Killer Instinct Season 3 Ultra Edtion Details & Pricing

All together, the entire set of characters will set you back as much as a regularly priced game.
The Ultra editions come with other perks, the first 2 having Killer Instinct 1 and 2 Arcade ports.
The Ultra editions also give you access to all Retro Costumes and Premium accessories, as well as early access to any new characters.
The new ultra pack gives you the aforementioned Premium outfits and Retro sets, as well as bonus colors, a permanent Double XP boost, and 18,000 KI Gold to unlock things early without having to hit the XP requirements.

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This is exciting, but what am I supposed to do with the 18k KI gold if I can just use the permanent 2x booster to unlock everything?

Will there be items that you can only get with KI gold this season?


Get a higher boost.

I’m pretty sure that’s a no. The only download we get, is the permanent experience boost, and the 18,000Au. Everything else we get to download on the 29th.

A question: are the characters still buyable with KI gold like last year in February (1500 KI gold each) or has it changed? And if you can still buy characters with KI gold, is it the same price?

Cool, it finally showed up in the store… and it is purchased! More annoying Sadira here I come!


That…is…heartbreaking… :slightly_smiling: You still have time… :smiley:

Do a match vs cpu. At the end of the match don’t press anything. It will show that you gained, about 1000 exp then it will add an additional 100% changing the number.

I wouldn’t know about using Gold to by characters since I’ve always just owned the Ultra editions, so I’m not the right person to ask that… Sorry :worried:
@rukizzel may have a better answer for you though.

lol, I love losing to your sadira. warms my heat every time cause you put in so much work man. lol

I didn’t know you could do that?

[quote=“CRIS178, post:30, topic:6342, full:true”]
Why would anyone want extra KI gold if they have all the Ultra Editions. You’d be spending the KI gold just to unlock things you already bought…
[/quote]I think this is a darn good question… I have no idea what I would do with the KI Gold since I’ve already bought everything there is to buy. The best case scenario is that there will be future outfits and costumes as DLC that I could use it on. You could also use it for boosters, but since you get a 2x already and boosters are, in my opinion, a questionable use of money I don’t find that to be very appealing.

I think the double XP for Ultra purchasers is kind of scuzzy too. I know it’s common practice in games like Battlefield and Forza to give XP bonuses to season pass and VIP players, but it just feels like “we’ve put a huge grindwall into this game. Now pay us to lower it for you.” Of course, it feels that way because that’s what it is. Part of me knows that this was always inevitable since the introduction of KI gold, but now it’s here and it doesn’t leave a great tast in my mouth.

“early access” is a feature that makes me cringe too. It was never anything but trouble in the past - with people on the forums being upset that “early” was never early enough and other people arguing that any “early” at all was unfair. I guess we can look forward to more of that.

I would love to get some clarity - like lots of other people, about what the pre-order bonus is. I’ve bought every KI Ultra the second I could up until now, and I’m sorry to say that I’m really going to have to think about this one… Darn.

Plus, and I know this is not constructive - but a typo on the release date? Holy cow guys, really?


When I played KI on Xbone in Feburary - April 2015, there were different options. I checked and you could buy the characters for 5 euros or for their equivalent in KI Gold. At that time, it was 1500 KI gold because you could buy that amount for 5 euros.

I don’t know if it still possible now and how much it changed. So I need somebody that didn’t buy all the characters and to give a check to one of those.

Because, in this case, S3 Ultra is potentially directed to PC gamers because they can buy an entire season just with the KI GOLD. Unless, of course, it isn’t possible anymore or price got risen up.

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Needless to say, but the end of those matches, my hands hurt. She’s a jumping bean… that one.

But the Ultra comes with more colors!!!

I always just brought ultra out right lol, that information is handy though. Now I’m curious myself. Hope someone answers soon.

I think I can make that happen. Pretty sure I have a 1080 version (I think…)

You will get the Ultra Edition, but I do not have my codes yet. Once I do you’ll get it![quote=“DarthZFX, post:81, topic:6342, full:true”]
Does that meanVIP boost + double XP weekends + regular XP booster will be a thing ?

It is a thing.[quote=“ShellShock520, post:83, topic:6342”]
As a user needs to buy SE3 in order to access color 10 I thought it was at least worth mentioning, but ya im sorry

This has nothing to do with the Color 10 option from Ultimate Source. Those are separate.

The wording on this is a bit funky, though it is correct. You can predownload the bits that “unlock” characters in game, but we aren’t actually pushing the game-wide update until the 29th. Tough to word, but imagine what you purchase is a flag that unlocks something in the game. Well the flag is downloaded (thus the line that says you can pre-download) but the actual in-game stuff isn’t deployed yet. Always tricky since the base game is already out in the wild, but technically Season 3 would be better served as “DLC.” Let me know if that doesn’t clarify.

…wonderful question… You’re going to hate me for saying this, but stay tuned.


No, Combo pack doesnt give you the PREMIUM ACCESSORIES or Bonus characters…or Classic games. You can still unlock colors and regular accessories with KI gold and XP grinding

Guys, I just saw that Shago is among the Add-Ons. But since I already have him, I cannot see whether he’s available for purchase or not. Was he always there?

Does the double xp start now or on the 29th?