Killgore costs more on xbox one than pc

Hi from Germany. I have pay 60€ for all Session (1&2, 3, Shadow Jaigo). I really love the Game, Play it on my N64 and my Gameboy. Yes i Support that game since Long years. But this time you make DLC Parts, i was really shocked, i could understand how i got all Charakters, so i buy all packets for 60€. That is the most expensiv game i ever buy on PC (for example Just Chause 3 preoder 22€, Call of Duty Infnintie Warfare preoder 29€, Mortal Kombat XL 20€, Shadow Warrior 2 15€, Fallout 4 preoder 29€). Now you want from me again 10€ for 1 Charaker, thats not okay, i have allready pay full Price for all DLC Sessions, that Charakter must be free for me because i buy all Packets, if you really think thats okay than you are crazy, you have deceive me as Costumer and Fan. Open that Charakter for everyone with Sessionpass 3, that is just fair and normal. If not, that was last Shopping of any game of your Team and hole Microsoft Shop, never see a insolence like this in a Videogame, you are more terrible as Destiny!


I’ve said I’m done with these conversations because there’s nothing really left to say. I totally understand why people are not thrilled about this. But since I was grumbling about lack of appreciation I figured I should be fair and post this tweet from Brandon Alexander.

In my opinion, and from an admittedly very distant vantage point, Brandon has been a pretty constant booster for the game even when it wasn’t clear that it was really going to “make it” either as a fighting game platform or on the competitive scene. If buying a $10 Kilgore helps him out, then, in my opinion, it’s not a bad way to spend my money.


Just wanted to chime in here. There’s a big pricing variation in the Xbox One Store and the Windows Store.

Xbox One Store - Kilgore: $9.99 | Windows Store - Kilgore: $12.54(or something like that)
Xbox One Store - Terror & Gold Skins: $4.99 | Windows Store - Terror & Gold Skins: $5.74

I bought Kilgore on the Xbox Store and thought it was just maybe the taxes were included on the Windows store. They’re not because he only came to $11.something after the purchase versus the higher base price on the Windows store.

Yeah thats what i was saying, its about 50 pence cheaper on the windows store than on xbox store. so looks like they cant even decide on a price for him.