If you had to delete one character in the game what would it be?


I’m going to be the odd one out and say Aganos. 1 is the design of the character as he doesn’t appeal to me. Second is his involvement with the story. He’s one of those characters that if you remove him from the universe, nothing will change. His only purpose is to contain Kan Ra which he ends up ditching (at the moment at least, not that it matters because that is Maya’s goal as well) to help Thunder find his brother, which also doesn’t matters because Thunder is going do that anywaya with or without Aganos. Call me an Aganos hater if you want, I just don’t see the point of him being in the story, this is my point of view of the character anyways and it’s not fact.

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You need to watch some RicoSuave matches

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Ive only seen the one from the World Cup. Is there more?

He streams a lot. You can probably see some of his matches on twitch.

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I was surprised to see that Shadow Jago at first, but then I saw that Omen was in the lead instead.

I almost chose Omen, as he doesn’t quite feel like a complete character, since he seems to lack in a lot of areas, but in the end, I decided to put my vote towards Tusk.

Tusk is a very simple character, both conceptually, visually, and lore-wise (so far, from what we know about him). His moves are slow and very uninteresting (they lack “flash” or substance when compared to other characters) and rely on a braindead mechanic that IMO has to do more with luck than actual skill (in my defence, I have yet to see a good Tusk). Furthermore, he is ugly in the face. His teeth and eyes are too big, his voice doesn’t match, and his winning stance as he plants the sword into the ground looks wonky and unrealistic to me.

That being said, all of his accessories are awesome, as is his intro.


No question
Kan Ra for me. Honorable mention goes to Sadira. 3rd, Shadow Jago.

The character that comes after Gargos.

He’s the only character I have at level 1.

I voted Omen, but not because I want him out
because I don’t like his design, he looks like an otaku dude on pijamas.


Lol. what an interesting point of view.

If they ever give him COMPLETE customization, they should have a “pajamas” costume set.

Sorry, english is not my native language, so I make dumb type mistakes sometimes

Your English was fine. no problem.

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<3 <3 <3

All this omen hate breaks my heart
sad face.


 I know how your feel
 Kan-Ra hater break my heart too

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If omen had an actual face

Then he’d turn everyone to stone and be considered op and nerfed obviously.

Am I the only one that absolutely despises playing Riptor? She is such a pain in the ■■■ man. Once she get’s you into that vortex you’re literally stuck to completely guess on what she’s gonna do next and the worst part is that if you somehow get lucky and manage to block her endless mix-up, she can just runaway while shooting fireballs at you
how is that fun?

Also, if I could pick a second it would be Tusk. He gets rewarded way too much for braindead gameplay and he looks like he belongs in a ps2 game