20902”]
I haven’t played KI in about almost 4 months now
This. You aren’t used to play, so you are failing in places where maybe you weren’t if you were used to play