Well, your video isn’t playing at the moment, so it’s kind of difficult to understand your frustration with him at the moment.
However, Rash isn’t that bad to try and break if you understand what your opponent is doing. First, accept that you can NOT break tongue, as it is a projectile, and trying to while being juggled will create a timed lockout. However, it is also a 0 damage move, as in it produces NO damage to you if you get hit by it. So don’t worry about them building big damage off it. It just keeps you airborne, and it’s near instant startup allows it to juggle when most other moves will fail, but it can fill the KV meter quickly, so they’ll go for a recap or a shadow cashout before long.
I say that because if you are focused on them building up lots of PD and damage during a combo, it will raise your tendencies to panic/overreact/mash, and you’ll make mistakes more easily.
Second, if they use the lp, lp, lp, recap combo at any point, all of it is Light breaker, even the recap. If they use the overhead move raw though, without the lp punch target combo, it’s a heavy. It’s harder to react to, but depending on their habits, or what move they used previously to juggle you, you could probably make an educated guess as to which they are picking next. Moves that juggle low leave little room for startup on the overheard, so they may use the lp target combo into the recap, whereas a high juggle leaves lots of room for frame advantage, allow just a raw recap.
Most of the players who use Rash tend to use combos that, while they juggle, also carry the opponent to the corner, where Rash has some powerful superiority.
Also, if they abuse air Wrecking Ball, they are BEGGING you to anti air them into a combo. Rash has some good jump moves, but aerial wrecking ball makes him so predictable with that huge startup and animation, he’s just too easy to anti air. Almost everyone has, or should have an answer to that one, even if Rash follows up with something like j.MK. As Cinder, I use cr.HP as it allows me juggle and follow up opportunities for combos.
Once you get that video up, and we can see who you’re using, what the Rash player is doing, etc., we’ll be in a better position to help you out.