Last two characters guessing game

Put what to rest? You wanting Death in the game? That’s entirely up to you.

Personally I’m anticipating Joanna Dark, Eagle, or Wendigo.

Yeah a Wendigo sounds good. What’s being put to rest is war, death, and Joanna dark. Because we already know that the last two slots are going to be filled by something the dossiers have already hinted to. Which we know they haven’t hinted at war or death, and I’m pretty sure they haven’t hinted at Joanna either. It’ll probably be Wendigo, and eagle. I’ve got no objections to those two.

What are you talking about dude ? We don’t come up ideas for the characters in the game lol we never have. IG and MS do that… not once have they used the ideas that people post here to make a new character lol

Obviously the devs have final say on what goes in the game. But with an attitude like yours there is no point in having a forum at all. The fact is, the developers do hear us when we take to these forums, and it is testament to your own intellect as a gamer, and in your abilities to present a convincing case. If what we said had no bearing, this place would simply be a place for a collective pitch fest, that oddly enough was made by the same developers. If the developers didn’t care what we thought, why would this forum even exist? Does that make any sense to you?

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Yo the dude above me doe.

The only one whining is you buddy. You didn’t have to get your panties in a wad because I said a lot of these guest character ideas are pretty bad. But you did and you started whining about people not having original ideas and what not. But ok have a good one.

Chill :pill:

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So what hints have the dossiers dropped? Wendigo, and the tsar. Did I miss any?

I haven’t unlocked many dossiers yet, but I just got one related to the cult of Gargos, and it’s leaded Kimberley Knott. A gargos cultist would be interesting.

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Wendigo and Joanna.

Eagle is likely a Fulgore remix so he’s probably not apart of this trio.(for variety sake)

Also from Tusks novella:

The bunny? Is that the bunny from Monty Python?

You can count me in now on AND for Darksiders :wink: :slight_smile:

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Boo ya brotha

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Just found my pick for next character, and he has awesome theme already.

Eagle pretty much confirmed, but i dont recall isaac mentioned only one was hinted. The 2nd char could be the new Tsar. Joanna dark will be so upsetting, since we have potential new chars.

Also since eagle seems to be the only good guy in that group , my guess is he is the katana weilder. The tsar is also heavily hinted in mira dossiers in SL


Do you remember when in the stream they talk about characters hinted at?

At the begining

Looking for the exact minute

Got it

Minute 15

Thanks @Delriach!!


I remember you were the first to hint about kilgore back in september lol.

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Do you like Darksiders?
I like Darksiders.
I like Darkisders too.
Lets add Darksiders to the game.

I like Guacamelee.
Can we add Guacamelee.
Its a game that I like.

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Why are you still droning on about this? You don’t want Darksiders fine I get it, now get off it.