Kilgore new Thing to be added

Heey Iron Galaxy can u fix Kilgore’s ultra and change his shadow meter. I like his shadow meter to be just like Fulgore.

I dunno, I kinda like that Fulgore has his own unique meter. If they decided to give Kilgore a different meter, I’d almost rather it be something just for him.

They have different meter because they have different engines/power core

Also gameplay reasons


Fulgore has a reactor powering him, Kilgore uses a combustion engine. It wouldn’t make sense for him to run a “reactor gauge” when he doesn’t have said reactor. Fulgore uses energy and lasers, Kilgore uses Bullets and Compact explosions. Him having a standard shadow meter is much better.

Am i thing his meter to be a rusted version of Fulgores meter. That will make sense or just change Kilgore 's meter as looks cause well ist a terminater version of Fulgore.

But all i want is to fix Kilgore’s ultra thats all i want.
When hebdoes ultra all the bullets and rockets adds to the hit meter.

I’m pretty sure that’s a bug that they’ll fix come his release until then it’s pretty funny to see.

you want it to look like Fulgore’s or function like it? Either way, not feeling the idea.

Aaaaaaand myvdream is dead.