Kim Wu's Colors & Accessories

If people like this Kim Wu retro, than the need to stop complaining about the Season 1 retros because this looks NOTHING like KI2 Kim Wu.


Nothing like?

Looks pretty spot on, other than the small cloth, the shorts and the knee-protectors.


Youā€™re looking at a still shot of a character that moves. Movesā€¦breathesā€¦blinks. Yes, I had to redo some shots because of it. Not to mention there are different camera angles at work because, letā€™s face it, I am simply using a controller to position the cam.

Rash made it easy on me since he had a million poses to use. Kim Wu was a little more difficult in that department.


That color is, and I find it more exceptable, but it is not color ONE andā€¦


You know that feeling you get when you realize your bitching about nothing.



You guys have knocked it out of the park with Kim!!!

the 2 psylocke purple colors and the ORCHID retro black are AMAZINGGGGGG

Even blonde barbie Kim Wu and the anime blue and green rock!!!

CANT wait to mix n match

Thanks to whomever designed and chose her colors


Tbh, I found the Retro colors much better than the Default colors (looks kinda lame in my opinion), the only color from her default costume that I like was #2. Speaking of her retro, I assume the black and white Retro color is the #5 (My favorite color btw).

Edit: Yep, I love her retro costume, this is one of the most faithful re-design from the original games, with little differences obviously, but looks freaking amazing.

So itā€™s the same face, huh? Incredible how different it can look in motion and in certain lighting.

I think she looks great. I would enjoy a little variety in that jacket, but ah well. For people complaining about the loin cloth I think itā€™s a bit much to care about. If you look at the retro, her cloth is still above her knees.

Soā€¦ did we crash the Ultra combo website? I can only access the forums right nowā€¦

I like the variety of hair colors sheā€™s got. If I remember right the jacket is an accessory, so hopefully the more mismatched colors will be more palatable. :stuck_out_tongue:
Not as excited by her colors overall compared to Rash, and I agree with some of the earlier posters that the Retroā€™s dangly loin skirt thing should be a bit longer.
She looks good though. Noticed that her belt is an Obi from a martial artistā€™s gi. Itā€™s a nice touch. :blush:

Yeah thanks a lot! Seriouslyā€¦ Love it.

Working on bringing it back, though!

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My wife looks gorgeous in 4k


Green Retro Kim looks nice. I hope that isnā€™t a color 9.

clipping probably.

My opinion

Kimā€™s retro: GODLIKE
Kimā€™s default colors: BAD
Kimā€™s retro colors: AWESOME

I like her main costume better, but Iā€™m not particularly a fan of the color combinations it has. Her retros colors are really awesome though!

Hopefully the accessories will make the color combinations look better to me, but Iā€™m also not expecting to play her too often, so itā€™s not a huge deal.

It probably is color 1. They just posted it in a different order here. Just saying.

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i forgot to ask about her weapons @rukizzel

what are her accessories

Yeah, I figured that out. That is probably color 5 or something, it just looks really interesting.






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It is indeed one of the better looking retros. I would like for the loincloth to be a bit longer, but otherwise, she looks really good!