IG needs your help to nerf/buff some characters. Fun game 2.0

(+) Heavy Rashakuken crashes the game resulting in a disconnection loss for the opponent.

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(+) Maya now has 4 daggers, 2 attached to her arms and two attached to her feet.

(+) Upon hitting Maya’s arms or legs, the opponent with receive 20% damage due to Maya’s new pointy-ness.

(-) In order to throw her daggers, Maya has to detach her limbs.

[ Developer notes: We felt that Maya needed even more of a risk/reward style of gameplay, in order to bring her in line with Mira’s “Nyah, you can’t touch me, I have bats, I hurt, but I’m made from paper!” style of risk/reward, we decided to make it so Maya literally loses a limb to throw a dagger. In order to get a decent amount of damage out of juggle state, it’s likely all of Maya’s limbs will have to be fired off, eventually leaving her rolling around the floor in a ball while the player attempts to dodge everything. In order to start a further juggle combo, all limbs must be collected or Maya is only left with the attacks that correspond to that button, or if she has no limbs at the time, only her dash (which will now be a slow roll around the stage.) We hope this new style of risk/reward will appeal to players and we feel it’s sure to make her Dagger Assault ender more interesting.]

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Glacius (+) leaves ice after liquification at the point he left from. That pieces of ice work as a trap. Similar to sadira s net.

Killer Instinct
(+)Removed lag from the game.
(+)Removed rage quitting the game.
(+)Double ultras removed from online.
(+)T-bagging and taunting does not work online anymore.
(-)Online play no longer exists in KI.
Developer Notes: Throughout the lifespan of KI, we noticed that many players were frustrated with online. We tried our best with the netcode but even that isn’t enough. As a result, we decided to remove online play from the game. Now you won’t have to deal with lag or rage quitting. Conveniently, many are also frustrated with the opponent t-bagging/taunting and it got removed from online as well. Get a life losers.


Someone else on these forums watches SGB?! Oh yeah!


(+) Rash receives a unique new taunt linker to promote his thrusting abilities in combos.
(+) Can alternate between fast and slow thrusts to mess with breaking timings.
(+) As this is the ultimate and sexiest linker it does the most damage of any linker in the game.
(-) If at least 3 thrust attempts haven’t been attempted by 30 seconds, rash automatically loses a health bar.

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Oh no. I just tried to find a vid with medievil 2 dankenstein part. It’s a play on zinc’s joke about maya losing her limbs and all.

Don’t worry. I do too they’re funny.


+Gargos now has excellent defense and all his moves are as fast as Jago’s.

  • Gargos no longer has a retro.

-removed MS copyright and trademark claims to KI and they are now given solely to Nintendo
+Fulgore has been added as a Smash character, and a new KI is being made for the Switch, with heavy focus on motion controls and characters will unlock only via Amiibos. However after that Nintendo will claim they have no clue how to attatch a gimmick to the franchise and the franchise will go dormant again sitting on the shelf right next to F-Zero for the next 15 years. Yoshi will get a Riptor skin for the sequel to Yoshi’s Wooly World, Yoshi’s Clay Land.


To encourage more female players to the game we are removing Jago and replacing him with Edward Cullen (Twilight).

In the same manner, Sabrewulf will be replaced with Jacob Black

Orchid will be replaced with Bella Cullen.

isn’t that counterproductive? Trading a spy for a


Oh yeah she sparkles alright.