Looking for "Shadow Lab" friends [Shadow Lords Update]

I’ve got to work to night, so I won’t be home until like 1am est. But if I can remember, I will.

Lol! I never thought I’d run out of Live. I haven’t dealt with renewal for like 3 years since I bought / got so much time when I got my X1. I wasn’t paying any attention at all to when my time was up.

I’m actually going through something similar. Just got off a long adventure in Skyrim (put another 111 hrs into that game…lol…my wife said she thought we got a divorce there for a minute), but I’m ready for S3, and want to put some real time into it (when ever possible that is).

Man, I’m so looking forward to Tusk. Tusk and TJ, those are my dudes…and Arbiter too.

I’ll be adding Tusk as my second main, for sure.

Though I ought to learn several different characters, I need to set myself to it eventually.


I know I’m super late to this but
It’s been almost a full year and my shadow is still only at 31 fights.
I’ve been knocking out bounties on @RGLOfficial @TheNinjaOstrich @xSkeletalx @FallofSeraphs76 @mineisbroken @BHswordsman09 and some randoms, some of my opponents with a few hundred matches.
Dying for that 100 matches for a shadow achievement. :confounded:
Though, be warned. My shadow is a bit of a butthead.

I might have to fight your shadow again. Will do!

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Do it soon. I’m also out of bounties to avenge :frowning:

Fyi: I went ahead and just bit the bullet. I’ve got gold again, so hit me up.

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Wait what? You’re beating on my fireman?!

Nope, your Wulf shadow for some reason.
But yeah kinda

fight with my shadow plz… want the achiev too lol

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So I went and added dang near everyone in this conversation. I will play your shadows this weekend when I get a chance. Please see if you can beat my orchid or hisako :slight_smile: GT is deftonesrc


OK, it took me some time, but I got through everyone =) I cant recall who it was, but one Fulgore shadow actually managed to beat me. I think i’m weak against that character (especially when I use Hisako). Great matches either way gentlemen. Cheers!

GGs to everyone I played last night.

@deftonesrc Your Hisako is treaching me a few things, forcing me to switch up a lot. Great job! I think I might like you Orchid a bit better though. :smile:

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Ha, thanks! My Orchid has significantly more experience than does my hisako. I’ll use her for a bit against your shadows. :slightly_smiling:

Has anyone considered what will happen to our shadows when S3 drops? I’d imagine the metrics used to derive our shadow AI are going to change, so will we be required to re-train? Just wondering if this has gone through anyone elses mind.

Yeah, I have thought about this. I think they will probably get wiped and have to start again.

I think that there are too many system changes for the current shadows to work in season 3. I mean the current shadows would have no clue what to do with the even the simple things in season 3 such as flip out after a breaker.

I hope i’m wrong but just can’t see how it would work with all the current characters getting new moves and the system changes.

Maybe @TotalJimkata could shed some light on this?

After thought - Even if the shadows don’t get wiped you will have to completely retrain them against every character anyway, so there probably isn’t much difference, apart from losing your shadows ranking.

I haven’t even thought about it. @rukizzel any thing you can share?

Well, at the crux of shadows is the actual computer AI, so a flipout would just prompt that AI to take over since there is no baseline yet. Maybe they will just heavily leverage the natural AI until enough data points are collected to inject the player-specific AI. That would be my guess, but this may not be worth it in terms of programming, so it may just be a “well, you go ahead and remake the shadow” situation. Either way, I cant wait =)

We will share more on that soon, but with so many balance changes, you can expect to put some more time in the lab to make sure your Shadows know whats up!

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Almost certain this is false.