More Humans or More Monsters for season3?

I want to see more monsters.

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How about a mix? Itā€™s vital for the roster to maintain diversity.

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We need both. I like how we always half human and half monster roster. The same needs to be applied for this game.

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we have already too much humans for my taste, they are boring compared to others in my opinion. Kim wu and tusk would ve the only season 3 humans if i was in charge.

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Iā€™d like to see some new humans. Sadira is the only human character ā€“ and that might be debatable ā€“ that wasnā€™t in the original KI or KI2, and much as I like some of the gameā€™s monster mash aspect, that still means weā€™ve gotten one new human character, and five new creature features.

Iā€™d like to see what Iron Galaxy could do with some new humans.

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I kinda want a Man in Black character and one of those crock-p0t conspiracy theorists that lives in a VW bus

I could go either way.
The monstrous characters are what got me into KI (mainly Wulf and Riptor, along with Fulgore)
That being said, I agree with @GriningSkull that Iā€™d like to see what Iron Galaxy are capable of.
Main hope is that IG deliver some killer new characters, human or otherwise, though I do like the idea of more beasties.

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MORE NEW monsters in Season 3 and overall for Killer Instinct for me here personally

Just, more.
Some monsters are very human, some humans are monsters.


Are there specific monsters that people want to see?

I know a Vampire character has been a fairly consistent request/rumour, though would that be a mopey pretty-boy like Lestat or Alucard, or something a bit more horrific along the lines of Nosferatu or the reavers from ā€˜Blade 2ā€™?

Personally, Iā€™d on-board for some sort of Frankensteinā€™s monster.

Moving away from Gothic horror, perhaps a Lovecraftian Deep One, or an evil Djinn?

What kinda freakshow do you want added the menagerie?


You forgot Kan-Ra sure heā€™s immportal and he looks weird but heā€™s really just a human with crazy powers much like Sadira so he still counts. I think season 3 will have another nice mash of human and monster.

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How about we just mix the monster and human like aspect for the vampire.

Kim Wu and Tusk are going to be there so thatā€™s two humans and maybe one or two ne wone swould be okay.

Monsters now. we could throw in some more heck why not another minion of Gargos since Gargos is coming back.

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I think we can expect at least one more human or two after that and the rest can be some villains from Gargoā€™s side of town.

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I would like to see more humans than monsters. But more of a 2-1 ratio. Include monsters

More humans? No.
More monsters? No.


Kan-Raā€™s an immortal sorcerer who can reconstitute himself from ash, explode into sand, and breath out swarms of insects. He might have started out human, but at this point heā€™s about as human Fulgore, or Sabrewulf, or Hisako.

Sure, Jago, Thunder, and Orchid [maybe?], all have mystical aspects to their abilities as well, but I donā€™t think you could even argue that itā€™s a fine line. Kan-Ra has more or less abandoned his humanity to become something else.

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Not even, heā€™s a human being with high amounts of power and magic. Heā€™s as human as Sadira more like it whoā€™s as human as Jago. I wouldnā€™t compare him to Fulgore, Sabrewulf or Hisako. Because unlike them, Kan-Ra does not exibit any physical animal traits, isnā€™t technically un-dead and he also doesnā€™t seem to be missing too much of fleashy parts. Just because he doesnā€™t look like your typical human fighter doesnā€™t mean isnā€™t a human.

Unless Kan-Ra grows bestial appendages out of his back or something he will always be better placed in the human category. Not quite monstrous enough in visual to really be placed in as a monster. Sadira is the same way who may have powers similar to a spider but isnā€™t truelty a spider creature. Not monstrous enough in apperance to be considered monsters or non-human.

Only truly non-humans in the game I think go to Hisasko, Aria, Riptor, Aaganos,Fulgore, Spinal, Sabrewulf etc. Season 3 can follow the same distribution of how season 1ā€™s cast works out. Half humans and half monsters/non-humans. So we can keep the diversity without concern of over-saturation. If we get mostly human characters it can make for a very dull season. But I also understand that KI needs to retain itā€™s diversity so some human characters are necessary.

Rash I do not count because heā€™s not a native KI character. Iā€™m speaking strictly of KI characters.

My main concern sometimes rests with how I feel about a human fighter as a concept. They really did push the enevelope with Kan-Ra who does stick out really well from the rest of the human cast. Beofre then I considered human characters to be highly limited design wise and had little room for anything of intrest. Sadira pushed it to but not quite as far.

Still I think it will suit everyone if we had a mix mash of both human and beast fighters.

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Not even, heā€™s a human being with high amounts of power and magic. Heā€™s as human as Sadira more like it whoā€™s as human as Jago. I wouldnā€™t compare him to Fulgore, Sabrewulf or Hisako. Because unlike them, Kan-Ra does not exibit any physical animal traits, isnā€™t technically un-dead and he also doesnā€™t seem to be missing too much of fleashy parts. Just because he doesnā€™t look like your typical human fighter doesnā€™t mean isnā€™t a human.

Yeah, absolutely. Heā€™s just a your average, every day, desiccated, mummified husk with glowing eyes that hovers, and canā€™t die. Perfectly human in every regard.

I think weā€™ll have to agree to disagree.

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Heā€™s not a typical human character but he is a human. However youā€™re right. Letā€™s just agree to disagree.

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Sorry Red, but Iā€™m going to have to disagree with you too, because of the oldest determining factor of humanity across every mythology across every culture: Mortality.
By definition, any being that cannot die is not a human being. They are described as deities, gods, demons, lost souls, the undeadā€¦
This is described in the very beginning of human philosophy, some of the earliest known use of inference and logic, by none other than Socrates.
"All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal."
Sure enough, Socrates died, just like every other human being in history has.
Kan-Ra breaks from this definition in 2 possible ways; either the obvious answer, he cannot die, or he already has died and the body left behind is operating on its own.
In the first answer, he has sacrificed his humanity to become something more. When one becomes immortal, they transcend humanity and become something different. Highlander and demi-god are common terms, despite the latter alluding (literally) to godly heritage.
In the second case, Kan-Ra has once again lost his humanity ,but in a more or less complicated way. If he died, he was once human, which is true. However, weā€™ve seen that Kan-Ra is still alive. The explanation? He isnā€™t ā€œaliveā€, heā€™s one of the undead. The Kan-Ra we see is not Kan-Ra himself, but a vessel through which the spirit of Kan-Ra interacts with the world.
A good comparison would be Hisako. She died, for she was once mortal. However, her spirit has reentered the modern world of its own will. Her feelings of anger allowed her to physically manifest a corporeal projection of herself. This manifestation does not know complex emotion, it only knows the desire for retribution.
Kan-Ra has used a different method: Rather than create a physical entity, he entered a physical one and possessed it. And what better body to possess than the one youā€™re most familiar with? So, Kan-Raā€™s ghost, so to speak, has repossessed (what we believe to be) bodyā€¦ Or so it would seem.
This leads us to a 3rd option: Like Aganos, he is a construct. See, watching Kan-Ra fight, we can see dust and sand falling from his body, held together by gauze. He even has a move in which he literally detonates, what would be suicide for a human, and reassembles else where. This implies that, rather than repossessing his corpse, Kan-Ra escaped the curse put upon him in his back story by making a copy of his body for his spirit to inhabit, using sand and bandages as a base to make a golem. This golem would be enchanted with various spells to allow it to use the pieces that compose it as weapons, just like Aganos. This explains his ability to manipulate his body and band aids in such intricate waysā€¦

However, both of these options are eclipsed by the first due to one key event; his ā€œtrial by fireā€ at the hands of the Night Guard. His body was completely destroyed by the flames, and yet he rose again. This denotes the latter 2 of the 3 options because
A) If he was possessing his old body as a spirit, the body being destroyed would leave him no way back into the physical world.
B) the body was BURNED, meaning that it was unlikely that it was constructed out of elements like earth, because even if the band aids are burned he wouldā€™ve been able to escape as controlled sandā€¦
But the body was destroyed by fire, and he reconstituted it somehow. The solution? He simply cannot die.
Even if his body is destroyed, he can rebuild it, unlike Hisako, who died and returned as an Onryo (ghost). She could not reanimate her body, as it had decayed, so she projected her spirit from the afterlife in a corporeal form. Aganos and his kin, while gifted with ever lasting life, can be deconstructed and permanently destroyed, hence why Aganos is the only one left.
Kan-Ra meanwhile can have his body destroyed, restore it, and continue to inhabit it all the while. A feet impossible for a human being or a construct, making him something different.

Given Kan-Raā€™s malevolent nature, desiccated appearance, menacing demeanor, and inability to conform to the most basic principle of being human, it is safe to conclude that monster is a proper title for him.

TL;DR- Iā€™m not actually putting a TL;DR here. Youā€™re going to read my wall of text you are going to like it! >:)