Lost Interest In Most KI Tournaments

It’s everywhere dude. Just gotta accept/ignore it am I right?

I may not be a top player. But I visit here everyday TBH. Sometimes it’s for the better some times its for the worse. You just gotta ignore what you don’t like. And focus on the good things.

Heck they’re many people I don’t like whether it be on the web or IRL. So what do I do? I just don’t talk to them.

A few bad apples don’t have to spoil the bunch.


And it’s also not the first time this “Shago tactic” (=runaway tactic) has been applied.


The fact someone cant leave a conversation without being ridiculed should show you how cancerous this community is.

It is not a “polite community discussion” when someone needs to feel victorious by saying “He ran away from the thread”, or the most recent “he rage quit”.

This isn’t a fight. Its a thread. We leave our opinions, and then we stop posting when we feel we have had enough. There is no “winning” or “loosing” or “tactics”, its just a conversation.

but when some people would rather “win” instead of actually discussing, it just makes the rest of us loose hope. There is just no point in dealing with them, so we dont.

People like @MDMMORNING feel acomplished for pushing others out of a thread, while people like me and @llPaulBll just continue our day and hope that the devs consider our opinions as well.

This game doesnt have a huge bearing on my life, so i get to just laugh and walk away and wait for the next patch. I honestly feel bad for Paul because he is fighting to make lesser voices heard, and he continually keeps trying to help despite knowing the backlash he will get from the community.

@EbullientSeaCow, I appreciate the thought, but @llPaulBll “participates” in the forum by breezing in, dropping a post with zero detail saying “S3 sux” then profoundly refuses to have a conversation about it. Instead engaging only with the biggest asshat he can find in the thread. Wait a month. Repeat. He’s not looking for a “safe space” because he’s too frightened of the forum to share his opinion. He’s looking for the kind of echo chamber/hero worship he gets in his Twitch chat (which is toxic as ****).

@llPaulBll I can’t judge your opinion any other way than in the merits of what you write. And on that basis it seems you have nothing useful to say here.


Things like this make me think i should also leave the site.

Paul has made his own threads with plenty of discussion, then gotten torn apart. Then, some time later, another pro will say the same thing, and he will join the conversation and basically ask “are you guys ready to talk about this now that you have 2 pro opinions?” And the only thing that changes is that they BOTH get torn apart, and they both get tired and give up.

Paul has put in on multiple patch note discussion, and LCD discussion threads, and then he gets chased away by people who dont even try to understand his points.

So answer this… WHY would he ever try to have a full discussion with you guys again? Why should he think it will be any different?

I genuinely wish that everyone in the entire world would do this. Everyone needs to stop focusing on the negative. In @ZDhome’s initial example, he focuses on the 1 negative comment after @llPaulBll’s post instead of the 3 other far more positive ones. So, in essence, he’s not helping matters - he’s only reinforcing the negative and making things worse - and that’s not what we want as we try to grow this community.


That’s not true, nor was that ever my goal. I am more disappointed that y’all decided to storm away from a discussion (a debate, an argument, however you wanna look at it) rather than continue discussing with us. I’m equally disappointed that folks come to a discussion with nonsense, and insist that they are being attacked for being told they are wrong. Sometimes ideas and opinions are simply wrong, and that’s okay. Sometimes people could be greater served by opening their nugget up a little and learning - the trouble is when this bizarre idolatry prevents that entirely, for no good reason.

Perhaps I could have approached you rather more delicately, and I see now that I should have. But I didn’t push you out of the thread, you stomped out in a huff. Don’t confuse the two.

Moreover, just because one loses out on something does make another victorious by virtue. I felt no sense of victory, no accomplishment. Just a twinge of shame that you felt you had to scamper off without learning anything, and certainly still convinced of the same demonstrably false belief structure you arrived with. I am sorry for your loss, @ZDhome.

As for Paul, I ain’t even touching that one. He won’t touch a discussion with the lower caste with anything short of a dismissive ten-foot pole. Tells me he doesn’t have anything to add other than his ego, and it’s blind worshippers such as yourself that make him feel validated in that ego. Oh well, no skin off my back.

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Torn apart? You mean their points were (sometimes respectfully, admittedly sometimes not) disagreed with and debated by other smart, intelligent people?

Damn, I feel so bad for them.



How do you assume i stomped out?

I leave an opinion and stop posting, so i’m mad?

You suggested that you should leave. I think he took that as an actual farewell from you.

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Oh man…

Did I start this…?

If so I am really sorry… :confused:

Discussion is fine, but keep things civil.


No, more like a lot of:
“Just because you are a pro doesnt mean you are right.” with no actual discussion trying to prove him wrong.

You know what? I’m not stopping you. You’re in this thread complaining that the game is too dependent on luck, but outside of a few wonky attempts to define luck to mean “stuff that happens in this game and not others” you haven’t been able to point to anything uniquely random about this game other than your own frustration fighting Gargos. I’m sorry we aren’t all happily agreeing with you - but that’s not what discussion is.

Here is Paul’s post in this thread in it’s entirety:

Asked to elaborate, he has provided gems like this:

And then a few other content devoid posts indicating there’s not enough time to elaborate, but plenty of time to nitpick peoples posts and argue about who is projecting and taking him out of context etc. It’s just an exercise in frustration. I’m less questioning why Paull continues to engage in the forum and more questioning why anyone bothers to respond to him.

Plenty of people - @Infilament, @Fnrslvr, @Dayv0 and @STORM179 have made thoughtful and completely non-antagonistic posts expressing their differing point of view. Paul doesn’t respond to any of them in a constructive way. Instead he finds the time to write his longest post of the thread telling us all he has hurt feelings and doesn’t want to participate. Because he is a “top player” and therefore too special to have to put up with disagreement. I have zero interest in begging him to stay. Because other than frustrating anyone trying to sleuth out his actual point I see no contribution whatsoever.


“Some people believe there is no luck, only skill, some people believe there is no skill, only luck, and most people have a perceived “mix” that is just plain wrong.”

I feel like this is probably where you got the wrong impression. That was a statement about my experience, not me taking shots at you guys for what you believe.

“continued to try to engage” is a VERY generous description of the attitude that was left behind. Very good choice of words on that one.

And i came back with Paul because what you guys do to him is just as unfair. His post made reference to me, so i made reference to him. We are both going through the same thing, we are just on very different sides of the spectrum when it comes to how our opinions are seen by others.

Let’s stop talking about each other and start talking about the game again. :wink:


Look dude, I’m not trying to play this weak ■■■ interpretation game. If you weren’t leaving in a huff, maybe try to be so huffy and leave mid-conversation?

This is before I had a chance to adequately explain the fault in your scenario. You could have learned something (that could maybe help you in the Gargos matchup that you struggle with) but you just wanted to bail cuz folks were telling you that you were wrong. That’s fine and all, but don’t go trying to make yourself look better by denying what it was. It’s pretty clear how you roll.

Also, at what point did we even get to this point w/ dear ol’ Pauly? Dude barely engaged before bailing. Pretty much only Storm spoke to him, and he had no rebuttal, so he made me the threads Bogeyman as an excuse to also RQ. What is that?

EDIT: Lol, I’m so glad you pulled the good part that I deleted cuz I posted before noticing that Skele-dad showed up to tell us all to play nice. I tried to back up and follow Skele-dad’s rules, but I’m still glad you pulled that snippet, cuz yo, it’s truth.

This is not at all what my definition of “luck” was. I never got my definition across in a way that everyone could understand, so i received insults in return.

Thats why i left.

I came back because the way paul got treated “baited” me back into trying to accomplish something. (Big mistake. will not happen again.)

IMO, saying that someone who believes in both a mix of skill and luck is wrong is, well, wrong. I believe you can be very skilled, not take risks, and still lose to a lucky risk-taker. It’s not likely, but it can and does happen.

Again. not what i said at all. But this is why discussions over the internet rarely work. It’s impossible to make sure the other person got the full, correct interpretation of what you said.