Is Combo Assist Truly Helpful - Noob Perspective

Why do 90% of Americans drive automatic cars instead of manuals? I learned to drive an automatic car, and then one day my Grandfather surprised me with my own 1980s VW Beetle. It’s a manual. Because I was so used to the car doing everything for me, I couldn’t learn the stick shift. My habits were too engrained in my head and I already had an automatic car. While there were great advantages to using a manual (gas conservation), there wasn’t any real incentive for me to change my habits. In the end, he sold it to a girl who was able to use a manual.

This is my problem with CAM. What incentive does a noob have to NOT use it, IF they can use it during Ranked? I think it should be allowed in Offline play, local play, and Exhibition, but once you get to Ranked, its time to take the training wheels off.

What incentive to veteran players have to NOT use it?

For me, I found it limiting due to my style of gameplay, and the very fact that I generally use all manuals instead of auto-doubles unless I get a lock out, but the majority of the player base isn’t like me.

I don’t think its a bad idea, but I think there should be limits to where it can be used. The philosophy that people who want to move away from it as they improve is wrong, because they won’t, if CAM is all they know. It is VERY difficult to retrain your muscle memory (as in learning a fight stick… I couldn’t do it). I guarantee 90% of the CAM adopters won’t stop using it, once they’ve mastered the mechanics with it.

I can understand your frustrations in playing against button mashers who will throw all these auto doubles and linkers at you with ease. When you become good, you can read and recognize animations, you will find the button mashers to be highly breakable. CAM is a great opportunity for casuals to get something out of KI, in fact, my friend Eric who is not a fighting game player really enjoyed it. There will be people who master CAM to a point, but will never become amazing at KI because of CAM’s restrictions. Your brother doesn’t like button mashing, well he must be pretty hardcore, and not open to casual play. I would recommend he gets into some higher level KI. I have been easily able to recognize CAMs users online. My advice is to keep up your practice and you’ll set yourself apart from CAM users.

Considering I bought the game after CA was introduced I think I can drop in my 2 cents.

So I fired up the game for the first time I did now know this was a new feature. It was on by default and it is what I played with. At first it did seem like a mash fest BUT I noticed my combos were doing no damage for all these hits. I went into dojo. That helped me learn a bit (potential damage, shadow moves, enders etc.) and so I played with it on for most of this month but while also knowing that stuff. It was feeling really good. I was doing damaging combos, crushing people’s shadows and having a blast.

Then over time I had people tell me to not use it, I kind of just ignored it, then the game told me to not use it when playing on hard, I ignored it, then somebody I met the other day told me to try and learn without it and then it dawned upon me that if I were to ever go to a tourney or something and try and play with CA on, id be a laughing stock so yesterday I decided it was time to learn without it.

I can say that I am not doing as good as I was with it on, mainly because CA is almost like an autocorrect so even if I did something that would normally cause a drop, CA kind of let me keep going. I can say that CA did in fact help me. I think I would be a lot farther behind without it, as it kind of showed me what I need/should be doing in terms of keeping a combo going with linkers and all of that.

At this point its just a matter of muscle memory for me, so I do think CA served its purpose. It allowed me to kind of dip my toes into the game and get a feel for it to the point where I could play, and now that the training wheels are off, I can still play and do everything I was doing with it on, just without the assist and therefor feels more rewarding and satisfying.

I did find myself wondering though, why wouldn’t I use it? Like I said its almost an autocorrect feature, so why not take advantage of it since other people are? If it wasn’t for my personal feeling of wanting to learn the game like everybody else, I probably would have never turned it off lol

TLDR: I think it definitely does work as a set of training wheels and helps people learn the game (It did for me) but at the same time, its almost gives of a feeling of why even take of the training wheels when I can ride just fine with them on?