Mortal Kombat 11

I got a chance to go back and watch some of the Kombat Kast. I see what you mean about Jacqui’s legs. I think the attacks themselves are actually okay - just a little “weightless” which tends to happen in NRS. I tend to find Muy Thai looks awkward anyway, but I think the real problem is her stance. In real life those fighters keep a lot of weight over their back leg so they can bring that front knee up to absorb and block low kicks - hence the iconic image of the Muy Thai fighter standing on one foot with his knee up (think Adon from SF). There’s also a sort of lazy looking economy of motion in a real fighter which is hard to put into words. It’s a combination of the relaxed looseness and the lack of extraneous movement. Whatever that is - Jacqui doesn’t have it. She’s super rigid in her stance and the way she walks forward and it overall gives the impression (to me at least) that this is her first day at Muy Thai training. Then she throws out an over the head kick and grabs you with her leg… There’s also a very distinct cadence to a Muy Thai fighter walking forward. They don’t tend to run around because low kicks are so important and defending against them is equally important so there’s this kind of slow shuffling step they do (I’m 100% uninformed amateur when it comes to martial arts so don’t @ me with a bunch of MMA stuff if you don’t like my descriptions of MT - this is all just observational). That shuffle is pretty tough to translate into a 2D fighter, but Jacqui definitely doesn’t have it.

I don’t expect any of this will change and it’s not a huge deal. But IMO they could fix her Muy Thai impression a lot by just having her raise her knee to block or lift her front leg more prominently in her stepping forward animation.

Still, I think in the context of NRS, and the fact that she is not so much of a Muy Thai fighter as a Muy Thai exo-suit space commando cowgirl, this is a passable flaw. She is going to spend a lot of her time flying around and shooting rockets out of her forearms, for which her stance seems perfectly fine.

On a side note: Holy crap that guys menu tech is OP…

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I want him to teach me… like holy bejeebus…

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on a sidenote i found it amusing that kotal kahn got ■■■■■■■■■■■ in his own trailer lol. it just shouts “yeah, hes our new guy! now watch him die!” …at the hands of a character that people dont really care about


He DOES NOT deserve this slander…tenor

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It seems to me like it was clearly intended to be a Jacqui trailer that they stuck the Kotal Kahn label on because he was the character being “announced.”


They did the same with Cassie and Kano. I think some of it is just a bit of having the heroes beat up on the villains a bit for trailer purposes.


yeah makes sense, i just found myself laughin about it. overall i liked what i saw though, he looks pretty fun to play. not sure how i feel about characters automatically walking away from a command grab though. it kinda resets the fight

Even with the cat, I probably won’t ever use Kotal Kitty. :joy_cat:

down here we call kitty’s “kiki”. so kiki kahn is now my nickname for him LOL

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Not KATal Kahn?

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katal kahn also works lol, now where is my lazer light

Jacqui has the most badass fatal blow in my opinion as of right now. The camera angles and such are godlike. The super kick with the glass shattering effect is a nice touch.

Jacqui is actually a character I dabbled in besides Johnny in MKX, so really excited to try her when the full game releases. :smile:


I’ve been slowly watching the Kast here and there.

I think it’s really interesting that both Jacqui and Kotal have moves where they change as you do them - Kotal with kncreasing strength of his grapples and Jacqui with the different Enders for her clinch leading to the krushing blow. I suspect these things will be avoided by competitive players because they make things too unpredictable. But as an element of the game I think it’s a really fun addition.


Only 5 characters in the beta? For 3 days and with less than a month for the game to come out? NRS weirdness again. So much fear.

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There were only 3 characters in the Stress Test. This is an improvement at least.

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I was hoping for the installment they had last night. :rage:

So…wait for the full game then…

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Anyways…I can’t wait!!!

Yeap, i guess

JUST DO IT!!! This is going to be the greatest Fighting game ever releaseed…beside KI of course LOL…get on board son! lol