Killer Instinct Season 3 Graphics Shine Brighter

Can’t believe I only just noticed a giant Polar Bear on Tusks Stage.

Of course my friend, you are the only one who noticed it! :smirk:

Tbh, that’s what I wanted to do. My fingers, however, decided to find out. Just don’t go to the second page of Google searches, and you should be ok.

I remembered somewhere on those topic, that the reason for three stages was a plan for something huge. My guess is that it wil be a surprise.

Just curious, what exactly did you type into Google? :wink:
“killer instinct season 3 release date” shows nothing suspicious for me on page 2

Just try killer instinct season 3

They already confirmed the three stages us Kim Wu, Abiter, and Rash :frowning:

  1. Any reason for more than 3 stages (retro stages, day and night, plain trolling)
  2. Rash having a stage
  3. 3 characters for the season
  4. Ultimates

Kim Arbi and Tusk rght?!

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On point 4: many articles referred there’s a chance of having ultimates. This has been confirmed on reddit by a developer.



I’m excited by the prospect of ultimates but

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Ugh… this is the kind of stuff that causes trouble. Reddit is not a reliable source of information. There is nothing a real developer can confirm on Reddit that they can’t post here, and plenty of people who can claim to be a “developer” that are not can say all kinds of fun stuff.


Here it is. This article says something that has been confirmed or just being said on reddit.

To be precise, here’s the exact quote from the article:


In addition, Isgreen reiterated that the PC edition of Killer Instinct will launch in March exclusively for Windows 10. This release window for the computer edition was already known.

Here are a handful of other pieces of information from the livestream about Killer Instinct Season 3, as collected by gallaxus on Reddit:
•An updated Dojo Tutorial
•Tusk and Kim Wu have been confirmed to appear at launch and both will have retro costumes
•More characters will be available at launch than there were in the launch of Season 2. The remaining few will be available in the coming months.
•Everyone on the roster will have tweaks to help balance the game to compensate for the new features and mechanics being introduced in Season 3
•Two characters that are currently on the roster will be re-worked. That means their set ups and how they gain meter will be different. It is confirmed that these two characters are not Glacius, Aganos, or Shadow Jago.
Although Ultimates for every character isn’t confirmed, it is possible for all the characters to receive Ultimates due to the tech they developed when they created ARIA.
•They will reveal more information at Pax South in San Antonio, TX sometime between January 29-31
•There will be more community bundles in Season 3 due to the success of the Shadow Jago Fund Raiser. The purpose of the Fund Raisers will be determined by the community on what they want to see in Season 3 that didn’t make the cut by launch. So if you want to see a certain guest character, stage, mode, feature, ect. that didn’t make the cut, make yourself heard. They are actively seeking out the community’s input.

This article has been written at the beginning of January 2016, if you want to know the precise date.

EDIT: Found another article, referring more or less the same stuff.

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In this thread somewhere halfway i guess one of the dev team clearly mentioned, only three stages and no ultimes in the game except for Shago.

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This is rather old information. In fact this was written prior to the World Cup so at this point, it’s almost irrelevant. They’ve already confirmed that Ultimates are only available to Shadow Jago during this season. OF course, that not to say the community fund won’t change that. I’m sure that Stages, Stage Ultras, and Ultimates will be at the top of everyone’s lists once that drops.


In fact I never questioned the fact ultimates not being present at launch. But there might be a future opportunity of including them via funds.

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Absolutely, it’s just not a priority for IG at this point. I’m sure we’ll get them from our community fund.

It was Rukari, way back. There are no Ultimates this season other than Shadow Jago, and Arbiter, Kim Wu and Tusk are the only three new stages.

The sting of the stages has lessened over the last few days, although I do hate the idea of out-of-place music. As long as we get Gargos and Eyedol back to complete the throwback to my youth I’ll be content.

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Personally I still hope we get Gargos this season and that they save Eyedoll for season 4, always nice to have 1 recurring character left if they plan on another season. Also leaves extra room for a new character this season:)