LCD Opens Up About Everything (Survey Feedback)

Larry, you r one of the Pros that I enjoy watching and I cheer for you during the tournaments… but seriously… lately most of the big named pros have just seemed selfish…and the one common denominator is they arent winning anymore. You dont see The new up and coming Pros saying any of the things you ,Paul B, Rico and Sleep are saying.

Shadow Lab is perfect for Casuals to learn instead of playing Online Jerks.

Shadow Lords and story modes is perfect for those that arent competitive or just enjoy the lore.

Balance is important for Pros.

It can all be done and everyone can be happy… but constantly nagging Keits isnt the answer… he isnt the one and only decision maker on the KI team.


Work on your phrasing a bit. Maybe you didn’t meant to come off that way, but it sounded that way to me.


[quote=“CrazyLCD, post:1, topic:11921”]
Season 3 feels like the casual season in terms of content meaning they are just adding things to keep the casual player base happy which is already small to begin with
[/quote] I think it’s this part that’s making it sound like ur saying they’re not important, they should focus only on the pros. It’s probably just bad wording

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Ur somewhat right with what ur saying but I really don’t think that applies to LCD. He is right on some of the things he’s saying like some bugs that were reported before like Kim’s SC on Tusk and still not fixed, Dojo not being updated, things being intended and then not intended. They wanted Feedback on KI and that’s exactly what he’s doing (and not in a jerk way either)

I still find this to be the case, with acknowledgement of previous occasions of what transpired. If we want to be the change and keep the community rolling on and prosper, then keep promoting a positive outlook and do what’s in your power to control. Many of us are moving on from those previous events and are looking to continue bringing new blood to the scene and welcoming them with open arms. At least, I am.

The path for success is always riddled with bumps. I’ve looked at it from your point of view, and I get what you’re saying. If you’re just being yourself, then what else is there to explain? What other notable/established player says or does to attempt to belittle what you’ve done should hardly affect what you continue to do. The point here is to control what you can control and just do you.

Granted, I’m hardly that established as you are, I acknowledge that, but if you say you acknowledge the heckling from the peanut gallery already with additional notable players added to fray, why is this any different? Grow you.

I’m not following your criticisms here, go into more detail. Each character match we’re forced to play differently as not one of them is the same as the other. That’s literally the nature of the game. Everyone has to approach Aganos differently than they would Glacius.

Arguably, you did play one yourself in Maya. The one chance breaks aren’t going to go away.

I will agree on this point. The training mode currently is need of a face lift and reformed to fit the needs of what the competitive player needs at the moment.

However, this was programmed by Double Helix, and (not trying to put words in their mouth) I believe I remember Keits explaining in a previous tweet sometime ago involving the ability to toggle negative edge on and off would involve going through the entire code and essentially revamping it from the ground up, which was not given to them (the job to go through the game’s code and revamp it to do it) in the planned out stages of Seasons 2 and 3 it seems by Microsoft. I feel it is fair to assume this would be similar to pair because the training mode aesthetics we have now would require a relatively massive undertaking of the game’s code which would require, I’d imagine, a lot of time because they didn’t make the game to start.


Jokes aside:

This is why I love this community though. You have open arms to everyone that shows interest in the game. Actually, the community is a MAJOR reason I went to CEO in the first place, and I was not disappointed. I was in awe.

Got to meet people like Finchomatic and others! (Amazing guy to talk to!)

Seriously. Even the people I was fighting, gave me advice on how to approach the Matchup and such while fighting them. Some, even before pools started! MINUTES BEFORE POOLS

Even here on the forums, where if someone needs Matchup advice, TONS of people offer advice and tech. As well as how to beat them.

If that isn’t an amazing community, I don’t know what is.

Street Fighter & MKX’s wishes they could be like us.

(Not to hate on them. They are great too!)


I will agree that the end of Season 2 was pretty balanced with a few obvious exceptions.

Now, some characters are so non-viable in important match-ups that it completely strips the fun of playing them.

Larry is right about inconsistent design decisions as well. Remember when Riptor’s flame carpet was nerfed because it was “too braindead?” Have you seen the way Aria plays lately? Or Arbiter? One-chance into vortex: Repeat. What about the combos? Didn’t we nerf Level 1 ender damage to encourage longer combos? Why are these characters exceptions to the rules?

The bugs are a big one too. Hisako’s had an issue going into ultra since her release. I’ve posted the bug a number of times in the forums and on twitter. I’ve even lost important tournament matches because of this. Still not fixed. Let me quote Keits here “Not high priority enough.”

These are just a few examples.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @CrazyLCD


You know… I hear this a lot from people. So let me give you a little insight…

I haven’t entered a single tournament in S3 and the results honestly haven’t changed much from the sets i play with people in private, save for a few match-ups that are really terrible now.

The last tournament I played in I got 4th.

Even in S2 when I was placing Top 5 in almost every tournament I would be very vocal about the things I didn’t like (most of which were changed, btw).

I’m also NOT a pro. I have a career. This is a hobby for me. I care about the game. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t still be reading these forums. I’m also a paying customer. I have a right to be heard.

If you want people like me, Rico, or anyone else to come around here more you should give them a bit more of the benefit of the doubt. We’re not all as selfish as you think we are.


What I’m hearing is that I should definitely not give you the benefit of the doubt.

I think you should play more Paul! I’d love to see you take on the world of S3!

Got some up and coming stars!


When it comes to Kim wu it feels like she’s a street fighter character fighting marvel or guilty gear characters most of the time. I think that’s what Larry is getting at


Nope. We never did.

[quote=“llPaulBll, post:27, topic:11921”]
Have you seen the way Aria plays lately? Or Arbiter? One-chance into vortex: Repeat.
[/quote]Which Riptor still does.

The only matchup that I can say is way to difficult is Kim vs Aganos. S3 gave most characters plenty of new tools to deal with their hard matchus. Like Wulf’s diving slash, or Orchid’s buster slide.

What’s that you say? Those moves suck and are useless? (Not pointing fingers at you specifically)

Practice and learn how to use them, and more often than not it will help you long term.


Spinal vs omen is damn near unwinnable as well

What? Come on.


Guys, move the discussion to the proper channels. This thread is for feedback.

I’m not kidding. The mu is ridiculously lopsided in omen’s favor.

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Agreed. Moving on.

The only thing i agree with in lcd post is that his opinions are completely his, what a load selfishness??? where do i start??? people do not realize that that pro players represent less than one percent of the community .ITS THE CASUALS THAT DECIDES IF A FIGHTING GAME IS SUCCESSFUL OR NOT!! MKX sold over 5 million but 700 people are coming to evo, thats less than one percent!
Does lcd realise how disrespectful it is to say a character like kim wu is poorly designed? what has he achieved in the fgc that gives him the right to say such , people like daigo and justin wong never say things like that but lcd thinks its his place to say that??? smdh IG has the task of making characters that will appeal to everybody why does lcd think he is supposed to like every character?? thats an ignorant unrealistic expectation. He continues to spew ignorance by saying arbiter and general raam dont grow the community where is he get this info from?? are his sources better than microsoft that have the actual sales figures? i feel these so called pros think they are more important than they actually are.
I feel some people suffer from amnesia , so suddenly season 2 with its copious balance issues was this awesome game and season 3 is so bad??? smdh . I find season 3 to be by far the best killer instinct has ever been when it comes to balance and fun factor and everything else , but some of these pros because they are loosing and becoming irrelevant want to start a toxic movement tp propagate their selfish opinions. The bottomline is there is huge growth in the ki community 7 millions and still growing, the evo numbers grew by 30% without a pot bonus being announced there is a lot of people that have a passion and deep love for this game .
I hope ig/microsoft doesnt listen to this loud selfish very very very small minority.!! i love ki its amazing the best fighter!! keep up the good work ig!! the game may not be perfect but i know ig is doing their best considering the time and budget constraints they have to endure, but inconsiderate people are unable to understand…smdh. people say the community is toxic , i find the opposite to be the case everyone is awesome , i got my first star last month and the community helped me greatly to level up. the only toxic people right now are the so called pros and the common denominator is they arent winning any more and are becoming less revelant , like when rico personally attacked @TheKeits in the 8 bit beatdown chat it was awful


As far as the community seemingly becoming more toxic well it’s growing. As the community grows you’ll unfortunately get a few more unruly customers. Overall I think the community is still far better than most others. Having been a part of two other communities id still say ki is pretty good. It’s still the only community I know where I can just hit up a known player and ask them to play. I even hit up @llPaulBll the other day and he just said sure send An invite. That’s something id never experience in other communities and despite the 8bit incident I’d still say this community is still pretty good.


He’s an owner of the game, he has the right to voice his criticisms because this is what the category of this thread is meant for.

His thoughts, which he’s allow to speak out on.