Last breath of HOPE. Help her Please IG. patch 3.7 or later but help

It’s times like this where I wish I was a mod.

And lines like that are probably the reason I’m not.

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In all seriousness, these “freedamager characters” wouldn’t get such free damage on you if you’d stop guess breaking. You’re probably turning an opening worth 25-30% into one worth 40-50% by playing that way.

This is silly. I can’t say I’ve ever seen G0tei13Izaragi do any damage in any tournament ever, so does that mean I’m free to ignore you as a talentless scrub who knows nothing about the game or this character? People can have opinions or thoughts on a character without running them at Evo dude…


You kinda just proved my point. People who aren’t pros and playing for money are allowed just as much to discuss Sadira and her playstyle. You can’t invalidate their opinion simply because they don’t stream and play tourneys or, in what I can speculate from your writing so far, don’t seem to fit into your opinion of those qualified to speak, which apparently has a ridiculously high standard for entry.

I am free to discuss how strong Sadira is, simply because she is in the game that I play. I can talk about how these suggested changes, not in the sense that I’m even a Sadira main (because I’m not), but how they could affect the matchup against my main, even if it does little to change the outcome of that matchup, or it makes the fight far too lopsided and is an overbuff. A Cinder main can chime in on this conversation simply because he may be inclined to say that giving her special A completely wreck Cinder’s gameplan, or that buff to special B may do nothing. An Aganos main is allowed to speak, a Gargos, a Rash, anyone. You can NOT limit the conversation based to those who simply agree, or meet what is a very unrealistic list of qualifications.

Finally, all characters have their bad matchups, and some players will counterpick them to no end. It happens, and to suggest buffs off a knee jerk reaction to another players frustration isn’t a good way to base any suggested changes.

I’m looking for that thread, and so far, the only threads with Sadira discussion seem to be started by you, which go down the same path with no real conflict resolution because there’s a ton of flawed logic at work and you speaking for pros who should be speaking for themselves. If you have a link to this thread of discussion, then please post it, but the streamers and tourney players know how to speak for themselves, so stop lumping them in as if that validates your discussion with concrete proof.

These two sentences seem almost paradoxical next to one another.[quote=“G0tei13Izaragi, post:40, topic:18953”]
Take the wulf for example, at begin s3 manny dropped him and some of them only stopped to play KI till he get that damage buff, just see now how many wlf are back, omg its fantastic, even if i dont like the wulf self but at last im happy for real wulfs players ““thank god””" after 8 month for realize that a character is in struggle ( courageous flash6666x tho :sob:, but it paid finaly when he get that damage buff :stuck_out_tongue: it was not much but at last it help alot for flash and good wulf players.)

What Wulf changes? Usually when players stop using a character at the start of a season, it’s usually because they try other characters to see what they are capable of and how to play as and against them. It’s easier to fight against characters after you have fought using them in many cases. I stopped using Cinder for a bit to use Hisako, and after I started understanding her, I started doing better against her, and when I went back to using Cinder, the results were clear. I gained an understanding about the character I then used to change how I approach the matchup. It doesn’t mean I dropped Cinder like a stone in the ocean, I just switched to try out something new and learn from the experience.

That’s one thing most people watching a pro suddenly changing characters may not get. It’s not always “my character got nerfed so I’m switching till they make him better again.”

Depending on what you’re struggling with, and who you are losing to, you may not know her as well as you believe.

Or maybe you should try something like demonstrating a proof of concept on how you feel like Sadira is losing out on damage using this ender versus this ender, and variations with meter and non meter linkers and enders, or how Sadira’s super ambiguous cross-up and reset potential doesn’t offset the necessity for a more damaging ender based on the training mode numbers?

It’s not a job I would want. Props to those who do endure it. @xSkeletalx @FinchoMatic, and any of the devs or anyone I’m forgetting.

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You wouldn’t happen to have a link for that do you? that sounds like it would be a ton of fun to watch.

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This guy is clearly not a real sadira player, cause the sadira he tryin’ to play doesn’t exist lulz

I think the answer here is nah bro. Sadira is good enough on her own with mixups and jumping and stuff. Tusk giving you a hard time? Don’t jump lol