Iron Galaxy CPO Wants Yoshimitsu From Tekken As A Guest Character In Killer Instinct?

Nobody knows.
It is stated in his story that his sword is cursed, the rest is left up to the imagination.

Do want.

Also Iā€™m surprised nobody suggested using his Tekken 2 costume, which would serve very well as his retro:-

So classic!

Also this for his main costume:-

That way heā€™s not too ā€œSpinalā€ ā€œGlaciusā€ or ā€œArbiterā€ looking. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tekken 7 is my favourite Yoshimitsu. IF we ever did get him in KI thats the version Iā€™d like. Although they could give us a choice through his accessories obviously. Like with Arbiter.

I like the tekken 7 odd design but only if it were animated in a ki sequel

If ever he makes it into KI, it would be awesome if his Ultimate is no other than his Rage Art in Tekken 7.


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