Jago true face!

I’ll get one later this eve- catching up on some youtube /netflix :sparkling_heart:

Something about his face looks… Creepy, like he is a guy in a van driving up and asking if I want some candy

If he did… would you? ;3

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Real talk, he kinda looks like me.

“Get into my van!”

We need a hot jago like hot ryu

It’s so much more easy to see In person when you see her in Customization- it’s easy to see whomever at DH season one just didn’t ‘root’ her hair properly and in game, it was noted by some developer that her rig was unnatural, including her waist as the ichi ni San looks especially odd with that rig but she’s still beautiful, just minor flaws. As Orchid rocks back and forth, you can clearly see her skin behind the papery hair strips.

It was more evident in the season one build where you could zoom In on characters Very closely. I believe someone went in and tried to fill In a bit more paper strips of hair after a few complained about it-

Most obvious of this imperfection is in Aganos tease at end of Kan Ra’s trailer in season two.

Aganos knocks Orchid back- and snatched her wig lol

Maybe they were going to make a female Jago cosplay?yes maybe orchid and her head in back was not planned to be seen that close but if you can travel to foreign mountains to record an orchestra for authenticity you could at least fill
In the characters back head of hair :blush:
I don’t like the onion head and desert hat/glasses/ scarf Orchid accessories seemed like shortcuts for the awesome design in the ultra fan book. There was one Diana Prince military style in her concept art, I’d have loved but oh well.

Again, I believe the Orchid 3D model is still the most beautiful aside from Mira- it’s just small things that irk my favorite character ever 's execution. This is not at all a reflection of IG awesome game design or the stages or music, just want the same detail that went into arbiter or tusk theme into Orchids hair. Lol

On a positive note I love the retro hair but wish she had the Tanya from MKX style as it is truly retro Orchid.

I feel they gave Sadira retro Orchids retro hair

Mira’s body is amazing I like to think sometimes she is
Shadow Orchid

Even Kim Wu concept had a funky short style but glad they kept her defining look.
I just hate having this as customization options. What is all that?

Shutting my
Mouth now.


Indeed, that face is way too old for a 30 year old.

That is the face of a man…that stores his clothes iron in the top shelf of an overflowing junk closet…right next to a bowling ball.


Dude you are not even kidding


I swear he looks like Thunder’s brother! lol

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OH WOW!!! :joy::joy::sob::skull_crossbones:


No, you don’t have to shut your mouth because you are right about the flaws of Orchid and season one characters too while we’re at it, deserved to be polished like Arbiter, Tusk and especially Rash. I hope on their spare time, they can polished the cast to be equal in design quality.

Please @TempusChaoti @TheKeits when you have the chance and time.


thats perfect!

unbelievably perfect!

this may be my new desktop background!

Bow before the herald of memes

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Eagle? There’s pictures of him?

I think they planed to show his face with some of his accessories, but decided not to do so.

Wait… Did anyone notice there’s Filthy Frank in this picture?..

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Ravioli ravioli whats in the backgroundoli

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