Killer Synergy Team Brawl #1 (Now Finished)

My thoughts exactly😂

Dang. I remembered I have another commitment in the 18th.

Has to be a team mate from the forums right?




I guess @TheNinjaOstrich and @PVT1AORyanBay can team up as Psycho Vipers.

What do you say guys?

how about we team up @ItzTymeToDul?

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:+1::ok_hand: sounds good to me. We can be the TTW. Top Tier Whores.

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Not the biggest fan of the name :sweat_smile:, but we can work something out

That’s okay. We can Be “Smurf and Autobots”. Oh!! I got a better idea!! HERE ME OUT. . . . . . .“Blue Berry and Cubix”


I need a team mate too. You game?

Ahh here’s the thread. When is the event date and how big can the teams be?

@BigBadAndy, @KevBones10, @TheNinjaOstrich, @oTigerSpirit @DEClimax

I need a partner, any volunteer?

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I would be thrilled, but if @Zcythe is going to participate I am already committed to being his partner. I also have a prior commitment from 9-1pm on Saturday the 18th, so I may be rushed to make it home by 2:00. But I’m going to try. In any event, I’d love an excuse to get back on the game. I’m in a bit of a slump. Maybe we can “train” together regardless of the teams.

Can @ZTRAINOVER9000 confirm that 2pm EST is the start time?


Sure, I don’t have much time lately, but we should figure it out for some “training”

Being “training” fight for 5 rounds and then drorp the controller and procrastinate xD

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I’m down!

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Any suggestion for the team name?

I can confirm it is at 2:00PM EST

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Well who are we playing? Arby and raam?

Dunno, I’m between Aganos, Gargos, Kilgore and Raam

Why so many good chars!!