IG you're doing it again

Oh my goodness… I was obviouly being sarcastic.

I said that because I made a post about voting with my wallet and I was relentlessly attacked by multiple people in and outside that thread.

You kind of jumped the gun there with tour assumptions kid. I didn’t even bother to read past the first sentence. Besides it was a joke, go out and get some fresh air and calm down.

EDIT: Read the rest of the post just in case you gave me a smart rebuttal, I just want to point out that I bought the S3 UE and think it is a great value worth the money so your whole post and the meaning behind it should not be in anyway related to me and what I said.

In my opinion, this proves my previous post about people here attacking like rabid wolves at anything not praising IG/MS KI or it’s community. Everyone here really needs to chill.

Obligatory reply to have the last word. Jk.

There is some toxic behavior, it’s hard not to be sucked in. There’s alot of: “oh you disagree with someone that doesn’t like something in the game. You must be one of those white knighting IG fanboi.”

And: "you should like everything about this game because they didn’t have to make KI in the first place. "

Yes it’s bad but I don’t think it hit crisis levels

Ps: It wasn’t obvious that you were being sarcastic. Peoples say such things all the time and are dead serious about it. Very difficult to read sarcasm.

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So you read the first sentence, made a ranty reply, and then read the rest and ranted some more? One of us is acting like a child, but I’m relatively sure it isn’t me. :confused:

If any of what I wrote in my first response struck you as being attacked for having an opinion, then you probably need a better calibrated sense of discussion. I specifically said “generic you” to illustrate that my point was not specifically directed at you or anyone in particular. So please feel free to calm yourself - I wasn’t picking a fight with you before, and am not doing so now.

As a friendly note however, a little moderation in your tone might keep you from getting into nonsense spats with random forum members. Take that advice however you will.

So now I am a child? You ask me what I was talking about to something I was saying to someone only semi serious was being sarcastic in way I was referring to people as wolves and obviously no one is going to give someone their left arm… you seriously believed I meant that?

I never said what you said was aimed towards me I was just putting it out there since you mentioned me in the same post I wanted to disassociate myself with the people you were talking about complaining about the price and value of the UE as it wasn’t my personal view.

If you see that as ranting,

By the way, 3 sentences isn’t ranting (you wrote 4 paragraphs to my OP which was one, so whos ranting?) lol,

I don’t care. You win, I am wrong on whatever it is we are saying you are right, praise IG (seriously, love this game) and all that jazz. I really do not wish to argue like high school kids back and forth like most people do here it is getting really irritating. I will take the L and move on with my life.
