Most annoying and irritating game characters

Who are some of the most annoying and irritating game characters you have ever seen and laid your eyes on as well as come across?

As for me here I got a couple:
Pyrrha (Soul Calibur series) especially with that REALLY shrilly, high-pitched voice of hers that she makes whenever she performs a special move, gets hit, and whatnot :grimacing:

The Crazy Frog including whenever he makes that “Ring-ding-ding-ding” sound with his mouth. And I now totally agree that he DOES live up to his moniker, “The Annoying Thing” :unamused: :angry:

Practically any AI controlled character that you have to protect while simultaneously guiding them to another location



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Including Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4?

It depends for me.

Sabrewulf. How do you even block that guy

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I so agree with this one! Though less annoying, Patroklos was up there too. A real d-bag that one.

Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Changed a bit in MKX, but before that, he was all just “VENGEANCE! ANGER! AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!” and I am so not into those characters. Especially not when they are supposed to be ninjas whose main thing is to be in the shadows and be stealthy.

Shotoclones from the Street Fighter series. The endless Hadokens. I guess it has more to do with the way people play them than the actual characters though, however, the fact that there are so many of them
 it’s just bad character design.

Any female character with a high-pitched voice and who act all happy-gogo.
Or those who are always crying and apologizing
 like Pyrrha, actually.


ESPECIALLY Ashley from RE4 lol

Such as?

Many things, from the looks, personality, what they do etc etc.

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Ah, gotcha. I see now too

Enemies with shields in first person shooters. You know the type: Jackals, Riot Shielders, Juggernauts, Reinhardt to a lesser extent, anyone who can sit behind a shield and tank damage. It’s not that it’s impossible or even particularly hard to deal with, but it really breaks the flow.

Escorts. I don’t need to elaborate. It can be done well, but 99% of the time it’s unbearable.

I’m going to expand on @anon39655210 's point on certain kinds of characters in fighting games, because they’ve got most of my shitlist down:
-Anyone who’s like “Hey that was a good fight! Let’s do it again~”

-Normal, boring every day characters. In a genre filled with cyborgs, monsters, aliens, superhumans, and various colors of ninja, why would I want to play as Some Guy? Games like SF, MK, and especially KI have found ways to take otherwise regular everyday archetypes like “boxer” or “martial arts champ” and at least put some fun spins on the idea, but Dead or Alive and Tekken are just fillled with it.

Thinking about it, just put “The Casts of DoA and Tekken” on my list of annoying characters. A huge chunk of those games just falls under “dude/chick that hits stuff” that shows up in street clothes and giggles or talks about how they have to try their best.

-Double ■■■■ the “I have to do this!” , “I’ll try my best!” , and “Everyone is counting on me!” characters. From Phyrah to Rebooted Laura Croft to Other M and every anime protagonist after 2005. This just bothers me.

This applies to games and movies: The “I’m the hero, but I’m going to be a total dickhead and create a bunch of frustrations and misunderstandings for no other purpose than to prolong the plot, only to pull a 180 when someone does a bad thing and save the day and be universally loved by everyone” plot. No thanks.

And finally, the holy grail of bad: AI partners that actively make it harder to complete your goal. Standing in doorways, setting of traps, looting ammo and weapons (that they have an infinite supply of but you do not), refusing to catch up to you moving at anything faster than a brisk walk, and then having the nerve to complain when I club them over the head for their insolence.

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And finally, the holy grail of bad: AI partners that actively make it harder to complete your goal. Standing in doorways, setting of traps, looting ammo and weapons (that they have an infinite supply of but you do not), refusing to catch up to you moving at anything faster than a brisk walk, and then having the nerve to complain when I club them over the head for their insolence.

Like Sheva Alomar from Resident Evil 5, for example?

Alot of people complained about the partner AI in RE5. My experience with it was great. The AI helped me and saved me plenty of times. I put fourth my trust in it and it returned the favor. Helping me when caught, watching my back. As the trophy for it says “build up a certain level of trust.”

Trying to beat Dural in Virtua Fighter.

Trevor from GTAV. He’s loud and grating, and his jokes are way too on-the-nose to be funny.

Ah yes, I hate those too. AI character shouldn’t have the same interaction with their surroundings as the controlled character, because you simply cannot control them! “Last of Us” and “Bioshock: Infinite” did it right.

Flippy the Frog from the Star Fox series too?


slippy toad you meant

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