KILLER RANK who's made it?

I see we should play a few sets

When I am not grounded

Sure, just let me know when. :smile:

Well I only play on weekends

I made it back to killer last week. Mainly playing Sadira and also alot of Rash. Got my Rash to level 50 same day as,my killer status.




Popped Killer Rank last night :smiley:

Big ups to the dude who picked his LVL20 Tusk to fight my Hisako for my Promotion match :thumbsup:

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I finally made silver…


HOLY CRAP!! getting over this hump is hard. Lol! I was at 600 pts in Gold when I started last night…I’m now at 590 after 2 hours of grinding. RIDICULOUS! I think the highest I got was like 740, but then I just got bopped over, and over, and over again. I can absolutely say that Hisako terrifies me, and that I just have to get better at Okie timing, as well as overall execution.

Yesterday was a depressing night. SMH.


Good thing that you at least got back to somewhere near your previous score!

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You can do it keep going mate!!!

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Im in gold but only played about 10 matches 6-4 I believe. Ive been way too busy playing Bloodborne and DS3. I may get back on the Ranked tonight. I flew through Bronze and silver with only 3 total losses.
Gold progress is so slow now with best of 3.

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You may do better than me in Gold. I’m sitting at like 36-31 or something. I’m not under water, but I’m close. Lol


Thanks, my girl Sexy Orchid.


Trust me, i stand many days at bottom of Gold, and start grinding when i learned enough.

Just reminder: You learn a lot when you lose, and you earn a lot when you won.
Keep it up.

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I’m back in KI but I wont lie it feels a bit harder to get in. One loss in the Promotion match brings you down 200 points.

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I’m staying a Qualifier since I quit playing ranked, plus it’s right where a scrub like me belongs.

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Cool another qualifier here. :slight_smile: