Let's work through our backlog of games

You never played Ultima Online, I assume

My favorite game, EVER. Best multiplayer EVER. Dark Souls is EASY compared to Ultima Online.

That game molded my preferences in videogames. I played it for 8 years, and I don’t have enough compliments for it

Was trying to finish a Blood &Wine quest in Witcher 3, a Gwent quest to be precise. It took me 2 long hours. Could have completed more main quest missions but I was too greedy to win a Gwent trophy for Geralt’s mansion. Sadly, each hand I was dealt was poor and no losses were allowed (against 3 opponents in a row) so I needed to reload every 15 minutes, lol.

Never. My first online multiplayer game was Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube :grin: which is number 2 on my list.

It’s a bit late to try it, I’m afraid. I have played lots of multiplayers, and none is even close to UO.

I don’t expect nothing similar coming to life, sadly

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I bought SO XB1 bundle. Sweet white Xbox was a bonus, I could’ ve got one with more storage but the game was what I really wanted. And I enjoyed every bit of it (okay maybe not the grind for all the cans). I can never have enough good things to say about that game but sadly it seems to have the same fate as another favorite Bulletstorm did. Though that’ s coming back so hope for the future?


You have brought back so many good memories…

Thank you :sob:

@Dayv0 I had a cloth shop in Ultima Online.

@BoJima404 As for Phantasy Star Online, I played it to death on the Dreamcast.


So I finally decided to try Sleeping Dogs, and its been more enjoyable than I expected. I jacked a tire iron from a dude’s trunk, used it to wreck his car, and then sent his head through the hood of his own car.
■■■■■■■ cosmic.

That sounds horrible! What if he had a wife? Children? Think of the children!

…you monster. :scream:

Dude it’s insane. It’s like if Doomguy was an undercover cop in Hong Kong


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It’s an entertaining game. I never bought any dlc in the past but I recently bought the definitive edition. I’ll do a dlc playthrough month next time, lol, for dlc backlog.

This made me laugh out load on the METRO. Not a lot of laughing going on since it’s 15 degrees Farheinheit and the train is delayed.

So thanks for the lulz! :joy:

EDIT: as an update I got back into Recore last night. Finally managed to find enough MacGuffins to open the next dungeon. I’m a bit sad to say I’m increasingly disappointed in the game. Not much design here - just very simple jump pathways and obstacles that are not well conceived. For example, a flame geyser that you can’t jump over is a tried and true obstacle in a 2D game. But in a 3D game with a double jump and glide mechanic you can just jump around it.

Anyway, just unlocking the “you made it to the next board” achievements is giving me the diamond indicator because only 9% of players have made it this far in the game. That’s a bit sad. It has so much potential and there’s still many things I like about it. But it’s clearly just not working overall.

I managed to play Dishonored 2 for a while. One single day in a whole week.

Damm you, KI, let me enjoy that game!!!

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I may or may not have uninstalled a large amount of stuff to play Doom again
But hey, I wanted to try out the new Arcade mode so… I guess it’s still on topic?

Hmm…well since I’m mostly spending my free time lately either playing KI & getting ready for the RCT, filtering through files for my arcade cabinet’s PC after having to restart Win10 from scratch, and quality time with the family that I haven’t been getting much of lately, I haven’t really had a lot of time for taking care of backlogged games, but likely at the first of the year I’ll start doing that. If I haven’t finished it by then I intend to start with Mighty No.9, which I’ve only got about halfway through so far. Considering I’ve been collecting games for several years, taking care of my entire backlog…that would likely take years. :sweat:

My backlog keeps growing - I just picked up:
Lost Odyssey
Burnout Paradise
Sleeping Dogs
Happy Dungeons

…and I didn’t pay for ANY of these! God I love Free Games with Gold, Free to Play games, Backwards Compatible titles, and EA Access. :slight_smile:

Totally on topic. I dusted off my ps3 to finish The Last of Us but I couldn’t find another HDMI cable, even though I did plug in the power cord. Those activities count towards completion in my book.

GiganticGeek sounds cool too btw.

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True, but it doesn’t have anything to do with science fiction then…

I just picked up Quantum Break and Rise of the Tomb Raider :sweat_smile:

Still busy with Skyrim, but going to take a detour into Quantum Break land since I am borrowing it from a friend, really interesed in this game, loved the old max pain games and alan wake :grin:

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I’m watching the credits to Recore while I type this. I wish I could say I enjoyed it a little more. So close to being awesome but mostly just turned into a chore.

Thanks @WrathOfFulgore for giving me some motivation. I’m actually making progress on my backlog!

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:confused: ?? How’d I do that?