Kilgore Gameplay (Video Added!)

Real Talk: Kilgore is a clone character. He has Fulgore’s frame, lots of Fulgroe’s animations and some very similar special moves - athough I’m sure the frame date will be different. But that’s clone character territory. There’s no point in arguing about it. Shago is a clone character too - but he’s awesome. I know some folks have a “no clone characters” mentality - which is fine, but I’d rather judge him on his merits. What matters to me is whether he is an interesting and worthwhile addition to the KI cast. So far looks pretty good to me.

We have to keep in context here, too, that we are looking at character #27 in the game. Are we really going to see a character that is wholly novel? For that matter, you could make a good argument that Fulgore and Jago are both “shoto” characters, with fireballs and DPs. But has that diminished them in the game? Not in my opinion.

Killgore looks to borrow ideas from a lot of the existing cast, which frankly seems smart to me. He’s got Arbiter’s bullets, Tusk’s heat up (although with more of a gameplay implication here) Cinder’s burnout, Kan-Ra’s explosion (sandsplosion), and probably some other stuff I’m missing. But he’s also got some kind of rocket flip that seems entirely new, and novelty can be a new combination of old parts. Does anyone think Omen plays like Jago or like Sabrewulf just because he uses some of those animations?

I’m interested to see what they have in store.

EDIT: No one seems to be talking about his ability to fire his guns in the air Akuma fireball style. I know Arbiter can already do this, but that’s a huge element of any characters arsenal when they have the ability to do those kind of space controlling air attacks.


I’m loving him. He absolutely seems to have an endearing personality
Good job

He definitely fits the determined and clumsy yet formidable trope without being wtf like rash or ram imo.

Hope he has a theme!

The salute taunt can be a fun salt shaker too lmao

The only thing is I hear the same dash and base walk move audio clues of fulgorethat’s what makes me feel it’s a shoto most. Yes I know it’s an early model of fulgore but just think they go to such great levels to enrich the audio of KI-

Can’t they plug in a factory engine sound other than the stock fulgore audio clips idk

We really depend on audio to distinguish our core individual characters and that could’ve been an easy added difference imo

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I’d like it if they added the machine noises from Fulgore’s theme from KI2:-


I’m sorry but his ultra is LAZY

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Did you see his ultra??

yeah and I hope it is a placeholder

Show me please. I want to see his ultra.


I like it


See, it makes sense. It starts out like Fulgores, and then it turns into a weapons barrage. I love all the effects on it, and the boop flip. It seems so violent towards the end. Badass!

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Holy potential damage…

So Kilgore:

-Deals 0 chip damage when not fired up
-Deals burn when fired up
-Shots INSANE amounts of bullets when fired up
-Can zone decently well
-The Kilgore fails to convert the combo since performs a opener ender… but well…
-Poor, poor Raam…

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I agree… he looks fine to me. regardless of reused animations. and I just dont see Omen being a copy of Wulf or Jago. What exactly does he have that Jago has? a standing medium kick? Orda shield looks nothing like Eclipse…it may have looked close ont eh first Omen reveal but htat never made it into the final game.
Honestly nothing about Omen reminds me of any other character except his slide, which could be credited to Boss Shago or Orchid.

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Really? All of his kicks are directly from Jago and all of his punches are directly from Wulf. They look a lot less like the same animations after the reveal but it’s totally still the same ones.

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Set a cpu vs cpu match and pick Kilgore vs Kilgore…

He is TOTALLY different from Fulgore. Yes, some moves are there (he has one j. Kick from thunder too), but he looks nothing like Fulgore.

This character has less in common with Fulgore than Shago with Jago

His kicks are not the exact same. Now Shago and Jago are the exact same…but Omens are not. Maybe close, but not identical. his punches are no where close to Wulfs.HP, like no one elses…MP no one else… LP, ehhhhhh… maybe because it looks like a claw swipe?[quote=“Dayv0, post:96, topic:16956, full:true”]
Set a cpu vs cpu match and pick Kilgore vs Kilgore…

He is TOTALLY different from Fulgore. Yes, some moves are there (he has one j. Kick from thunder too), but he looks nothing like Fulgore.

This character has less in common with Fulgore than Shago with Jago

Are you trying to convince me? Because I dont believe i said he was identical? I agreed with Andy that he looks just fine to me regardless of reused animations. He is a MK bot so yes he does have reused animations. But you dont need to convince me that he looks awesome.

I fought him and he had new accessories. Guns, head and shins. Kind of a gold and blue darth vader helmet.

Edit: he also just joined my SL team. Excellent.
Has own theme. He has accessories to earn like the rest of the cast. You can earn them when he joins your team.


I wasn’t trying to convince you,I know we are in the same boat.

I’m on my phone, and the reply wasn’t meant to be directed to you particularly :frowning:

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So you can’t play as him yet?

Is Kilgore still in beta at this point? Only reason I ask is because after playing him in vs on Kyle difficulty he is far easier to beat than any other debuting character on Kyle. Seems like that to me at least.