Hi, everyone. First I’d like to say thank you all for participating. Next I’d like to say, I’m 100% sure it wasn’t me. Why do I know this? Because from 1100 to nearly 1600 I was running Top 8 Injustice 2 and on the stage.
So when you say TO, I think you actually meant the bracket runner who was running pools for KI. If I were there and have heard obscenities and what not, that would have stopped. We do not tolerate that in this community (or any other for that matter) @BigBadAndy You tagged me as if I’d allow such a thing and without even hearing the full story from all parties involved. I don’t fault you though. Not many people knows the difference between a judge/bracket runner and a TO. It was happening all weekend (and a bit annoying) We have our refs, those with the jackets that says REF on them, with the brackets in hand, and the TOs running the games/events stationed in the HQ area or walking around ensuring their corresponding games are running in order and asking the Refs if they’re good, running on time, if they need help, etc.
Heckling, hyping up your buddy, etc is nothing new to the fgc. It’s been happening since the beginning of time (arcades) and back then, we had to learn to deal with the crowd noise, the haters, fans, etc… Imagine being the visitor from the opposite coast and going against the hometown champion. You’re enemy. You’re elbow to elbow with your opponent on an arcade cabinet inside an arcade that’s not even 300sq ft, with 30+ people all crowed around your, on stools, over your shoulders, etc. We had to endure all that. On top of the tourney nerves and jitters.
Now I’ve been around. I’ve served in the military. So I have learned to develop tough skin and mute/block out things. The environment does and can affect performance, which I agree, but it’s not always going to be comfortable. You cannot prepare for it mentally. It’s something you’ll have to learn to deal with at that moment when it happens. Policed or not.
First time event. You’re well reserved, timid, maybe in a little culture shock, overwhelmed… not sure how to speak up or to whom… It’s hardly communicated anywhere what should happen if something like that ever takes place. Usually it’s common sense. Behave like decent human beings. Don’t embarrass yourselves. Treat others the way you want to be treated. All of that. You would think it shouldn’t have to be communicated. Right?
I believe, that when you looked at the person running pools (Mr. Renegade) and he “didn’t do anything”, he was behaving based on what we’re accustomed to. The hype crowd and etc. Now if there were names called, racist comments, and etc… he should have stepped in and asked them to please refrain from doing so. I don’t know the full story or what words were used or said, but the bottom line was you felt uneasy and uncomfortable about the whole thing that it disrupted your concentration. (it happens everywhere and with every sport. Especially football. It gets so loud that you can’t hear the play call or audible. Mistakes are made. I don’t have to get too detailed here, but you get the gist)
Just because you had a bad experience, doesn’t mean the community should stop entering events. You address the situation to the TO (me, not the guy who was running pools) and I’ll make sure to apologize for your experience and ensure that it won’t happen again by adding a disclaimer to all players traveling with friends/teammates. Maybe even having some sort of blocked area for spectating (which is asking a lot) but we’ll do our best to make sure your next experience is better and more enjoyable.
Please DM me via Twitter at @usmc_rotendo and I’ll take care of you.