My mic is semi-broken and it might ■■■■ up everything totally but I’m giving it a shot today;
Pt. 26/29 - EYEDOL
My mic is semi-broken and it might ■■■■ up everything totally but I’m giving it a shot today;
Pt. 26/29 - EYEDOL
You finally made it to Lord Eyedol. Bask in his glory and greatness!
Hmmm I realized that the only opener you seem to be able to combo into off a light in Mage stance is Shadow Stomp? Interesting.
And what the hell is up with that shadow counter? I can never convert off it LUL.
Hop by and say hi.
Pt. 26/29 - EYEDOL
Soon at LVL 50… looking forward to that beastly red colour!
Pt. 26/29 - EYEDOL
You should be able to convert off his shadow counter. It’s one of the only ones in the game that Hisako can’t counter, so I’m pretty sure I’d remember if it didn’t convert after the fact :-p
EDIT: and best of luck with your main, whoever it winds up being!
KI Revival DONE! …
Picked my main!
Hop in to see who it is.
Been MIA for very long cuz of ISP issues.
It has been stabilized but I’m going to switch again cuz the speed isn’t all that great…
I can provide a decent stream now though - hop in to see me reach for that Top 32-star. \m/
lighter and more vibrant shadow attack cloud colors could help… the dark blue and black colors in the cloud need to be replaced in my opinion… but the visual effects of the particles are gorgeous!! i love a good fireworks show!!
thats the ‘awe’ factor your wanting when you see it… your supposed to say what the hell is going on when you see it lol… the game is close to an acid trip ( to me anyways ). try this game tripping, if your into it, its like looking through a pair of magic glasses… INCREDIBLE❤.
This is a really good idea here^
This is all excellent!!! love the idea… but i think an ‘echo’ sound would be really neat also… each hologram of a shadow should carry its own sound… ( so you’ll hear spinal’s victory laugh echo ). i like your idea too!! very much:+1:
Eff Shago… what a brainless character LUL.
On to the next!
KI Revival Series pt. 27/29 - KILGORE …
You may want to give this thread a look if you do win that pro star The Official "Let's Make Top 32" Thread
Lol. If it makes you feel any better, he has to play a lot more intentional offline. The “just do it” Shago’s get wrecked when you’ve got a half-decent chance of actually seeing where the mixup is coming from. :-p
#PlayKI Making [Top-1★ STEAM]
Making [Top-1★ STEAM]
#KeepKIAlive #PlayKI
#PlayKI today cuz’ some days KI just has to be played.
Back on Live now - Steam is too dead.
If IG would add F2P on Steam, maybe people would actually be there… and ranked crossplay…
Hop in!
Hello guys!
Seven years ago I decicated myself to this game and really tried hard to make fighting gamers see the light that is KILLER INSTINCT, and I was just waiting for it to arrive to Steam so my fellow Street Fighter followers could try the game out for free.
I went quite hardcore and learned every single character on the roster except Eagle and Shadow Jago, and also implemented a KI-terminology dictionary into my stream bot. Yet to this day this can be used by typing !kihelp. I did approxaimately 4-5 streams per character and it was some of the most fun gaming I’ve ever done in my life.
Sadly, when the game hit Steam, there was no free-to-play model, which really hurt my passion since newcomers had to pay full price, and without proper crossplay. I basically left the game then and there. I was very angry. Sometimes I’m still angry about it lol.
However - now the Steam-version has finally gotten F2P!
Although dreams seem bleak on the horizon, there is finally a new fresh reason for newcomers to try out this game. I don’t expect it to take over in any way, but now is a good chance to put the game in a bigger spotlight and maybe raise the chances of a future KI.
Therefore from now on I plan to try and cut my stream footage into 50% SF6, and 50% KI.
I want to be there as one of the pillars and teachers for this great game. Even though I’m no KI pro, my understanding of the game is quite all-compassing.
Hope to see you in my streams! If there are no objections; I will post here whenever I go live with KI, as well as in the #content-sharing channel in the KI discord.
Pt. 1
Summary of yesterday’s progress:
There is some life in fruition. For as long as this flower can bloom, I will keep supporting to the degree I’m able.
I’m sadly sick now, but Ima try a little short stream.
Will keep making sure there is life on Steam. =)
Pt. 2