LCD Opens Up About Everything (Survey Feedback)

Well when it comes to Kim wu there are a few things that seem off. So hes not wrong per say. Example when fighting aganos or omen characters like jago or Sabrewulf have projectile invincible moves that can be used to possibly help bypass omen’s pressure or if aganos whiffs his stomp wulf can use shadow jumpslash to punish. Kim can’t do these things as the characters have enough time to block her shadow dragon dance. So LCD may have a bit of a point here. She’s suppose to rely on whiff punishing Alot but it’s harder for her to do so against Alot of characters.

to say a character is poorly designed is a direct insult to @TheKeits , when have the big games in the fgc said anything like that?? isnt there a better way to voice opinions than to say a character that ig spent hundreds of hours on is poorly designed?? whats his background exactly that makes him think his opinions are valid. may be its because he is young i have been in the fgc since the 90s. i have seen alot of characters and to say kim wu is poorly designed is so wrong and so disrespectful!! especially considering how open keits has made himself to us. lcd is allowed to spew what ever he wants and i am allowed to say how wrong he is!

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Interesting Thoughts LCD. One of a couple of places I disagree with you is on the subject of Charecter Balance Over the fun of a charecter. I think it is somewhat fair to point at SFV to see this and I’m not sure what your stance on the game is (ignoring the other differences in gameplay) but in my opinion a focus on balance has resulted in an overall more boring game than KI and Even SF4. I’m glad that KI puts the fun of a charecter first and foremost this has led to me for the first time in a fighter to “git gud” with every charecter. I do however see how this can become a problem (expecially bugs) for someone that plays the game on a competitive level or for someone whose charecter is hindered by certain bugs. Again, good on you for putting your thoughts out there even if some people are going to rip you to shreds.

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No it isn’t. Welcome to the creative process. You can create something but if people don’t like it, they have every right to critique it. As paying customers AND avid fans, we want to see things improve for the better. Also no one needs credentials to say “this isn’t working”… I don’t need to be a pilot to tell you a 737 shouldn’t be in the rock face of a mountain.

Besides as far as critiques go it wasn’t bad. LCD didn’t just say “It’s bad.” He made his claim and then went on to provide a brief summary of why he has issues with it. Hell I’d be absolutely shocked if Keits didn’t agree with my sentiments on critique.


You want me to lie instead?

I only give my personal thoughts which I have a right to, just as you have the right to disagree with me as you have. A person who creates something never likes to have someone critique their work in a negative way, but that is how things work. If people don’t critque someones work how will they get better in the future; just ask your teacher who graded your eassays in school. I don’t have a background in combat design and have never claimed to, I can only give feedback based on what I’ve personally experienced and played.


you must not have played marvel much.

all characters in the history of fighting games have had bad matchups ki is no different! do you really think that that justifies lcd saying a character that they spent months develpoing is " poorly designed " ??? really?? if so i disagree! her having 2 bad matchups isnt the end of the world. its inevitable as the cast continues to grow. in the history of fighting games its always more difficult to balance a game as the cast grows. how long did it take sf4 to get balance right??? even after 7 years at high level zangief /ryu was unwinnable. go watch snake eyes vs daigo at capcom cup, did snake eyes come out and say zangief is poorly designed??? u know what i have an idea, pls dont tell anybody its between me and you if your character looses a match up why not get a pocket character to cover your bad matchups . i am sure no one in the history of fighting games has ever thought of that …

It’s not about just bad match ups. It’s more about some aspects of the character not making sense. For example. In marvel Arthur was a perfect example of a character many people called poorly designed due to how his gold armor worked. It was probably his most important tool but it didnt last long and once it was over it not only made Arthur defensively weaker but also left him open to a full combo. He was also a low health character so using this could mean death for him. A character can be good or bad but still be poorly designed. For example. Arbiter is a good character. But there are things about his design I don’t agree with at all.

Also I have 5 characters. 3 of whom have very few losing match ups and one of them has none.

Personally I agree with pretty much most of what you had to say LCD, I can’t comment too much on balance or bugs as I’m a pretty good player but never getting to the point where I’m noticing bugs in the design. However what I would like to expound upon is the content.

We’ve all known that KI has kinda followed a strict if it doesn’t NEED to be made, or can’t use recycled assets then it doesn’t get made. Which is honestly heartbreaking. Playing through TJ’s story mode and getting the training stage with the KI 1 background actually made me let out an audible “Are you kidding me?”. And now I understand that the game has a lower budget and all that, but I can’t help but feel like things like that give it a rushed and hobble together feeling. Pair that along with not making additional skins or content for pre existing characters. I don’t exactly have the numbers but I HAVE to imagine that hiring a freelance character artist to make a new set for Spinal or Jago would at least allow you to recover the cost of making it.

I very much know that the team working on KI all love the franchise. Of that I have little doubt. But where’s the guy in the background going “Dudes! I know it’s pushing it but we TOTALLY have to put this in!”

Even i dont agree with everything in ki, but i accept it. it is unrealistic for any develpoer to pls everybody all the time. For example i hate that rash can jump and tongue his way in for free , i am not gonna say he is poorly designed i accept it and learn the matchup because i have a friend that bought ki because of rash and is head over heals in love with everything abt him. So pls put yourself for a moment in the shoes of the developers what are they supposed to do??? like in sf5 there are some things i love and some i dont agree with… thats life there is almost nothing in life you will agree with 100% percent of the time . tokido played sagat in vailla and continued playing him even when he was nerfed to the ground and took him all the way to the finals at evo. i never heard him ■■■■■ that his character is " poorly designed " despite his pedigree in the fgc , but a relative nobody compared to likes of tokido thinks its his place to sit on his couch and say a character that has been out for like 4 months is " poorly designed ". its very unfortunate imo . and by the way didnt a japanese kim wu win a major in japan??? smdh

@llhonestyll Dude, you really have to calm down a bit.


I just want to say that i love keits and he is not in an easy position. i feel sometimes he is overloaded and i kinda feel bad for him. I wish him the best.

This is not directed to anyone who posted here. Just something i wanted to speak out for myself.


It seems you ignore every other part of the argument and just see what you want. Good day to you.


i am not ignoring your arguement, all i am saying is to say that overall kim wu is a poorly designed character is offensive and very wrong! there is nothing about kim wu that rises to what was wrong with arthur. not even close

I agree, I definitely sympathize with someone like him who gets bombarded daily.


based on your post and your description of kim wu as being " poorly designed " it doesnt seam like it. actions speak louder than words

Look man, I love Kim Wu and her gameplay design.

But maybe you should step back and took a good look at what you type, ok?

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I can see why keits is taking a step back. The amount of junk he’s has to put up with for the past 2 years is nuts.


What happened to Keits should have never had happen, people shouldn’t have brought that stuff up. A twitch chat is never something that discussion should have taken place. Place is full mob mentality crazed people.